Feb 8, 2023

Though the cusp of her apprenticeship was a time of excitement and optimism, now that she's well on the path to becoming a warrior herself, Moorpaw experiences some trepidation about the journey ahead. Gone are the carefree pleasures of kithood, vanished into the realm of not-too-distant memory, and ultimately replaced with responsibilities that were as unfamiliar as they were daunting. It was something she had primed herself for, daydreamed about even, but the cold hard reality of it has proven more intimidating than she imagined; particularly after witnessing what callous fate had struck Juniperfrost, and especially after being assigned to Tigerfrost.

In defiance of the doubts and uncertainties whirring about her mind, Moorpaw puts in a stern effort to awake extra early today. Being the leader's daughter comes with a hefty set of expectations, some implied and others professed, and so it is in her favour to excel as an apprentice. That calls for being punctual, for one, along with complying to her mentor's every whim. She isn't yet aware of what Tigerfrost demands of her, but she regards him as a strong, if not strict warrior—showing up early will work out in her benefit, right?

Emerald eyes still brimming with crust and drowsiness, the inkspill she-cat dawdles on raring paws toward his brawny form. "Heya, Tiguh-frost!" she greets, or at least attempts to through a yawn. "Wha're we doin' tuh-day?"






Tigerfrost had intended to wake Moorpaw, and indeed, his paws were already set on a path toward her nest. Much to his surprise, the youth was already awake, blinking drowsiness away as she approaches him with a tired greeting. Tigerfrost's fiery eyes glimmer briefly with amusement, but at least he can respect the eagerness of the youth. No doubt Moorpaw would grow to become a fine WindClan warrior.

"We are going on an adventure." Tigerfrost offers gruffly, gazing down at the apprentice with a frame shadowed by the rising sun. "I intend to show you the territory. Every border, and every place of interest. If there's still time afterward, I may teach you a hunter's crouch as well." The Lead Warrior adds with a curl of his tail. "First things first, pick something from the pile to eat, and make it fast. We have a long day ahead of us and you'll need all the energy you can get." He concludes, the sly beginnings of a thin smirk crawling across his maw, before his expression rapidly shifts back to stone.

"Any questions?" Tigerfrost inquires as he heads toward the fresh-kill pile.

The weight of her mentor's snow-swept glare bears down on Moorpaw's shoulders. Her head cranes upward to meet his piercing eyes, backbone tensing at their probing scrutiniy. Though she certainly idolises the older tom, for he's a reputable warrior within WindClan's ranks, his intimidating character undoubtedly outweighs the admiration which she holds. So, so many scars. How many, she wonders, might she have earned by the time a full name is given to her?

A blink jolts her from the distracted stupor, and to play it off, she forces another jaw-splitting yawn as he drawls on. Going off what has said thus far, it sounds as though neither of them are coming back to camp for a good while—a notion both daunting and exciting. Tigerfrost needn't tell her twice to prepare for the day ahead. At her mentor's instruction, Moorpaw scampers off to the fresh-kill pile, planting both paws at the pile's rim and wolfing down whatever lay at the top. A thrush, to be specific, though it didn't look much like one by the time she'd finished her meal.

Once she regains her breath, the girl pivots her noggin and trains her gaze on Tigerfrost's. "Wha's a hunter's crouch?" she asks innocently enough, tilting her head askew as the term festers in her mind. "Is it some type of fighting move?"

When the query is addressed, and all is said and done, Moorpaw departs from camp on her mentor's heels. There's a pep to her step, tail held stiff behind her, and a glint of enthusiasm in her eyes.





"A hunting crouch is a crouch one can use to get closer to prey. You don't want a rabbit to see you before you're even close enough to chase it down, and some prey, such as birds, are easier to sneak up to than to chase, given their ability to simply fly away." Tigerfrost explains, rather amused by the youth. She was certainly inquisitive, and all too eager to learn. "Don't worry though, we'll be learning 'fighting moves' soon enough, as well. Just not today." He admits, flicking his tail as a gesture for the youth to follow.

Together, they peel away from the hollow that was their home. He heads first toward the sun-warmed pool, the start of their long journey. As they travel, Tigerfrost questions his apprentice, "Give the air a sniff. Do you think you can smell anything?" It's a rather broad question, but he does not specify. Whether she scents her clan-mates, or any local prey, or something else entirely, he will await her answer.