camp INTO THE THICK OF IT! | 'frog invasion'

Feb 6, 2024
Sneezepaw had not been assigned to patrol today, nor had Sharpshadow brought him out to train. It was a painfully average day, spent sunbathing and lazing about after his normal duties were finished with. Normally, he wouldn't mind, but.. something about the warmer weather had Sneezepaw particularly energized and happy, with a thoughtful head swarming with ideas and wonder. There had to be something to do with all this joy.. and Sneezepaw had just the idea.

There were stray, dead leaves thrown about camp, survivors through leaf-bare from the last leaf-fall. While the oranges and browns were pretty in their matching setting, they looked ugly and rotten under the vibrant sunlight of summer. Something had to be done to make camp more.. appealing. But a normal boring old leaf-collection duty just wouldn't do, would it? The early half of Sneezepaw's day was spent making an elaborate plan - gathering all the leaves he could into one spot, mapping out his route, and then searching for brave warriors.. for he was going to lead a patrol against the frog (leaf) invaders and clear them out of camp once and for all!

Three cats had been recruited to his cause, to start. Marblekit was the first, for any kitten would be eager to play into Sneezepaw's games of pretend. Then, he found company in Haretooth and Chilledstar (though his acceptance of Chilledstar was shy and awkward). He had gathered them all around the nursery, where he first found Marblekit, and began to explain his idea with an urgent whisper. "Chilledstar! There are frogs about.. we must investigate! I, Sneezetuft, will lead the patrol.. Marblecloud, you are my second in command! Chilledstar and Haretooth, take the rear.. make sure we don't get ambushed.."

And so, Sneeze'tuft' took off with his band of brave, strong warriors to investigate the rumors of a frog invasion. His path was elaborate, leading in a wide circle around the outskirts of camp - under roots, over rocks, and all the while moving sneakily and shifty. Every once in a while he would pause and crouch, leading his patrol to do the same, for danger lurks around every corner.. and when the coast is clear, he continues onward.

At last, about a quarter of the way around the camp's walls, Sneezepaw raises his tail to signal for a pause, and drops into a crouch behind a rock. "Shh! Look!" In front of the patrol, flicking along by the breeze, was a large and dull green leaf - behind it, flitting about by the same wind, were as many leaves as Sneezepaw could gather. If he squinted and tilted his head, they kinda looked like frogs, right? The apprentices gasps, loud and dramatic, and flattens his ears against his head. "No way! It's.. it's Frogstar! And his whole entire Clan are here! I knew it!"

Sneezepaw turns to his patrol, dipping his head to Marblecloud first, and then giving the others as serious of a stare as he could muster. "Frogstar and his Clan are invading again.. we have to chase them out!" His gaze lands on Marblecloud again. "Marblecloud! As my second in command, you must help me make a strategy! How should we attack?"

// @marblekit @CHILLEDSTAR. @Haretooth but no need to wait!

  • sneezekit SNEEZEPAW
    ━━ APPRENTICE of SHADOWCLAN | 7 MOONS ,, ages every 2nd
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none

  • speech is #ffcc8a

the young must stay young. so much pain and turmoil comes from being a warrior. so much of it was rewarding– to be such a staple in one's clan means so much to so many. to be able to protect loved ones, carry a legacy, build ones of their own and pass it on to their kits, and their kits' kits... that's what being a warrior is. and when their work was finally done, they're returned to the stars, endless hunting fields and peace amongst them. but it's never just that easy. for every good thing, there is a bad. to be a warrior is not easy. never has been and never would be. so much loss and pain. and so... they want the young to stay young. to be free from the turmoil and pain they'd have to deal with. for that reason, they don't mind pretending at all.

their ears perked up curiously at sneezepaw– or rather sneezetuft– commanding a patrol. with a strong nod of their head they stand up, moving to cover the flank of said "patrol."

"of course. you are one of the most trusted cats within my counsel. I know you can make the right decision for our clan. you and marblecloud both."

they give their blessing to be commanded, unable to help the small smile tugging at their lips. they wished their childhood could have been as simple as playing clan.

