is it too late now to say sorry | lake

Since their argument, Lilybloom felt as though she were walking on eggshells around her mate. They had said a few small words to each other since but had otherwise not had a proper conversation since. Lilybloom had wanted to say something before today but couldn't find the appropriate words to say. That and she was still cooling off herself. There had been disagreement in the past, of course, but this was the first time both of them had had a proper argument like this.

After returning from an early hunt, Lilybloom was determined to speak with her mate and try and clear the air a bit between them. She had spoken to a few clanmates upon her return, who had informed her Lakemoon was resting in their nest, and Lilybloom promptly made a beeline for the warrior's den. It didn't take Lilybloom long to spot the familiar form of Lakemoon grooming herself. Thankfully, Lakemoon did not see her immediately, or if she did she chose not to acknowledge her, which was perfect for giving Lilybloom a moment to take a steadying breath. "Lakemoon," Lilybloom mewed, finally calling out to the blue tabby. "Do you have a moment to speak? I wish to apologise."

@Lakemoon .

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Living in the wetlands with a pelt like Lakemoons was actually much easier than she would have imagined, and actually one of the many things she had taken into consideration before crossing the river.
Still, she is strict with her routine, and it offers her a good distraction instead of brewing on her and Lilybloom’s disagreement once more.
Her head is turned from the dens entrance, but the soft rustle behind her has already given away her mates arrival.
Lakemoon does not speak, only flicks her ear back in subtle acknowledgment. The silver tabby decided then and there that she would let Lilybloom speak first.
When her name is called, her head finally turns to look at the tortoiseshell before her, and though her expression is free of contempt, her gaze still flickers with uncertainty.
I wish to apologize.
Lakemoons maw parts, and a breath of relief trickles before she speaks.
"I always have a moment for you." Even in her frustration, the tabby would not-could not ever turn Lilybloom away.
She shifts herself so she can fully face her mate now, intense azure steadying onto her soft ivy.


Lilybloom can see the uncertainty in her mate's eyes almost instantly, and for a brief moment, before she speaks, she worries that she might be ignored or that Lakemoon does not wish to speak. Lilybloom is relieved when she mews she has time to speak, and judging by Lakemoon's own reaction, she too is glad for the chance to talk and break the ice.

Lilybloom pads closer and pauses. She wants to sit down but decides to say what she has to say first. "First of all, I want to say, I am sorry for yelling at you," Lilybloom began, looking at her mate directly. "Ever since my accident - both of them - I am more keenly aware of the way in which some cats look at me. Like I'm vulnerable...fragile." Given the trauma she endured, Lilybloom could at least understand where those worries were coming from. To this day she was still haunted by Mudpelt's words of comfort when she had returned to camp after losing her eye. "I am appreciative of the care they feel towards me and understand their concerns, but sometimes it is all a bit too much. It feels as though sometimes when cats look at me all they see is another accident waiting to happen," Lilybloom admitted with a sigh. "That day we argued I was trying not to think about what could have happened had I struggled to get back out of the water. Believe me, I am well aware of what might have happened. So when I got back up and was fine, I tried to lighten the mood with my light teasing. Perhaps it wasn't the most appropriate thing to do but I'd rather that than the alternative. When you approached me and started fussing over me, largely ignoring my jokes and my assurances that I was fine, all I could think of was all those cats who'd looked at me as weak and vulnerable."

Lilybloom stepped forward and bumped her head against Lakemoon. "I know you didn't mean to make me feel that way," She murmured quietly. She could not imagine a world where Lakemoon would ever cause her harm. "I know you meant well, my silver moon."

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
Lakemoon remains her usual quiet self, all the communication she felt was needed rested in the flicker of her gaze, eyeing the gap that still remained between them despite Lilybloom moving closer.
When the other begins to speak though, her attention is captured, solely focused on the mottled warrior.
When Lilybloom begins to explain her perspective, it feels as though a weight has been lifted off of the tabby warriors chest. The argument was never about anger, merely an inevitable bump on their path.
She nods thoughtfully along, making the effort to fully listen and retain what her mate is saying. Lakemoon understood where she was coming from to an extent, sometimes another’s love was all too much, their worry-though meant to be endearing- was actually a burden.
When Lilybloom touches her crown to Lakemoons own, the warrior lets her eyelids flutter close for just a heartbeat before she lifts her head to look into the others gaze once more.
"Sit with me." She asks, making room in their shared nest for the other.
If Lilybloom were to accept, Lakemoon would curl around her mate, resting a silvered head gently on top brindled before she would speak again.
"You are the strongest warrior I know, Lilybloom. There are not many who could have overcome what you have and still radiate as you do. " Her words are genuine, and her momentary pause heavy.
"I don’t know what I would do if I lost you, if I had to watch you go through what you’ve been through again, and I know I shouldn’t have made such a fuss but-. " She stops herself, before she’d give in to the confession on her tongue.
"I’m scared Lily, I’m scared for you and I don’t know what to do with it. The little Lakekits and Lilykits running around? I want that, with only you." Lakemoon would pick her head up from her beloveds then, "it is not that I doubt your capabilities my love, there is nothing to doubt there. I doubt the worlds graces, the future… the certainty I won’t lose you."
Subconsciously her gaze flickers to the slight left. "Can you forgive me for that?"
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At her request to sit, Lilybloom doesn't hesitate, quickly occupying the space left open for her and allowing her mate to rest her head atop her own. She listens quietly as Lakemoon shares her piece, appreciative of the honesty and genuine feelings she hears. Lilybloom feels a pang in her chest when Lakemoon admits to feeling scared. Scared of losing her and the future they had dreamed of together. "Of course, I can forgive you for that!" Lilybloom says, practically jumping in before her mate has had a chance to pause. "I'm sorry for ever making you worry like that," She mewed softly, giving her a quick lick on one of her ears. "Sometimes I think I forget how hard it was for you and my family to see me after my accidents. Especially after I lost my eye..."

LAKEMOON — me and the devil, walking side by side.
The moment Lilybloom jumps in Lakemoon bites her tongue instantly, surprise flickering faintly in the slight raise of the mollys brow.
Of course I can forgive you for that!
She parts her maw to say more, but her mate continues, washing away anything else the warrior might have said in that moment.
Where there was once vulnerability in her expression, sympathy now blossomed, tugging Lakemoons chin down in a soft nod while an alabaster forepaw shuffles forward, resting delicately on Lilybloom’s own.
"While I pray I never have to see you go through that again, I will never regret being there for you and doing all I could. You mean so much to me, Lilybloom. While I cannot promise I won’t fret at times… or hover I suppose, I can promise to be more private about it." the tabby replies after a moment, making herself her own vow silently. She would protect, while keeping Lilybloom’s dignity in tact.
"I love you, my Lily."
