private is happiness an option? // ripple


Do Me The Honour
Dec 20, 2023
With his duties for the day now done it came time for laying about and resting. Though on this particular day he simply did not feel like napping in the sun's afternoon rays. A restlessness had began to set in over recent days and it made things somewhat difficult for Willowburn. He needed to be up and moving, doing something. Just anything.

Heaving himself to his paws he then took a gentle stroll around the camp until he spied someone, someone in particular. Ripplestream. The tom clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth before he made his way towards the other, and once close enough he politely dipped his head in greeting. "Ah, Ripplestream, how goes things? Are you settling into your new name well?" He recalled that he had only just received it at the last meeting. Though he had also noticed that the chanting of the new name had been somewhat... lackluster in comparison to the others that day. Well, no matter, he thought it to be a fine name regardless and the start of something new. "If you're not busy I was wondering if you fancied accompanying me for a wander around the territory?" A simple request, but one that could lead to opportunities. This was a vital chance for him to learn more about his clanmate.

// @Ripplestream~

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