other is it too late now to say sorry?



The training session had been a disaster. His chance encounter with Honey had been even worse. Centipedepaw's abduction. The ginger tom was tired and angry - angry at Honey, angry at his leader, angry at... himself. So angry at himself. He was a laughing stock, an idiot warrior with nothing to offer to his clan except spite and vitriol. He had left the ravine hours ago and had struck out into the territory to be with his own thoughts only to find that his own thoughts were maddeningly unbearable. He could see know why his clan-mates called him an ugly brute. He was -

A scent drifted past his nose, a warm, familiar scent. Honey. She was still around? He pricked up his ears, though he received nothing in return but distant chirping. He was close to the border again and her scent lingered. Past the territory, he was sure, but she was out there. He had caught a singular pigeon earlier, intent on tearing out the feathers to relieve some aggression, but he remembers suddenly how thin his former looked during their chance meeting, how crazed, how desperate.

He only hesitates for a second before he is off, trailing her scent like a bloodhound with his pigeon in tow. He knows that he doesn't quite want to see her right now, but he follows the trail until his mind begins to scream at him - recalling the more aggressive bits of their fight. The scent can't be more than an hour old. Luckily, she is nowhere to be seen. He places the pigeon down gently in a nearby hollow tree and takes off, back to SkyClan territory. It's not much of anything, but maybe... just maybe... it's a start.

@honey @salamander
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