camp intro | ☼ | marbled memories


Jul 24, 2023

[ are your eyes tired? you've been sleeping ... ]
soft the steps on beds of pine needles, hushed the air, so still with nary a bird's cry. far below the blue toned skies scatted with sun-kissed clouds, under boughs of pine heavy with life trod a small figure. he was dwarfed alongside the lumbering giant conifers, blue eyes fixed sky-ward in awe. there was no undergrowth to hinder the tom's path, no obstacle to block his step, and as burdened as he was by his fresh prize of a robin, he was glad for it. the ways of the wild cats were becoming a learned mannerism for the tom, a daylight warrior in his own turn.

the forest was not as intimidating of a place as it once had been, back when he was a scrap of fur full of guts and big ideas. today was ... much different. he was no longer as small and he wasn't as gutsy as he had been in the past. catch hanging in his jaws, bunnyhop pushed deeper into the territory of skyclan, headed towards the camp so gently nestled in a protected hollow, sentries of fern and bramble imposing an intimidating ring of protection. standing at the top of the slope of the hollow, gazing down upon the life within camp, the kittypet wound his way down into the hollow and through the gap in the brambles into camp.

offering a soft mrrrp of greeting to the nearest clanmate, his stubby tail raised in greeting as he slowly walked towards the elderberry bush that protected the freshkill pile, the tom walked towards the stump in the middle of camp. the sun was warm on his back, his head tipping back to look skywards as he heard the tell-tale call of sparrows and chickadees flying in the trees above and around the camp. eyes crinkling in a sense of joy, grateful for the sun's warmth on his pale fur, he lowered his head to gaze around camp for familiar faces, whiskers pushed forward in interest at the scents around him. settling himself near to the tree stump most warriors seemed to prefer for sunning themselves, he sat and lifted a paw to groom, drawing it over his left ear with a pleased puff of breath leaving his lungs.

sorry if my writing is a little rusty, it's been a while since i've written warriors ocs! //

[ "Speech." | tags ]
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The scared brute paused, helm pivoting to catch sight of Bunnyhop slipping through the camp’s entrance carrying prey, molten copper crinkled in quiet greetings, having recently returned from his own patrol.

With a grumble, Duskpool heaved himself to his paws, his figure looming as he padded towards the pale-furred feline, expression deadpan, watching the other with an inquisitive optic. “How ya doin’, kid?” He commented, sitting a few lengths away from the younger tom, rolling his shoulder, attempting poorly to ease the twinge that had grown from overwork.

“Seems you landed somethin’ decent, not bad, kid.” He’d rumble, pivoting to watch the other.
thought speech

Having hailed originally from a place poisoned by the savagest of Clans, especially toward kitty pets and outsiders... it had taken Mallowlark a while to stop being surprised when he found cats adorned with collars or smelling vaguely of Twoleg waltzing about. It bothered him not- it was he way of his home, and thus he took it in his stride as he did every other fact of life. One such daylight warrior caught his attention as he waltzed into camp- wide, unblinking silver eyes snapped lightning-quick to the striding tom as he set down his catch, and Mallowlark rose to inky paws, following Duskpool to dip his toes into the conversation.

Staring, staring- his gaze bore down at the other tom, grin near-splitting his face in twain. "Yeah," he chirped in agreement to Duskpool's verdict, nodding a little too enthusiastically. "Those things are hard to grab! 'Specially the little flappy ones. One once whacked me right in the nose," he mused, eyes glazing over for a moment with the memory.


Fantastream makes her way into SkyClan's camp with her tail held high, her sunshine colored eyes looking, searching, for familiar faces. To her, Clan life was fun, a place where all of her friends lived. Sure, she knew the dangers that came with being a forest cat (just look at Figfeathers poor leg!) but just hearing about them was much different than experiencing them for yourself and she had never been quite so unlucky. So far, most of her days spent in SkyClan included learning, which she was grateful for the cats who were helping to teach her.

Her eyes settle upon familiar snow white fur. Mallowlark was a strange tom but he was kind and her ma had always told her kindness was worth its weight in - well - anything you could imagine! So she makes her way to the small group, eager to see what it was that they were talking about. Her eyes find the prey in question, a bird. She had yet to catch one. So far her expertise lay in ground creatures. "Any of ya'll got any good tips on catchin em?" she asks. Evreytime she had tried to stalk one they had heard her and flitted away, leaving her claws empty.


A shrill yell to cut through the otherwise calm and peaceful moment, to interrupt pleasantries and compliments and questions as they practically shoved past others carelessly to get closer. Half-tail waving with excitement, their eyes scoured the freshly-caught bird before they made another reckless bee-line for their older look-alike.

"That... is a COOL bird you caught Bunnyhop!" Beaming up at him with all the childlike wonder one would expect, it wasn't until they'd declared their own opinion on the catch that they remembered there were more than just the two of them. That part of being a SkyClanner was the part they forgot the most... just how many there were out here.

Looking back to the peers they'd rushed through without hesitation, a sheepish grin is returned to them in apology, ears folding as they back up slowly to sit amongst them rather than weaseled into the center of attention. It is at Fantastream's inquiry that makes Edenpaw lose all sense of shame as curiosity overcomes them, "Oh yes! Yes! How do you do it?"