Jan 5, 2023
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The moor is sunlit and cool, the air a mild temperature as gentle winds danced through the growing grass. Flowers were starting to bloom, and insects could be heard among the sprouting plants. Over their heads, songbirds returned from distant lands, specks of vibrant color against the cloudy blue sky. As pleasant as the morning is, though, Tigerfrost is more akin to a storm cloud. He assumes the apprentice at his side is far from enthused with what was to come, no matter how serene their surroundings might seem. Eventually, the dusty hued tabby pauses. They were fairly close to Outlook rock, could see it's stony structure jutting from the dry earth. This was good enough, the lead warrior thinks. So he stops, turns to face Snailpaw with blistering eyes of flame.

"Before we begin, I need to know you a bit better than I do." Tigerfrost points out, his vocals as gruff as ever. Whatever distrust and dislike he has, he swallows it down for now, tucks it away where it could not distract him from learning, and potentially, understanding. After all, if he was to train Snailpaw, then he would need to do so without the shadow of doubt lingering over his head like some vile typhoon. "What do you already know? How good is your hunting and your combat?" The tom questions. They could start easy, before the real work began.

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They'd been in a trance since Sootstar's intervention. Paws felt as if they were walking on clouds and their mind was full of despair they were sure the others would call melodramatic. Firefang's betrayal had been the straw that broke the camel's back, with no energy to even try and pull the same stunts on Tigerfrost as they had done with their old mentor, Snailpaw followed after the Lead Warrior. Each stride left their feet near-dragging against the ground, their silence an unusually cold one. They couldn't even be happy about being rid of Shrikewing for good, their new mentor was someone with harsh words and an even harsher face, assigned to re-train both their body and their mind to be just as loyal as any other WindClanner. They wish they hadn't been scared enough to omit to tell the den that leaving would have perhaps been the kindest thing they could do for the moor. It takes a second for them to acknowledge that Tigerfrost stopped, the classic tabby practically ground their paws into the earth to halt themselves.

A solemn look was cast upwards, the apprentice's fuzzy brow cast upwards as they tried to decipher what Tigerfrost meant by that. Mentally, they began to prepare a speech, one that included their age, their most daring escapades, and any family drama that the Lead Warrior may not have been aware of. The words quickly caught in their throat when Tigerfrost elaborated that he simply wanted to know about hunting and combat. Of course. Ears flat and whiskers pointed forwards, it took Snailpaw a few too many seconds to answer. "I can hunt, for the most part. And fighting... um..." They glanced down towards their foreleg, unable to see the ugly pink scar running down the back of it from this angle but its presence still lingered at the forefront of the tabby's mind. "I know how to fight rats?" Their grin was hollow, and their attempt at nervous humour flattened the moment the words left their mouth. They cleared their throat, adding words quickly to avoid receiving their first-ever reprimand from Tigerfrost. "I fall asleep sometimes when I'm too stressed or too happy. I dunno what it is about combat that brings out the sleepiness too, but it does! There was an accident and... I guess my mentor was worried about sparring with me ever since? I dunno, I guess what I'm saying is that I can't fight well like, at all.

They kept their attention on the ground, finding it a much more comforting sight than Tigerfrost's glare, which Snail could only imagine was full of presumptions and frustration.
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So, they could hunt. Tigerfrost would have to test that claim, of course. But it was better than nothing. As for combat, Snailpaw is considerably less confident in their abilities. They go on to explain their apparent ability to fall asleep in stressful situations. Tigerfrost had witnessed this before, when the apprentice had sparred with Weaselclaw. Head-sickness, some had called it. Perhaps that was what it was, he was no medicine cat, no master of the mind. What did Tigerfrost know? But it was clear enough that this apparent sleepiness was going to be their biggest obstacle in getting Snailpaw to shape up. So... that meant that, initially, they'd need to find some way to manage it. Curing it might have been impossible, for all he knew, but perhaps there were ways to lessen it's effects. For a time, he is quiet, thoughtful. He doesn't know what will help Snailpaw, but he does know what helps him. Of course, Tigerfrost does not share any sort of illness, like Snailpaw. But... it was worth a try, he supposed.

