no angst IS IT ANY WONDER? — mischief

Petalstep .

. don’t let them win .
Jan 2, 2023

PETALSTEP — Keep about your wits.
The shift from apprenticeship to warriorhood was a welcome one, the move to the warriors den had felt triumphant to the snowbell molly.
Large paws make deep imprints in the damp soil as she returns from her first hunting patrol as a warrior, maw parted unnaturally to make room for her catch. A fish that was sure to make the queens and kits happy as her patrol lead directs her to the nursery.
Though, however much Petalstep would like to avoid the den housing the scrappy terrors, she dutifully bows her head and sets on her small trek.
Delivering the meal had been simple and quick, and Petalstep was free to enjoy her own lunch outside the warriors den.
Settling down with a huff, the warrior is eager to dig into her fish- until she is interrupted by something tugging at her tail.
Squeals are soon to follow as she snakes it back, whipping at her forepaws to see pieces of twigs and withered leaves snuggled half-hazardously in her poor tails fur.
She snaps around to unsurprisingly view of children giggling at her.
"Where are your mothers?" She’d demand, exasperated as they turned tail and skittered away, an alabaster forepaw already knocking against her forehead.
I underestimated them. Petalstep thinks spitefully.

⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

Bitekit had been an influence... to decide it good or bad remained to be seen of course. Slinking after the plumy fur of a newly made warrior, it seemed like the best chance to be successful in this kind of fun. A new warrior would be the least experience, would be the slowest to react, right? He'd had plenty of practice bothering Rookfang whenever the sooty tom was actually sitting down long enough to be pestered.

A small piece of moss had been tucked into his mouth as he scurried like a leaf across the ground after her, grabbing at the strands of fur he could reach to tangle it into the bit of nest-fluff. She whirls around quick and gives a glare so funny, he can't help but laugh in a squeal before scampering out of her grasp.

She howls after them about their mothers and Valekit sticks out a tongue playfully. For better or worse, his ma wasn't in RiverClan... wasn't here. (Where is she?) Therefore, he could probably not get in trouble, right!? Wait until Bitekit found out about this loophole...

"T-Too slow," he squeaks.​

Though he'd seen the inevitable mischief approaching, slinking toward poor Petalstep, Ferngill had done nothing to step in. Who was he to ruin a kit's fun? There was only so much time in a cats life that could be spent unabashedly causing mischief, and... well, he didn't know exactly how Petalstep would respond. Petalnose certainly didn't like it... but what was in a name, anyway?

Disapproval dripped from the new warrior's tone, exasperation written clean on her demeanour. Ferngill's own smile pulled a little wider at the sight, humoured- though no longer content to allow Petalstep to be bothered alone. She didn't really look like she was in the mood for it, did she?

Padding over, he cast the other warrior a quick look of apology before casting a verdant eye to the gathered kittens, Valekit having uttered a taunt. It was adorable, he thought, but not everyone thought the same way he did. Evidently. "You'll be earning your warrior names in no time, with that sorta stealth!" Ferngill joked, though- it was a veiled attempt to start to divert the kittens' attention away from bothering Petalstep.
penned by pin
"Even with a warrior name you still seem to be attracting troublesome kits hm, Petalstep?"
It seemed like everytime he saw the young molly she was dealing with kittens getting underpaw and causing mischief, picking at her and causing her distress; whether from babysitting them or having them snatching moss and the whatnot during her duties. Smokestar couldn't saw he knew how to help, if helping at all was an option, it was just how kittens were and they were better off given firm warnings and allowed to run amok since that energy would be burned out of them upon being made apprentices. Many a kitten thought themselves capable of training early but when the time actually came they were quickly put in their places, learning it was not all fun and games and longing for their kithood - most of them anyways. Some took to it with an ease.
Still, why not let them enjoy it. To be idealic and unbothered by the trials of life, it was something a lot of them had never gotten the chance to have and the stars only knew RiverClan had seen its share of losses and strife that did not spare even the kittens the grief. Maybe he was getting too soft.
"If only we had that energy..." It was envious in a way, he'd felt nothing but exhaustion for several moons now.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

As Moonpaw got older she found herself enjoying the company of the kits in the nursery less and less. Whether it was due to age, being busy, or just not having grown with those in the nursery now she didn't know, but it was something that she had slowly noticed over time and kept it in the back of her mind. Despite this she still sought out the kits at times, trying to entertain them when there was time so that they wouldn't bother those that were busy, but it was often that the kits still sought them out. It felt like they knew, somehow, when others shouldn't be bothered and still bothered them anyway. Moonpaw couldn't say that she didn't do that when she was younger either.

