camp inverted — name suggestions, sharing tongues


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
Duskpool exhaled a drawn-out breath, wooly tail sweeping forward to curl around his bulky frame, pine needles, and other miscellaneous objects sticking out haphazardly. He’d begun the painstaking task of plucking them out, tongue rasping over a particularly rough patch of fur and teeth nipping at foreign objects, pulling them out with a few quick tugs, collecting a small pile beside him when another settled beside him, whether they were brushing pelts or a whisker length away, the smokey warrior didn’t take any notice.

His mind buzzed, conflict raging war within his head, expression unhelpfully blank, neutral save for the occasional wrinkle of his nose and burning molten twitching every so often when he tugged at his fur a bit too harshly. He stared at the object of annoyance, tail twitching faintly against his flank before billowing out beside him, wooly fur splayed out against the ground.

Mason’s situation was troublesome, drawing an entirely new sense of hopelessness. He wasn’t able to do much, not now, but it made his jaw ache, numb to the pressure, tongue pressing against clenched teeth. Those kits will need clan names, something Duskpool was at a loss. He hadn’t been part of the naming decision when his mate had been alive, curled in their make-shift nest in an old upwalker garden, whispers of the future, the smokey warrior had let his late wife do the naming, otherwise, they would have had a little radish running around, not that he wasn’t terrible, having suggested Lostmoon and Jaggedstorm, before ultimately thinking of Softdawn for Yukio, long gone from this world alongside his adoptive brother and mate.

He breathed, chest rattling with a deep inhale, and exhale, flank rising with the motion. “Ain’t had much good at namin’ youngsters, my late wife did most of the namin’.” He snorted in bittersweet amusement. Duskpool rarely talked about his wife, long dead and gone from this world, just like Shiori’s littermates, three daughters, gone before they could see the world. “What would ya name yer own small fry?” He spoke, biting the bullet, thoughts straying to the few names he’d thought of with Mason in mind.

He gradually returned to rasping a tongue over another patch of fur, this time his bad shoulder, nose wrinkling in muffled annoyance when Duskpool admitted defeat, choosing another patch—away from his shoulder, easing the trickling discomfort for another day.
thought speech

if drowsypaw was being honest, he didn't think he would have kits. he can't predict the future, but something tells him a tom cat wouldn't be interested in an overly sleepy tom such as himself. not to mention the voice that rings in the back of his head that tells him he's not a tom at all. but he digresses. at the sheep began to baa at him, he has to force his head to shake in order to get them to go away, but they never do. they're always right beside him, taunting him with a lullaby. how he wishes he could give in, and sometimes it's more easy than others, but he was supposed to be having a conversation. wake up, drowsypaw. pay attention.

"uhm– oh i think... i think i'd name them after my mama in some ways. and crowie and lulu, too. they mean the world to me so having their name sakes... you don't think they'd mind, right?"

he'd hope not. no matter what happened, his family would always come first for him. they would always be first for him. and he hopes that they know it, even if he can't manage to wake up enough to say it some days.

The subject of kits was a rather strange one. Spottedpaw was far too young to think about having kits and honestly he didnt think he’d want any. To carry them around and have them at his belly for moons on end- it sounded exhausting just thinking about it. He didnt envy Butterflytuft nor Howlfire with their abilities to have kits and be good at it as he had more important warrior things to do! Also who would want to be with a cat like him? Too cool for school!

The young tortie point was lapping at his chest fur when Drowsypaw spoke up in response to Duskpool about kit names. After his mom? That seemed counter productive. Then again- Spottedpaw didnt have a mom. He didnt know where she was or who she was. He also didnt have friends close enough to name kits after unless he decided to do Falconpaw or Sagepaw but they weren’t cool enough for that honor.

Kits are kinda dumb dontcha think? Always wanting milk or something,” Spottedpaw butted in with his own unneeded two cents but his words weren’t malicious- more so just genuinely curious as he looked to Duskpool and Drowsypaw.

