Is this just fantasy? ー ‘♡’ー prompt

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illuminate the cosmos ✧・゚
Jan 24, 2023

"✧ why am I the only one awake?"
The cream coloured apprentice stepped into the territory for the first time. Opening her eyes wide, her ears flicked forwards as she looked around the clearing of a territory. The river ran past, flowing and flying through the land. The slow rushing of the water calmed her pulse. The soft grass beneath her paws. She closed her eyes, smiling. This was so tranquil. She listened as the birds began to chirp and the sun began to peel out of the thick folds of the trees. She sat by the river, watching it trickle down. She looked down to see some snowdrops. Her eyes widened and her eyelashes fluttered with surprise and she gently scooped it up. she suddenly remembered the flowers she always saw in her house. She’d bring it in for her humans. She gave a small chuckle. "I really was that mousebrain a was I…" She mewed, looking to the sky once again.

✦ ★ ✦

  • .

    ー named for her soft features and heart

    ー。 cis female - she/her
    ー Cream tabby short furred cat with brown eyes
    ー Scottish fold x Japanese bobtail

  • wait for @Smokethroat


(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ Fawnpaw was not the only one reminiscing on the past thanks to the sight of new-leaf bloomings. Darterwing treads along the river shore listening to the sound of the current, watching the waves rock around pretty pink flowers. She draws a heavy inhale. Her name had been Lotus. Lotus soldier of the Marsh Group, Lotus beauty of the colony… Lotus who held a fond piece of Darterwing’s heart and took it with her when she passed on.

It was comforting that this flower followed her out of the marshland and into the wetlands her clan inhabited. Whenever she saw them she took it as a sign that Lotus was with her in spirit. Still the sting of loss bitterly pricked at her heart at the gorgeous reminder of the cat she loved and all that could’ve been.

She follows the lotus downstream until she runs into Fawnpaw and allows the aquatic flower to drift off. …See you soon.
Blowing a tuft of fur out of her eyes she settles down beside Fawnpaw, first she had to make sure the ground was solid and wouldn’t break loose. She did not want to go hurling into the water.

”Mumbling to yourself?” She leans in musing.
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"✧ why am I the only one awake?"
the sound of pawsteps made her eyes flutter open. Turning around, the cream coloured cat blinked, watching Darterwing arrive. The warrior seemed to be looking at a lotus floating down the river, which she was admiring just now. She chuckled as she turned to the molly. She was wary of cats when she joined, would they be mean to her? Would they hate her? she was fretting for so much but now she saw a cat who was friendly to her. With a small purr, she nodded. "how about you? Are you thinking of something?" she asked, blue eyes wide.

✦ ★ ✦

  • .

    ー named for her soft features and heart

    ー。 cis female - she/her
    ー Cream tabby short furred cat with brown eyes
    ー Scottish fold x Japanese bobtail

  • none today


(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ Truth be told Darterwing feels similarly to kitty pets as many of her clan-mates. They were lazy beings and from her run-ins were unnecessarily hostile to wild cats. Did she have her doubts about the blood that ran through Fawnpaw’s veins? Of course, but they were clan-mates now by Cicadastar’s ruling, why bicker? Especially with a kid who wasn’t far from Catfishpaw’s age.

Secondly, she knew what it was like to be doubted for things one could not control. Many cats, her own parents included, were displeased with her for turning out a mere drypaw. Many weren’t as vocally disdaining of her as they were a kitty pet, but still, she felt their disappointed gazes when she roamed away from the river to hunt on her lonesome.

”Of course.” Darterwing replies with a slow bat of her eyes, ”I was just thinking about how grateful I am for New-leaf finally arriving. If only we could spend it in our real camp, huh?” She lies, not ready to verbalize her thoughts of Locust, especially to a young apprentice. Anyways, all of this aside she cannot help but appreciate how well-groomed Fawnpaw’s fur is. ”…I see you take good care of your fur.” She prompts to see if the apprentice would say more on it.
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The past was not some distant thing to be mourned. Though it reached up to ensnare him every now an' then, it was more than anything an ever-present beast. Not the lumbering history, but a set of jaws that reached for his heels. He's no memory of a soft world to turn to, where he'd been fat and fed. Only a history of scars and blood, interspersed with bits of kindness. Thankfully he seems to have found himself in a bit of one now, and his typically bitter mood's been softened by it. Just enough that he doesn't hate this changing of seasons. With it would come new life, new chances. He's a new name to boot, and that's as fine a thing as a whole body.

