camp IRIS ⚜ sharing-tongues


I'd let the world burn for you
Jan 17, 2024
*+:。.。 "You have one of the most unique pelts I've ever seen, Batchaser, dear" she mews, brow arched as her tongue catches yet again on another of @BATCHASER 's curls. Shadowclan, like any clan, had plenty of diversity, and Batchaser was no exception - though he did stand at the peak of it. His unruly fur of never-ending, tight curls, as if every strand of ebony fur he possessed had a mind of its own, was a challenge, to say the least. But with the sun cheerfully glowing above, warming their backs and melting their bones into lazy puddles, Duckshimmer figured she'd take a crack at figuring out her clanmate's fur. Snickering, she moved her attempts from his shoulder to his face, focusing on trying to reveal his eyes through his fringe of long rivulets. "Do you ever struggle to see through that curtain of yours?" she asked, lapping away until she smooths one half of the curtain away from his face. She reveals one eye first- a beautiful orb of earthen green. Not a bad color, Duckshimmer admires. Brushing up the other half, however, reveals not another jade eye, but a citrine one. Blinking, she stares for a moment, then smiles at her clanmate, raising a brow a little higher. "Your eyes are lovely Batchaser, what're you doing hiding them behind all this fluff?" she asks with a good-natured laugh, although she suspects she knows her answer as Batchaser's curls fight against her efforts, eager to fall back down over his face.

  • //no need to wait for Bat <3

    DFAB— She/Her — Bisexual
    30 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mother to Singepaw, Swallowpaw and Sneezepaw
    Shadowclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #ffa98f
    injuries: None currently

Much to Mirepurr's dismay, public and unbashful displays of affection tend to be hard to come by within ShadowClan's high walls. They understand, really. The Clan residing within the shades of the forest has a reputation to uphold, and even they cannot cull the satisfaction of seeing other cats hesitate by their borders, afraid of what might be staring back at them. Still... they're no ferocious fighter, only unsheathing their claws when it's absolutely necessary. Curling up with another is a much more ideal way to spend time.

It's only natural then that they're drawn towards Duckshimmer. The she-cat is easy and pleasant company, unless someone gets on her bad side- but everyone has that, and Mirepurr can't fault her for standing up for herself.

They scoot closer to her and her victim. Polite paws are tucked underneath their jaw, head on the ground, eyebrows straining as they glance up at them like some sort of lost puppy. Interrupting or getting in the way is not on the agenda, ever. A soft approach is required here. "Your curls do make me jealous sometimes," they add, mostly to Batchaser, "I'm lucky if my fur doesn't stand on end after rain."


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    ────── THEY/THEM ✦ PENNED BY KARMEN ✦ 04/15

The easy flirtations that fall from Duckshimmer's mouth are something that Starlingheart could never hope to replicate. Not when she still stumbled over her words, when she thought about every action, every turn of phrase, what others thought of her. And especially not now, when the idea of romance, opening herself up again in such a way that she was laid bare, made her stomach turn with unease. She would never give herself to another so wholly. But Duckshimmer makes it look easy and for that, she feels a slight pang of jealousy.

She has never been one to let such feelings fester though, so when she comes to lay herself down next to Mirepurr there is nothing but a soft smile worn upon her scarred features. "I dont- I don't think I could ever keep up with-with grooming long fur" she admits "I don't know how you do it" her short pelt definitely afforded her more time but she did have to admit that sometimes she wishes she had been blessed with thick curls and long limbs, with confidence and grace.

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  • 75214491_NhVBn1uSQsE4P99.png
    A skinny she cat with short black and white fur littered with scars and one singular green eye.
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
Well, he's gotten himself into quite a... situation, as his clanmate Duckshimmer works on grooming his curled pelt. He is surprised, yes. He wouldn't pass up a free grooming session from a clanmate who asked. Maybe, he'll return the favor to Duckshimmer if the torbie would allow him.

