pafp IS IT SUMMER YET? // sand


Anxious Artist
Nov 20, 2022

Sometimes, sometimes having so many apprentices in a clan seemed like a clan was set for a bright and powerful future.

Other times it meant that the chaos level of said clan had increased tenfold.

It began with them digging a hole in their off time, patrols and training over for the morning. Then Shellpaw suggested that they bury one of the biggest apprentices, and the biggest of all? Well that would be the patched tom currently being buried by the apprentices under the tabby's lighthearted direction. All he had to do was smile and Finch was more than happy to oblige. A weakness, sure, but Si only ever meant well. Finch trusted him. 'Its nice seeing everyone happy and having fun...after everything.'

Though......they had neglected to remember that this meant that Finch wouldn't be able to sign.

// @shellpaw. first! and then if any other apprentices want to help out in the fun before a warrior shows up please feel free! this is just a for fun thread so everything is alright


He's not sure where the idea began, boredom as he scraped away sand from the expanding pit likely planting the seed that sprouted into this silly little prank. Was it a prank if Finchpaw agreed to it when announced? Probably not, but that didn't matter. He had lifted his pear-green gaze up from the hole they so determinedly dug, a smile spreading across his narrow snout as his face brightened with a way to transform their idle digging into something even better.

Any warrior might frown upon the scene, but his grin remained on his slanted muzzle as he shoveled more sand onto Finchpaw's covered fur. "Still good?" Shellpaw paused to check, feathery tail swaying gleefully behind him. He knew he could at least rely on a nod or headshake, even if Finchpaw's limbs were buried beneath the sand; an impressive feat, if anyone asked. Sand particles clung to his forepaws and chest fur, decorating his tabby pelt with little grey flakes. He shook himself out like a wet dog, though failed to scatter most of the sand from his silk-furred coat.

pretend i'm not extremely late... we need fun thread