camp invade us, in innocent song ☄ Missing Kit!


Hot headed!!!!
Nov 2, 2023
*+:。.。 "Slugkit is missing!"

Singepaw's caterwaul broke through the peaceful morning atmosphere like a rock flung into a still lake. The apprentice looked frantic, ears flat and eyes shifty, dancing on paws too nervous to lay still. He was thrumming with too much energy. That, at least, wasn't a lie.

"I'm sorry! I promised Eggskip i'd watch her, but Swifthawk asked me to run a stupid errand and I just - I dunno! - I lost track of her!"

He struggled to explain, his words coming out in a rush as he backed up against the apprentice's den where he bumped into Bloodpaw. That's where he'd remain, a ball of shame and nerves as he lingered by the shadows, not wanting to get in anyone's way as the search was on. The last time a kitten had gone missing, it had been Halfpaw and Laurelpaw, and it had taken moons to find them! Surely that didn't mean there was another traitor in their midst?

Depends on how you'd define a traitor, I guess.

"I- I did suggest we play hide and seek, so she should still be in camp, she has to be" he said desperately, especially when he heard some warriors consider gathering a patrol to look outside of camp.
The truest thing he's said all day.

While the clan hurried to find the kitten, Singepaw would whisper something to Bloodpaw, and together the two would back further into the shadows.
The shadows that crept from the edges of camp.
That hid a particular spot in the bramble wall that had been recently patched up by some eager, helpful apprentices.

The two probably just needed privacy while Singepaw grieved his...mistake.

And while the clan searched for the missing kit, the scent of opossums would quickly be replaced as two idiots squeezing themselves through the very same holes. Hopefully, their plan would go without a hitch as, currently, the most important thing in the world had to be finding that poor little kitten!

"The whole clan will work to find you, so you've gotta hide really good okay?"

Because surely Slugkit was scared, lost, alone, but somewhere in camp nonetheless. Completely unaware of what she'd gotten herself into!

"Hey Slugkit, wanna play a game of hide and seek?"

Just playing a silly game.

  • Tl;Dr Slugkit has disappeared! But Sin suggests she's still in camp, surely she'll be found if enough warriors tear the place apart!
    Just don't look outside fufufu

    Note, cats can notice Singe and Blood have gone missing at any time but preferably after Slugkit is found! By then though the idiots will be long gone </3
    (also everything in italics is just for flavor, no one should've heard it besides Slugkit before she 'went missing' huehue)
    (also takes place after this thread)

    Feel free to post whenever you like @SLUGKIT

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    4 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowkit, Sneezekit)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Pipitclaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: faint scars on flanks from an owl attack


Slugkit was missing? Gigglekit's little ears perked up at the sound of a wail, and she peered outside of the nursery in time to catch the story as it was told from Singepaw's mouth. Oh, so it was just hide-and-seek - she and her siblings sometimes played that! It wasn't too hard of a game most of the time, and Gigglekit couldn't help but smile at how distraught Singepaw was. Surely Slugkit was just hiding really well, and Singepaw couldn't find her. It was silly to see an apprentice get so upset over a game like that!

"I can find Slugkit!" Gigglekit announced as she retreated back into the nursery and trotted over to where Needledrift was laying. She kneaded her mother's fur reassuringly, hyping herself up for the search. "C'mon, we gotta find Slugkit and show everybody hide-and-seek isn't so hard!" She stepped away from their mother and prodded lightly at her brothers' sides. "Let's play!"