"Alright. We need to try and see if we can manage this condition of yours a bit better. To start, I'm putting you on a routine, one that I expect you to follow. Understood?" Whether it helped or not, time would tell. "Every morning, first thing you do is eat breakfast. Then, before we start practice, I want you to stretch, perhaps jog around a bit. Something to loosen you up a little." Physically, anyways. Tigerfrost isn't sure that anything would loosen Snailpaw up in terms of their mind. "A little before sun-high, each day, I want you to nap. Not a long nap, thirty minutes or so. It might help you stay refreshed through the rest of the day." Might, he emphasizes. Tigerfrost has no idea, and he doubts Snailpaw does either. "Find some place shady and quiet where you won't be disturbed. After the nap, stretch again if I'm not available to take you out for more practice. I also want you to go to sleep at the same time each night, when possible. If clouds are covering the moon, just... give it your best guess. I will try to wake you around the same time each morning, until your body grows used to it and does it on it's own." It was really the best they could do, in terms of telling time.

He quiets for a moment, trying to think on what else could be done. Asides from staying well fed, exercising, and getting some rest throughout the day, Tigerfrost isn't quite sure what else he could think of. Advising an apprentice to take naps was certainly a rather... unorthodox approach, but perhaps Snailpaw just needed the extra sleep to function. Perhaps the problem wasn't head-sickness, but body sickness, something undiscovered that made the youth so tired. Tigerfrost has certainly never fallen asleep in the middle of a battle before, but he can only imagine how exhausted one must be to actually manage such a thing. Quite the conundrum indeed.

"Alright. Now, you're going to stretch, like I said. After that, we're going hunting. I want to make certain you actually have an idea of what you're doing. If you fall asleep, try to remember what you were thinking, or how you were feeling, beforehand. When you wake up, I'll ask you about it. Perhaps we can figure out some way to prevent it, or... lessen the attacks somehow." He advises gruffly. This was necessary, of course. Staying in camp sleeping all day was not an option. Snailpaw was to be a Moor Runner, which meant that hunting and fighting would simply be a part of their life, whether they liked it or not. Tigerfrost is willing to consider all angles and accommodations, if it meant getting Snailpaw where they needed to be, in terms of becoming a fully fledged WindClan Warrior. He doesn't want to hear the apprentice give up, no. Sootstar had given him a task, to train Snailpaw as best he could. She has given the apprentice a second chance. Now, it was time to make the most of that, in all the ways that they could.

"Communicate to me. I am not trying to get you killed. I am trying to get you your warrior name. I am stubborn and brash but that does not mean that I intend to ignore all of your problems. I cannot help you if you refuse to be open with me. This is not a one-cat show. You have problems that need fixing, but I can't do it for you. We will have to learn to manage them together. Got it?" He sounds as gruff and imposing as ever, and his words leave little room for nonsense. He has given Snailpaw his expectations and now he expects that the apprentice will do as they are told. It is clear though that Tigerfrost is being earnest, despite his icy exterior. Tigerfrost might not have been gentle or kind, but he was not senselessly cruel, either. No, he had laid everything out on the table for the apprentice, and now it was Snailpaw's turn to do the same.

"Do as I do." They could discuss further in the process of stretching, if Snailpaw wished. For now though, Tigerfrost takes a moment to stretch out his hind legs, flexing one outward, and then the other as his back sinks downward in a flexible arch that prompts his muscles to burn. A familiar and welcome sensation. Now that everything had been laid out, the real work would begin. Finding the root cause of Snailpaw's condition, or learning to manage it as best they could. If Snailpaw could overcome their apparent 'head-sickness', then they'd surely have proven themselves worthy of their warrior name. Provided, of course, they were on par with Warriors in terms of skill, and loyalty. All of which Tigerfrost intended to test in the coming moons.