sensitive topics IS IT TOO LATE? // greencough, fainting

//tw: details of greencough

Sunnyday had savoured that single day where he had began to feel better, falsely believing that he was on the mend. He pushed himself hard by hunting and was now facing the consequences of his foolishness. On legs that wobbled with every step he managed to make it back from his excursion, wheezing and barely able to suck in a full breath. The tom made his way back through the entrance tunnel and he staggered into the heart of the camp. The vole he had managed to catch fell from his jaws and was left laying on the ground as he hobbled forward a few more paces. With a rasping fit of coughs the last of his strength was sapped from his thin form and he crumbled down into the snow that blanketed the ground.

He had ignored his health, not sought help earlier.
Now he was left to face the consequences.

IT WENT FROM A SPARK TO AN OPEN FLAME ⋆⁺₊⋆ Sunnyday's rasping breaths caught the Thunderclan leader's attention, and she stuck her head from her den where she had been sheltering from the cold. Her gaze wandered the camp for a moment before landing on him, and her eyes widened with concern. In a moment, she had weaved through the camp to be at his side.

"Someone get Berryheart!" Emberstar called out, her voice ringing out authoritatively through the camp.

Leaning down, she attempted to help the warrior up. Though he needed rest, it couldn't be here. He would only get worse if he stayed out in the cold. They needed to get him inside and fast. "On your paws friend, come on now." She encouraged him softly. Then she spared a glance at her clanmates around her. "Can anyone help me get him to the medicine den?"

Emberstar worried they might have to carry him, if he couldn't walk at all. She needed as many able bodies as she could get. He was lucky that he had collapsed here and not outside of camp.

Who knew how long it would have been before he got help then? ​

Sickness, bad health, what have you- stupidly, it had been the last thing on Roepaw’s mind, especially as of late. In that moment, as Sunnyday staggers through the entrance, the apprentice is entirely focused on keeping herself warm- the apprentices den was far too frigid during the day when there was no one inside.
Roepaw jumps, hazy verdant eyes searching wildly for the cause of the sudden noise.
She trails after Emberstar, her gaze widening with concern when she sees Sunnyday slumped on the icy ground. Without another heartbeat, Roepaw is at the warriors other side, encouraging Emberstars help by using her nose to nudge at him. "Sunnyday?" She asks, her voice smaller than usual, casting a worried glance over to Emberstar. What was happening to him?


Someone needn't fetch him, for the lopsided face of the speckled medicine cat was soon to poke out of the darkness of his den. He'd noticed a slight blur in his vision as of late, but there was not a thing wrong with his hearing- to hear that thump he'd have to have cotton stuffed in his ears. Surprise sparked brief emotion in his face, though barely noticeable, as he moved with as much haste as he could manage over to where Leggy lay cradled in the grass. Coughing, and a fall- it rang true of the fire, but no smoke painted the pale sky black.

Concern writing a subtle statement across his speckled features, Berryheart drew to Sparky's side, contemplation a click of his tongue. For a moment he thought on what to do- but the leader's suggestion seemed the best option. He'd be better able to evaluate the situation when he could attempt things. Though- in frustration often borne of his situation, Berryheart did doubt that he knew much more than the rest of them regarding... this. Nodding to Sparky, he set his awry gaze upon Fawny. "He'll- be okay once we get him inside." Simple assurance, he nodded his head. It was not just assurance for her, but himself as well.

Everything was like swimming through a haze. Voices were merely murmurs, touches were as light as feather strokes. Sunnyday wasn't even sure he wanted to return from the abyss in that moment, not when it held such peace and serenity in comparison to how he had felt just moments ago. A low groan rumbled from the tom before he attempted to open his eyes again. A laboured intake of breath signalled that he was returning to the waking world and he attempted to sit up at the very least, which proved to be an exhaustive struggle.

Sunnyday let his jaw hang open as he sucked in desperate gulps of air, now unable to breathe through his blocked nose. Unfortunately everything was proving to be too much and he began to lull to the side, aiming to lean against Emberstar for support. It was clear that he was beyond the ability to walk at that moment due to his worsening level of weakness brought on by whatever sickness plagued him. "S...sorry..."