camp is there anybody out there |➹| meet n' greet?

Mar 28, 2023

// @Fireflypaw @FIGPAW , but no need to wait for both

Sparrow had been invited into Figpaw's home, SkyClan. They were told they would get some help for their injury. Truthfully, the events had melded into a bit of a blur from there, cats talking and them doing their best to nod and follow along despite not being entirely sure if they had heard. Across the border they went, deeper into the arching forest of pine.

Soon placed under the care of working paws, the chocolate tabby had done their best to sit still, many words floating in one ear and out the other but catching bits and pieces, such as the exchange of names. Fireflypaw, one of them said. He seems nice, they had thought quietly.

It was here now that they woke, having drifted into a light slumber devoid of dreams. Sparrow felt... a little better, if not somewhat tired. Pale eyes flickered over to the sunlight that still creeped into the den, suggesting that sunset was drawing near. Sucking in a deep breath, the feline rose to their paws, lowering into a stretch and only pausing when their shoulder twinged.

The small tabby nudged their way outside, finally taking in their new surroundings with ears pricked uncertainly. It wasn't long before they spotted a familiar golden pelt among others and relief washed through them. Sparrow hurried over.

They offered Figpaw a wobbly smile as they sat down beside her. "Hi," they greeted quietly. Then, taking in the other cats before them - and briefly thinking about just how large some of them were - they offered them the same. "I'm... Sparrow," they added weakly after a moment. "I go by 'they.'"


The boy had never thought about what he 'went by'. The concept was foreign to him, and yet.. He almost felt drawn to the way they made him feel. "Sparrow.. A, um.. Really nice name!" He chirped gleefully, tail tapping behind him as he heard them arrive to the scene and introduce themselves. It was nice, to be asked such a simple question like that. "I'm Fireflypaw, you can call me Fi. You'll see me in the medicine den most of the time, but uh.. uhm. I think I like going by 'he' and 'they'! Both sound nice to me." It's a revelation, to some- but to Firefly, it's understanding. Discovery. Acceptance.

Turning to the next person, Fireflypaw gestured with his paw to urge them into confidence. Go on, introduce yourself!
જ➶ There is hardly any need to tell Heatherpaw to go as she is jittering up and down and just waiting for her chance. Really she is always keen on getting to know others and this is a good way to do it. She remembers meeting Sparrow whem they joined before and they had needed help. Someone Figpaw knew. She thinks that it is okay to allow them to stay and so when it is her turn her tail rapidly thumps against the ground as she grind brightly. "Hellooo, Sparroooow!" She begins with a bright shout as she giggles warmly and leans against Fireflypaw. "I'm Heatherpaw and I go by the she stuff! I'm so happy you joined Skyclan cause we are like the best clan honestly. Don't talk to Windclan cause they are kinda stinky." Not all of them she is sure but most of them really are. Especially when they raided them.
) It was always good to see new faces within the clan, and he was glad that Sparrow was among them now. They seemed like a pleasant individual, so he decided to make an introduction. "Hello there! I'm Bearheart, I go by he and him. Happy to have you among us, Sparrow. I'm one of the warriors here, though I used to be a daylight warrior originally, but I lost my home. So I live here permanently now. But enough about that, how are ya liking the place? Got any questions about SkyClan that you wish to ask?"
The blue smoke stumbles across a few clanmates gathered around, and catches on quickly to the fact that they’re all going around and introducing themselves to one another. Sparrow is new to the clan, so it makes sense—despite how awful the dirt feels under his paws, Cloudberrypaw settles stiffly beside the others.

"I’m Cloudberrypaw," he speaks up after Bearheart. His clanmates are all mentioning what they like to be called—Sparrow likes they, and Fireflypaw likes he and they. Is that allowed? Can anyone go by more than just one? Cloudberrypaw has always thought himself nothing but a boy, because that’s what everyone said he was, but… he also thought he was only allowed to think girls were pretty. But thinking about it is so stressful. He can do that later. "I don’t… really care what you call me, but I’m a boy." he says with a shrug, orange eyes fixed on his white paws, and pointedly nowhere else.
[ just a side character ]
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.°☀ But every time I see you cry

Little white paws joined beside a blue cat and Bananapaw looked up at her brother with a soft giggle in amusement. Then looked around the group for a moment in wondering what they where doing- before she realized she had joined the circle. The tawny and white she-cat flushed brightly with a slight clearing of her throat before she grinned, "I'm Bananapaw! Or just Nana," She spoke rather proudly with a little bounce on her toes.