Smile placed on her maw as she watched the kits sneak after Petalstep, ears flicking as she listened to the words of the warriors and that watch as well. "You should try sneaking up on apprentices, they're more fun." Slight mischief danced in Moonpaw's eyes as she said this. Though she wasn't one for pranks often she still thought it'd be funny seeing some of the other apprentices jump a little at a kitten sneaking up on them - it could humble some that needed it as well.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || brother to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling

PETALSTEP — Keep about your wits.
Too slow.
The mini perpetrator squeaks, and Petalsteps features had only just begun to crease with a scolding on her tongue before Ferngill arrives, a praise on the more light-hearted warriors tongue.
Of course he wouldn’t understand, he hadn’t been made the target for the nursery-dwellers crimes for moons, now.
Petalstep feels her nose scrunch slightly, usually cool demeanor wavering at the paws of Valekit.
"You’re enabling them." Petalstep instead grumbles, shooting Valekit a look of disapproval. "Come get these out of my tail and I won’t return the favor." Regaining her calm composure, she directs her offer to Valekit, flicking her twig-riddled tail towards him.
Smokestars arrival did not help, and Petalstep on looks at her leader with exasperation.
"Their predecessors put them up to it." Only a guess, but surely it made the most sense.
Now, her harassment is a spectacle, but Moonpaw finally offers a solution, Petalstep nods.
"Yes, do that." The light tabby huffs, eyes partially flickering to Smokestar, "or him- extra points." She only half-jokes.

⸙͎。˚⋆ ⍋ ѧѦ ѧ⍋ ⸙͎。˚⋆

The orange one is so bright against the dark furs of his clan-mates that Valekit is still shocked by it at times. He stares at Ferngill with wide eyes, sizing up the larger, friendly tom before giving a cheesy grin in return. A warrior name? For stealth... Valekit liked that idea. It meant that he could tuck himself into shadows. That seemed nicer than having to fight monsters like Rookfang did. "Like what," the boy demands, puffing up his chest as if being bestowed a warrior name by Ferngill in that exact instant. "You gotta have an idea already, yea? I wanna hear it!"

Smokestar's appearance is a soft one, which strikes them as odd... from what he'd seen of that burly monochrome figure, he always seemed far more high strung. Was he sleepy? Did he need a nap? Valekit would be happy to oblige one once his mission was complete- "Come get these out of my tail," and he whirls to see his original victim. Why is she angry? They're just clumps of moss! All she had to do was get in the water to rinse off.... at least he hadn't thrown pawfuls of mud at her; that seemed like something Bitekit might do honestly.

A pale girl suggests he pick a more enticing option... younger ones that have more wit about them since age had not yet ruined their reflexes (that is not what she says but the conclusion the kit comes to regardless). And... it seems like he can be forgiven if he enacts his practice on a new victim instead... seems unfair to whatever new target he picked but... that was between Petalstep, Moonpaw and StarClan for suggesting it to him.

Giving Smokestar a narrowed stare, he thinks... thinks very carefully if this might go badly for him. He looks tired.. .and he's big so that usually meant slow. Yeah... this was a good option! And then Ferngill could get back to giving him that warrior name he deserved. Crouching with eyes blown wide with excitement, he raises his tail in a well-meaning warning, I'll get you next!
*+:。.。 "Ill cuff you upside the ears if I'm ever your next victim" huffs the ever-disgruntled apprentice as he wanders within earshot, not entirely meaning for the words to be heard. Kits. They're a nuisance in his eyes. He liked them better when they were obedient or stuck silent in the nursery. There are very few chores in his beloved clan that Asphodelpaw hates doing, but cleaning up the nursery is the one job that pulls a groan of dismay from his maw. The number of times he's had to stop kittens from ripping his carefully laid moss to shreds or plucking the ribbons of it he failed to protect out of his own tail for moons after - augh! Surely Asphodelpaw was never like that himself in his younger moons!

"I think you all might've created a monster" This time, the humor in his voice was more light-hearted. He had to admit, as he came up to stand beside the other cats and observed the little kit and his mischievous eyes, perhaps he wasn't as bad as most. It as almost admirable, the confidence the child had when his mossy hues alighted on their massive leader, looking at the tom that commanded an entire clan like he was a mouse Valekit would soon pounce on. That took guts, although perhaps Asp was the only one with that opinion since he'd always revered the older tom and balked at the idea of ever offending him, not even in jest.

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently