private INVINCIBLE | daisypaw


Apr 25, 2024
When Ricekit had mentioned to her mother she was bored, she hadn’t expected her to go out of her way to fix the issue at its source. Enough free time makes for a wandering mind, or something along the lines of that… And now shes stuck doing menial chores with an ex-denmate; she certainly didn’t miss the presence of him in the nursery, no, especially not now as more queens join them. Not enough room… But thankfully, she’ll be an apprentice come next moon and she’ll have her own nest and everything. And then they’d end up being denmates all over again, and so forth goes the cycle of life and aging. And soon enough, she’d have to do this officially.

So all I do is scoop up the old moss?” though truthfully, she doesn’t mind doing this. It makes her feel helpful and takes her mind off of the growing fear of Hollykit leaving the nursery soon enough. The curly-furred kitten paws at the old nest she was working on, discarding old moss in to a ball that she neatly rolls up. “Is this an everyday thing?” she suppresses a long sigh at the sentence she speaks because she already knows the answer to it. It would be hard not to when she watches the camp like a hawk, lying in the shaded areas and just staring at the everyday hustle and bustle.

The moss beneath her claws as she tears apart the old nest feels stiff and dry. Its incredibly different from the nest her mother has built, more bracken like, brittle. Her nest was green and lush. Her nest was soft. “Eugh.” she can’t help the noise that leaves her as she turns to Daisypaw, head tilting as she waits for further instruction. Maybe its a good thing that this is done often.. Or maybe this elder in particular was stubborn with their nest. Who knows. Ricekit doesn’t particularly care if its the latter…

  • @Daisypaw | Daisypaw and Ricekit are clearing out the elder’s den together. While it’s traditional for apprentice’s to burden the chores around camp, Ricekit has been complaining of boredom, so a warrior has asked Daisypaw to allow her to join him for the task. It gets some energy out of a restless kitten and allows two former den-mates to catch up, so whats the harm? How does Daisypaw feel about having a shadow and showing Ricekit the ropes of nest duty? How does Ricekit feel about assisting with an apprentice responsibility?
  • 81382020_TgorGp1EeaLXbkU.png
    cis female ,, she/her ,, 05 months
    kit of skyclan ,, heronstep x cauliflowercurl ,, siblings
    regal, curly-furred white she-cat with striking green eyes
    "speech, f0a78e" ,, thoughts
    too young ,, single ,, not interested at all
    smells like hyacinths & lilies
    penned by chuff

Daisypaw's least favorite thing about being an apprentice was tick duty with the elders, his second least favorite activity was cleaning out the old moss from nests within the elder's den. He enjoyed the stories the older cats of the clan shared every now and then but having to listen to their stories with small interruptions to let the apprentices know that they were doing something wrong was not high on the list of things Daisypaw enjoyed. Still, he enjoyed it more with another clanmate helping him out even if said clanmate was a kitten who'd been instructed to help him with chores instead of doing things kittens should be doing like playing with the moss. He couldn't blame her or her mother though, for after a while things could get boring so having something new to do was useful to the mind.

Head would nod at her question, "Yeah you just scoop it out and I usually put it in a pile on the side and then after it's all cleaned out I bring in the new moss." He showed Ricekit the way he'd found it easiest, doing one thing fully at a time so that he didn't have as much back and forth to deal with. "Everyone does it differently though, whatever is best for them to get it done quicker and still be good." It had to be a good job done, or else there would be complaining and it just made the chores last even longer than they should.

At the next question he'd pause for a moment before maw would open, a small thoughtful frown placing itself on his lips before the words ushered themself forth, "Yes and no... they get new moss every day that it's needed but it's not the same apprentice every time that does it so you can get a break sometimes." They didn't have too many elders at the moment so the break could go for a while if their moss stayed fresher long enough, but it always depended on how well the apprentice before you did their job, if it was poor then the break wouldn't be as long as a good job.

As she moves some of the dried moss away and makes the noise of disgust the apprentice can't help but let a small smile rest on his maw then, "You'll get used to it eventually, if you're not careful your own nest will get like that too." Luckily for himself at least his nest didn't need to be changed as often since the apprentices didn't lay in their nests as much as the elders did. One of the perks of training all day. "Now we'll get some of the good moss from the pile and put it in the nest, we have to make sure to fluff it up so it's nice and soft like how the nursery nests are. It'll be the same way you fluff up your own nest when you move to the apprentice's den." They would never be able to fluff it up to the same extent as the queens in the nursery do, the nests Daisypaw was sure were the most comfortable in the whole clan for a reason, but they could still make them more comfortable than just balls of moss shoved into nests.
  • please ignore the fact I'm almost a month late I'm so sorry
  • 77846082_BNFJiMhnYwpfeBr.png
    SH blue w/low white & blue eyes
    cannot properly control emotions
    born november 8, 2023. ages realistically
    sexuality unknown ; interested in no one
    adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish
    brother to Weedpaw and Fluffypaw
    easy to befriend ; easy to upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed