into the dust .. howlingstar

. ° ✦ Bravepaw has never been scared of the authority of his Clan. He was not so outspoken like Foxpaw may have been in the face of their actions or words, but he did stand up for himself and challenge where he felt he might win the argument. It was easy when he was confronted about the way he still prayed for Fallowpaw after her disappearance. How he could never revoke his loyalty and hope for his friend, that StarClan wouldn't be so cruel as to deny mercy just because of birthright.

While the Gathering had concluded and Howlingstar had made the change official at home, Bravepaw felt every grueling hour with boring agony. There were only so many nests between him, his littermates, and Spiderlily's kits to clear. The elders had run out of stories to tell (and had begun to find his asking irritable), but he didn't want to look lazy, either. What else could he do? There wasn't enough space in the clearing of the ravine to feel comfortable and besides, there was nothing to really practice on either other than some old moss balls and sticks...

In his frustrations he knows Howlingstar is in her den. It's vacant from any of her lead warriors or new deputy, and his paws are moving before he has any words to say but all too suddenly, Bravepaw is there. A collection of curly, wispy fur that stood with paws still needing to be grown into and ears set too wide on his head. A kit in all things but name, as it had been put. Feelings he couldn't navigate on his own just yet, torn between shouting them so they did not spill over and being perceived as a bad child or keeping silent in favor of being seen as good and following his namesake.

The emotions that raged felt far bigger than him, and it took several moments of silence while they seethed and cooled as he stood in front of Howlingstar. His ears pinned flat, angled back and his tail twitching like an agitated serpent.

"... Are you mad at us?" Despite his question his own anger was clear in his voice. He didn't know where to place it or how, but the overwhelming insecurity of not being good enough was just as strong. "I don't... I don't like being stuck in camp. And doing all these chores it-it... Hmph." Bravepaw sharply turned his head away to blink away the tears forming in his eyes. He couldn't cry, crying wasn't being fearless.

"I had so much fun being outside of camp with Mister Sunfreckle. And now its all taken away and you- you don't have to watch all the leaders go do... leader stuff and laugh and leave you behind." His words are muddled by the rush of adrenaline and he can't reel them in enough to clear his head.
 ° .  . ° 
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
  • Haha
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Howlingstar has seen many visitors in her hollowed out den, but this might just be the youngest that has stepped foot in here. Of course, besides her grandchildren when they'd been young and scampered into her space frequently to play. She gets to her paws and looks at Bravepaw curiously, with her head tilted and tail sweeping the ground. Are you mad at us? He asks, and the innocence of the question brings a gentle smile to her face.

She paces forward until she is standing just in front of him and sits herself down, wrapping her fluffy tail around her paws. "No, I'm not mad at you. At any of you," She tells him softly, voice low and cooing like she had talked to her own kits so long ago. She sighs and gives him a moment to catch his breath, his tears a reminder of why this law had been necessary. He is just a little child, tearfully complaining about being camp-bound, and who could blame him? He never should have gotten his ceremony in the first place. She knows that now.

"I'm sure it was fun. But outside of camp is also dangerous. There are foxes and badgers, and other clan cats you have to watch out for. This law is to keep you safe, not to punish you. I promise, on the dawn of your sixth moon you will be free to go wherever you like again! With Sunfreckle, of course," She chuckles, then cocks her head to the other side. "Have you spent much time playing instead of doing chores? There are far better ways to spend all this time in camp, you know."