———————---***i try to live in black and white***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    47 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

Gigglekit had happened to overhear Sneezepaw's - Sneezetuft, rahter - grand plan to drive out the invading Frogstar and his minions, and what kind of ShadowClanner would she be if she didn't act in her Clan's interest and help to be rid of the invaders? After all, she was a veteran when it came to driving out frogs, as she'd lived through the great invasion in Newleaf. With Marblecloud leading the charge, Gigglekit knew that the frogs stood no chance of survival.

But, she thought, who was Gigglekit? No! She was Gigglemaw, named so after her dedication to becoming a warrior just like ShadowClan's faithful deputy, Smogmaw!

"Lead us to victory, Marblecloud!" Gigglemaw whisper-shouted to the patrol's leading warrior, excitement in her tone. Those frogs didn't have a clue what was coming to them.

Marblekit had been eager to abandon her nap at Sneezepaw's request, though she spends some time rubbing the sleep from her eyes. The fawn she-kit tumbles toward Chilledstar and Haretooth, dried-moss eyes wide and round with pretend. "Frogs," she mock-hisses, pretending to fluff her short fur up against the stagnant marsh air. "They came back for more, huh!" It's easy to laugh about it now, but she'll never forget just how startled she'd felt when the frogs had actually invaded their camp... she has to hold herself together to prevent a shudder.

Sneezepaw declares himself Sneezetuft and calls her Marblecloud, which draws a tremulous smile to her pale lips. She likes that name. It makes her think of Siltcloud, of good memories, of resting against a dull sand-colored pelt and drinking in the scents of her mother and littermate. She thrusts her chin into the air, giving both Chilledstar and Haretooth self-important looks.

And then—then Sneezetuft asks her for her expertise to defeat the patrol of frogs built up behind "Frogstar"! Marblek—Marblecloud lets her tail snake into the air, her eyes narrowing into dull mold-colored slits. Gigglemaw's cries of support only fuel her further. "I'll distract Frogstar," she tells her patrol importantly. "The rest of you sneak around and attack his patrol!"

She stumbles out of line and crouches in front of Frogstar. "You!" she growls, flexing her unblooded claws. "You'll pay for attacking ShadowClan!"

  • ooc:
  • pcAn1D5.jpeg
  • Marblekit, she/they w/ feminine and non-gendered terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 5 moons old, ages realistically on the 1st.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a
    — shadowclan kit, formerly a rogue. siltcloud x lilacfur, gen 3.
    — currently mated to n/a.
    — penned by Marquette.

    sh fawn tabby with dull green eyes. courageous, curious, introspective, observant, judgmental, snarky.



To know oneself is to know their mind intimately, to indulge both in reality and in the imagination and know how to separate the both of these things. It seems like the youth of ShadowClan are not only indulging in the imagination aspect of knowing oneself. Rather the youth seem to be thriving in it. Who would Haretooth be if he would not foster such a relationship between the youth and the world of make believe. His head perks up at Sneezepaws request to join him on his “patrol”, he was eager to participate in his own peculiar way.

Haretooth gives a simple nod in response to Sneezetuft’s command “Understood Sneezetuft, I will guard yourself and Marblecloud with my life. Not a single frog will slip past us.” He proclaims with a wry smile, glancing to his partner on this mission. He wondered how Chilledstar felt about this, presumably things were well as they were smiling. As the group charges forward he finds his footfall slowing, so he could properly linger behind them all.

Even if this was just a game he would delegate the same amount of respect he would have if given a proper command. It just so happened that he wasn’t over his seething hatred for frogs based on previous events so he was more than happy to be a witness to their destruction. Even if said destruction was through a kitten and if they weren’t real frogs. As done before he heeds Marblecloud’s command “Chilledstar, do you think you could protect Marblecloud and I’ll divert to taking the rear of the rest of the patrols onslaught?” He thought that it seemed like a sound strategy, he would loathe if there was a second patrol of Frogstar’s warriors waiting to blind side their own patrol.