  • ooc :Speech

  • 10 moon old Skyclan Apprentice // Transmasc (he/him) // Uncertain Sexuality (Bisexual)

“All of us are like that when we're little,” Shiori meows as he enters the conversation, settling down near his father. “They can't provide for themselves, and they have to learn to speak. But one day they'll be like us.”

The tortoiseshell is quiet for a moment, before he turns his attention to Duskpool. “I've never thought about names, not really. We haven't talked about it yet, so I don't really know if it'll happen. But… I'd maybe name them things that remind me of those that I care about. Like maybe Nightkit, after you.”

It's a little embarrassing to talk about this, even more so to admit he'd name a kit after his father to his face but sometimes, Shiori enjoys being a little sentimental.



Being a father was an idea that came and went like the tide, and until he could completely commit to the idea, the spotted tabby didn't think he could ever bring it up. Having a family seemed lovely in many ways, but he'd also seen the weaknesses that kittens could bring - the thought of having to choose between his kin and his clan filled his throat with bile, and surely it was better to deny that opportunity of ever happening instead of giving into selfish ideas. The surly Lead Warrior moved closer with an awkward lunge in his step, doing his best to appear interested. Ears swivel back in thought, then, shame, as he found the confidence to speak his mind. "There are a lot of animals and traits I admire, should I ever have kittens, it would be a blessing to name them after those things. But that's just a hypothetical," he mewed, pupils shifting left and right, never onto Duskpool.

Applefrost was not a molly that ever considered herself motherly. The association with kittens felt entirely alien to her in a way that lacked any personal connection. When Orangeblossom's kittens had been born, she had made out to be a good aunt. Attentive kin that watched out for them while her sister wasn't present. While she had been facing the journey in the mountains with Cherrypaw, Applefrost had gladly taken up the responsibility of watching them in her absence. But she knew it would be temporary, her nieces and nephews knew she wasn't their mother.

"Kittens aren't dumb by choice, it's nature. We are meant to be taught and learn, it's why we're born not." Applefrost spoke in a distant tone in reply to Spottedpaw.

"I would let my Clan name my kin." Came her own answer. While the molly personally did not find motherhood appealing, she wasn't aware that she no longer had that choice to make, either, due to her prior life with twolegs.



While Greeneyes wouldn’t mind having a few kits of his own, the ginger tabby believes fatherhood to be a long ways off for him. This is fine — the young lead is in no rush to settle down with someone, and he’s perfectly content in being an uncle to his sisters’ kits. Still, talk of kittens leaves him pondering a life taken in a different direction, leaves him thinking of names at Duskpool’s question.

At Spottedpaw’s words, a smile tugs at the corners of his maw. “ You know, even Duskpool was a kit once, “ he chimes in, though it’s a statement he can hardly believe himself. An image of the hulking tom being any smaller than Greeneyes currently stands is a difficult one to wrap his head around, let alone an image of him as small as Butterflytuft’s kits the day he’d met them, wriggling close to the warmth of their tortoiseshell mother.

I’d name one of mine Snowkit, “ he says after another moment’s thought. After his brother — he thinks it’s important to honor his kin, just as Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish had in naming Daisykit. “ Maybe Shinekit, too. “ After his love for shimmering objects; after his best friend. ​
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
STATUES AND EMPIRES✧°.☀ ————————————
Falconpaw cautiously came to stand next to Spottedpaw. His sibligns were every part of opposite of Falconpaw, for the moggie considered the question deeply, blue eyes shifting to his paws. What would he name his kits? Would he even have any with Lupinepaw? The thought of a long-lasting relationship made his stomach clench, though he didn't know what the emotion he was feeling was. It tasted... he shook his head quietly, blue eyes shifting towards Drowsypaw with a twitched ear.

When he spoke, his words were soft and calculating, lowering himself down and tucking his tail over his paws. "... I think I'd have to think closer to having them. I'm not even a warrior yet." Falconpaw said a bit awkwardly. My mentor? My mate. Vermillionsun. His ears twitched, and he nudged Spottedpaw. "Though, yknow, you were like that once. Always wanting milk." Falconpaw grinned wide, a hint of teeth peeking through as he teased his brother.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ ALL AT YOUR PAWS