A large dark ear rotates at the molly's words, calling his curled coat unique. Huh, he'd never thought of his pelt as unique before. All he knows is that it's in tight curls and is a struggle when it's knotted. "Huh, Really? Is it unique?" Responding to his clanmate with a smile. He tilts his head to the side slightly, careful not to dislodge Duckshimmer in her task at hand. Between his unruly curls, he watches as the chocolate torbie moves to his face. Directly towards his fringe, which drapes over his bizarrely colored eyes, obscuring them from the world.

"I don't struggle with seeing, not really." He closed one of his eyes, trying not to be... tense as the molly worked on his unruly curtain of fur. Having curled bangs that conceal his eyes, is a wondrous comfort for him. Not, looking others in the eyes while he speaks strange words. Them, not knowing if he's watching from his dark secluded spots around camp. Feeling her lap away at his fringe, feeling his dark comfort fall away from his eyes. Half of his eyes are fixed on Duckshimmer, blinking slowly. He hasn't looked at his clanmates clearly, though seeing a burst of colors was overwhelming for him. But he has to suck it up and endure it. He lets the torbie do as she pleases with his fringe. Half-lidded eyes, paired with bruised eyebags were a surprising sight to others. All those late-night strolls, I take. He blinks, as he stares at his clanmate with raised brows.

Putting a pale dainty paw on his chest, he speaks with a grin. "It brings me great comfort, fur concealing my different colored eyes from the world. A tragic one of not looking at others is quite a fate." Is he being a bit dramatic with the theatrics? Yes, he is. It's saddening that his fringe won't stay up for too long, letting the dark fur fall on his face with a hum. Perking up from spotting Mirepurr to the side, he is surprised. His curls making someone jealous? Strange. "It's a hassle to groom though, I wouldn't recommend it!" He lets his long tail wrap around his frame as lets his maw curve into a sharp grin.

  • ⋆⁺₊ ☾ ⁺₊⋆ ( that's one enemy down! ) BATCHASER.
    cismale ; HE / HIM, fine with gendered terms. ; 30 MOONS & AGES EVERY 10TH.
    warrior of shadowclan | formerly a loner
    single / pansexual / not actively looking / open to crushes & romance
    a tall, shorthaired curly black smoke oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, 7077A1" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like rain-soaked pavement, mist & sweet leaf rot
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

Oh this was an interesting topic he wanted to know everything about. So he approched the three warriors with a desire to learn more about how the adult life worked. This seemed to be exactly what he needed." Oh! so it's a thing for mollies to like tom with fur over their eyes...huh.." he spoke aloud to himself as he was deep in thoughts for a moment as he took this information in. He lifted up a paw to place it on his forehead and to his sad discovery he didn't even have enough of fur to get the fur to lay flat across his face. That was a problem now, wasn't it?. Basilpaw turned his attention to Batchaser figuring they most have a solution to this problem for him. " Batchaser, How do i get my fur to grow in front of my eyes like you?." he asked, dead serious about this. He twitched his nose expecting them to have a magical answer to this. Please tell me. He would do anything to get fur like theirs! to grow in front of his face. Didn't matter if he couldn't see. He would just be like Forestshade then!. And she was super cool.

જ➶ "Really? That is most certainly not the case for every molly that you meet, Basilpaw." The young warrior pauses in his meticulous cleaning of his claws, long ears pulled slightly back against his skull. The conversation is easy enough to hear and pick up on and his olivine gaze sweeps over to look at Batchaser who is getting the brunt of the compliments. His fur is a rather curly endeavor but not for himself. With a light flick of his feathery tail he crosses his paws and goes back to picking at his own sharpened weapons. Thinking and debating before he finally speaks up. One attribute he does actually like about Batchaser's appearance. "You really shouldn't hide those eyes. I'm sure they will make someone swoon one day." His response is sort of flat but he does mean it. He likes them. Alluring little round orbs.

His eyes slowly close after a moment, just taking time to feel the warmth on his shaded fur. Sometimes he wishes he had more leisure time than what is given to him. All work and no play. Casually he sends a small smile towards his former mentor.