"I go by she/her! Though I am considering they too- but like I don't know?" She continued onwards with a small tilt of her head with a slight confused look to her green gaze, "Cause I was born a girl, but I don't really like- care? Cause I'm just Nana, ya know?" Bananapaw had started to ramble about it and she was quick to snap her mouth shut. Those ears of her flattening slightly as she looked down suddnely flustered with her own word vomit.


With these wings of mine I'll stay awhile .°☀

  • //
  • BANANAPAW named by her mother Alice
    — she/her, 12 moons, single
    — skyclan daylight apprentice, mentored by Sharpeye.
    — self-doubtful, overlaying smile, very closed in

    primary character, high activity. penned by wolf_.​
  • banana.png

Names, names. So many thrown about, so many the warrior tries to grasp onto. He isn't sure if he'll remember the newcomer's name once this is all said and done, but still he listens. They. The newcomer wants to go by they. He can remember that, he thinks.

Ginger ears twitch as he listens to everyone else introduce themself to the brown tabby that finds their new home in the pine forest. And, while he may never really learn this one's name, he doesn't think it would hurt to introduce himself to them. He supposes they're scared enough with what they've seemed to have gone through, that finding familiarity in names of those they must now live with will help.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Cosmosbloom," he says, white tail wrapping around his paws, "I go by he. I'm a warrior... and..." What else?

"Oh, I've been here since before SkyClan was even SkyClan. Since I was a kit, basically." Perhaps something of note, since he doesn't think the rest of those greeting the new face have been around long enough to remember a time before the clans. A fun fact, maybe? Something he can find special about him, that he knows what SkyClan used to be.

Though they've already met, Greenpaw isn't sure what to make of the newcomer. Sparrow, as they call themself - Sparrow, who seemed to know his sister prior to their arrival.

It's a closeness only further proven as the brown tabby sits beside his sister, as they introduce themself to the clan properly. And, well, with all the new faces as of late, Greenpaw thinks it's good of them to at least think of introducing themself like this. Sometimes Greenpaw just has to guess if a new face is truly a new face, or if it's just another daylight warrior passing through after spending ages away from the clan!

Despite his confusion toward Sparrow's past, he finds himself settling upon the crowd anyway. A crooked tail thumps idly against the ground as he listens to Firefly introduce himself, bright gaze turning to look at his friend as a new revelation is brought forth. Firefly goes by he and they - something he'd never thought of asking his friend, something he'd never even thought of for himself, either. But, that's just that, a new fact. Greenpaw will call Fi whatever they want to be called, after all. Everyone, really.

But, oh! Right! He's supposed to introduce himself too, isn't he?

"I'm Greenpaw!" he chimes in when there's finally space to do so. "I'm also an apprentice here, and... and I'm one of Figpaw's siblings!" He blinks at Sparrow, at Figpaw beside them, before continuing.

"I go by he, too!" There's a brief pause, as if Greenpaw's contemplating his answer. "Yeah... Just he, I think!" He'll have to think more on it later, he supposes.

Among the group of now-gazing cats was Fireflypaw, who happened to be the first to respond. The weak smile that tugged the corners of their lips grew a little more genuine. Fi? "I like that nickname. It's cute," came their soft reply. They would be sure to call them that, then.

Next was a bubbly feline whom they recognized from earlier that day. Heatherpaw was her name. Another name ending with -paw. A different name, WindClan, drew them away from that line of thought. "WindClan?" Sparrow echoed. "Like SkyClan?" Were there lots of Clans out there, then?

The introductions came quick, one after another with the next being Bearheart, a tom that they had been surprised by the size of, their head tilting upward to meet his eyes. He was nice, and they sheepishly ducked their head. Even though they missed their home... "Everyone here is very nice." They knew not every cat out there was nice like their family at home. Although their growing smile faltered, they tried their best to not think about it for long.

