pafp is there any good [ snow accident ]

Jan 5, 2023
Though unsure why she's out and about, hunting with an apprentice that's far from being her own (given how she's just become a warrior, she doubts an apprentice is in her immediate future,) Bunnywhisker finds solace in it. After all, traversing the snowy moorlands with a partner means less chances of getting lost. Snailpaw is a little too nonchalant for her taste, but the feline isn't half bad, especially compared to the rest of her former companions. She shakes her pelt at the thought of running in circles with Firepaw, of all cats. Gravelpaw or Strawpaw might be decent, though.

Nonetheless, they split up briefly, if only to cover a little more ground in the wasteland akin zone. Bunnywhisker swears by a scent trail she's been following, and Snailpaw is... doing Snailpaw things. In truth, she never really knows what they're on about on any given day. They provide a break in the monotony at least. Her frame is dwarfed by the strong winds, her face tilted away from her not-so-distant companion, when...

[ pls wait for @SNAILPAW ! ]​

The marbled tabby would not be hunting if it were up to them, but their old acquaintance was awfully convincing at getting them to move. He found joy in helping her improve her moor-running skills, it was easy to forget that scouring the snow was a chore when Bunnywhisker was around. Until they split up, Snailpaw's mouth did not stop moving, telling their companion of the wonders of clan life from the newest relationship drama to updates on the Horseplace they likely should not have known about. The air, thick with snow and hard to breathe in without the flakes tickling his nose, felt empty without their own noise as Bunnywhisker moved away. Their mind moved away from the task at hand, wondering if their request for a new mentor had reached the right ears yet. It felt awkward to bring it up to Badgermoon or Sootstar, months had passed without the ashen feline complaining about it, but their apprenticeship days should have been over already, and the pressure was only growing worse to make sure that the old warrior was not 'made to look bad'. They felt the worry deep within their gut until a flash of brown fur on the white horizon snapped them back to the present.

A rabbit, this deep into winter! Their heart races with sudden excitement, threatening to knock the tabby straight onto their haunches. They entered a hunter's crouch, more refined than it had any right to be, and moved quickly across the field, stilling whenever he feared the lapine may be onto him. It was easy to look like a rock at such a distance, their fur was dark, and their tabby stripes looked like shadows where grooves in the stone had formed. Snailpaw did not carry the traits of a typical WindClanner, but at that moment, they moved like any other of their clanmates. Clearing the distance between them and their prey with ease, Snailpaw's teeth already flashed in the anticipation of an easy kill. The rabbit hadn't even noticed him! They praised the wind hiding the crunch of their paws against the snow, and for just a brief moment, they felt as if they could be a proper warrior yet. Long legs let them leap to clear the rest of the gap between them and the rabbit, their forepaws outstretched as they dove straight towards the prey... only... there was something off about it.

It was slightly larger than other rabbits they'd seen, its legs did not seem to bend the same way as the other lapines, most egregiously of all, its ears were short. Not having time to comprehend the mistaken identity, Snailpaw was in a direct collision cause with Bunnywhisker, liable to send them both tumbling down the moor if their pounce connected.


Hunting, hunting- oh, was it often dull in snow-soaked lands like these! Open air should make tracking a breeze, but when the breeze was frigid like this- well, he'd be surprised if the rabbits weren't frozen blocks of ice beneath the earth with how rare they were becoming. And all over the place didi distractions often sprout- today, apparently, an apprentice sailing through the air in pursuit of a... very large hare. Very large- and very catlike. And... certainly not a rabbit, upon this lingering glance! Oh, this was fun, wasn't it?

A cackle crackled in his throat, rising spark of smoke and flames in his throat, and he let his wayfaring take flight into a run, paws a shadowed blur. Craning his neck to catch the carnage, the laughter burst louder still from his throat, eyes flaring so wide that any bystanders might think they would pop right out of his head. Oh- what fun, what confusion! To strike a cat in a hunting crouch, in weather like this! As they fell, they'd turn into a snowball- and might never, ever stop rolling. Downhill forever and ever, lungs filled with cold, mistake frozen in their forms! "N-AHAHAH- Nice one!" he called through the assault of his emergent giggles. Collapsing into a snow-cushioned seat, he allowed himself to succumb to the hysteria.
There's a certain envy that overcomes her when she looks at Bunnywhisker, just a couple moons ago she was an apprentice too and she wouldn't say a spectacular one Firepaw would argue she'd be able to beat her in a fight now if not outrun her - something Bunnywhisker had always done when they were still training besides one another. They didn't get along well, she too cantankerous to deal with proper competition and Bunnywhisker didn't put up with her mouth as much as the other apprentices did and do. Still wouldn't stop her from mouthing off to her now, two moons meant little to her, Bunnywhisker was just a overgrown big dumb apprentice like Snailpaw is and the scene she walks in on makes that very clear to her. Yet she doesn't laugh straight away at the scene she sees, the two young Windclanners bowling down one of the slopes of the moor she knows that the snowdrifts beneath were deeper then the snow on top of the hills and she goes running taking off and kicking snow behind her as she bursts into speed, cursing in her mind all the while. She didn't see what exactly caused it didn't watch Snailpaw's clumsy maneuver of pouncing on their former equal she just knows they're tumbling down and by the time she'd reach them they'd had already arrived in a heap at their destination.

She'd save her laughter, more irritated then anything to stop her hunt to help the two out. Bunnywhisker must be losing it taking them of all cats with her, Snailpaw was just about the slowest of the Moorunner apprentices to the point she mistook them as a Tunneler often, she never saw them doing much in comparison to her and this was why. She swears he will stay an apprentice long after the majority of them earned their warrior names at the rate he was going. She growls head dipping to nose to the two clanmates before she starts digging at the snow to ensure they don't sink into it, ❝Get your tails moving sparrow-brains! Get up! Get up! Walk it off!❞ she snaps continuing to shovel behind her.