"Oh- yeah," the tabby said upon realization of the question. "What's a... Daylight warrior?" Bearheart was a warrior, how was it different?

A smoky feline stops by the group, gray eyes turning over as he introduces himself as Cloudberrypaw, a tom. They lifted a creamy paw in a small, tentative wave. "I'm Sparrow," they softly introduced again in return. "I go by 'they.'"

Bananapaw, a she-cat, was next to appear. Or Nana, as the nickname is offered. Sparrow only nodded, letting her continue. They understood the feeling, and let out an affirmative hum. "And I'm just Sparrow," they agreed quietly. "I don't really want to label myself with anything. I just like 'they,' I guess..." Even if they were born a girl, it wasn't as if they minded it, but they were just them. It wasn't something they could easily put into words.

Next was a pale cat with bright orange ears, by the name of Cosmosbloom. The names and pronouns being thrown left and right were starting to become overwhelming to remember, and they began to worry that they would soon forget some of them. Sparrow did their best to reassure themself that they would learn. You have to, a small voice in the back of their mind said. They had no family to go back to. "Before SkyClan?" they hastily asked. "How old is it?"

Greenpaw, another cat they recognized from earlier. An apprentice, and one of Figpaw's siblings, information they took in with a surprised flick of their ear. A tom, a he. "Hello," they greeted with a return of their weak smile.

It felt strange, to be the center of so much attention. They weren't sure how to handle themself, looking from cat to cat and shifting their paws. The uncertain smile they carried, while genuine, seemed somewhat strained. "It's nice to meet you all," they managed after a moment.


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A gathering crowd had always caught the eye of the warrior, felines from warriors to apprentices milling about in a circle. He saunters over with his held swaying in unison with the rhythmic motion of his steps, a light smile adorning his patched features. They all were speaking towards the newcomer, Sparrow. Auburnflame gazed upon the brown tabby, reclining back onto his haunches as he listened quietly as everyone introduced themselves.
Once he found a chance to interjected and introduce himself, the tortoiseshell smiled at Sparrow brightly before speaking. "Hey, Sparrow, is it?" He trills, waving a plumed scarlet tail over his own fore limbs. "I'm Auburnflame! I usually go by He or They. I don't necessarily care." He listens to the young felines budding questions, glancing to Cosmosblossom and the others with a light chuckle.
ocean breathes salty
Though slightly older than most of those gathered, Selby knew that as far as Clan life went, he was barely more than a kit. Sure, he could hunt and fight with the best of them, but he knew little of the Clan way of life. Still, he was driven by a desire to understand why the group had become structured the way that it was. From his understanding, SkyClan was among the least formal of them, but it still seemed that there were many rules and things to understand.

Taking in the names of those around him, Selby cautiously took a seat, unsure if he would be accepted. He could not recall a time he had been around so many cats before. "I'm Selby, and I'm a he," he introduced, yellow eyes flickering to and between each cat. "I just joined the other day, so I think I've only really met Fireflypaw. I don't know much about the clans, so if I do something wrong, please let me know." The claw marks from enforced RiverClan rules still smarted across his face, so it seemed prudent to warn his peers that he wasn't quite sure of everything yet.
✦ ★ ✦
Much more averse to crowds than the majority of her Clanmates, Orangeblossom hesitates on her approach and eyes the group of SkyClanners with a wary gaze. She does, however and (un?)fortunately, catch her cousin's gaze; and Auburnflame, ever the extrovert of their duo, beckons her over. She sighs, mostly to herself, and pads over to sit beside the calico in question. Plumy tail flicks over her younger siblings' pelts on the way through, teasing, and she settles beside the younger warrior with the usual frown set in place on scarred features.

"I'm Orangeblossom, and I use she, her and related pronouns. I'm Blazestar's deputy - so if you need a cat of authority and Blazestar isn't available, come to me and I'll do what I can to help." The ginger-and-white molly introduces herself after a moment of awkward quiet. "I've been in these pines since I was a kit, in the colonies before the five Clans - Bananapaw and Cloudberrypaw are my younger siblings, and Auburnflame is my cousin. Do you have any questions about SkyClan life?" She hadn't, after all, heard Sparrow's questions to Heatherpaw and Bearheart.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
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