Still, he's not wholly gentle. His shoulder bumps to Darterwing's with a fair bit of force, though there's only a faint smile turning up the corners of his mouth when he comes into view. A friendly nudge, though not the sweetest of touches. "Come on now, it'd be nicer'f you to just call us all the rats you think we are." Houndstride's far from vain. Though his coat comes with a healthy gloss, it's often tangled with the remnants of his dives (and failed weaving attempts) or sullied by mud and dust. She's right, at least: Fawnpaw does look quite well put together for a clan cat. Odd.

  • NOTICE: hound's name has changed from houndsnarl to houndstride! sorry for any confusion.

  • ──── houndstride. trans male, he - him - his pronouns.
    ──── over three years old. born late december of 2020.
    ──── bisexual but with a heavy masc preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"
Memories may come to you when least expected, or rather, least desired, perhaps. They could flood forward without much prodding. A single crack in the ice was all it took before a dam may burst, good or bad. More often than not though, reflecting would be worth your while.

Wasprattle is a quiet presence between RiverClan's warriors. Leaf-bare's grip continues to loosen, too. Snow becomes snowmelt, parts of the river begin to flow as easily as they had before. The sharpness of his gaze does not betray his silent admiration, nor the curiosity he regards their newcomer with. It had been him, once, left to gawk at the abundance of wetland ahead of them. It still could be him, any day he so wished.

Darterwing steps to the young she-cat before he can think of much, himself. She deflects quickly, doesn't she? ...Perhaps it is not as important as he thinks.

Hound– Houndstride makes his entrance with tact, and Wasprattle would follow behind, not quite meeting a single gaze. Slight surprise in his eyes– he hadn't Darterwing to mean something so cruel. His gaze drags to the apprentice in question. She is well-groomed, but he did not find it so strange. He's seen kittypets trail the streets, fur alight with unnatural shine, the scent of blossoms so potent that he struggled to find it real, "Well, she's had no reason to dirty herself until now." His tone is careful, any bile swiftly clipped by his own conscious. She was too young to know so certainly...

His eyes trail askance... before they settle upon the buds at her paws. Pale and drooping as they were, it brings a story to mind... A flower being washed of its color. Of course, he was not so superstitious as to believe such a thing, but he didn't see the harm in indulging in a story. Sun-touched eyes seem to soften just a notch, and to her, he mumbles, "The flowers will cheer once you do yourself." Cycle of kindness, something of the sort.

  • – miss / young lady

"✧ why am I the only one awake?"
Fawnpaw turned around as she aw two more cats emerge. One was burly with a brown tabby pattern ans a big mane. The other, with a white marking on their forehead, kind eyes blinking. As much as she tried to remember each cat’s name, she couldn’t remember the two cat’s names. she flicked her ear as she heard dartenwing speak and she glanced self-consciously at her own fur. Each strand was willowy, the ends completed with a small curl. The smell of blueberry on her fur was long gone now, washed away by the mud she slipped in earlier. All there was was a small hint of it, hidden beneath the folds of her fur. She gave a small purr, rasping her tongue over her fur. "thank you. I always do, I am grateful for our fur, if we didn’t have any, we’d freeze. "

she blinked a couple of times before looking to the other cat, who spoke. she shook her head, blinking quickly again. "I wouldn’t. you are all far from rats. I know some cats may dislike me, but it won’t bother me at all. i am very thankful that this clan took me in." she gave a small sigh. it was true, some kittypets despised forest cats and would have a lot against them, yet she didn’t really have an opinion. She turned to hear the other cat speak and she gave a soft purr and gave him a smile. "i will try to be a good apprentice, I won’t let you all down. " she vowed, dipping her head.

✦ ★ ✦

  • .

    ー named for her soft features and heart

    ー。 cis female - she/her
    ー Cream tabby short furred cat with brown eyes
    ー Scottish fold x Japanese bobtail

  • so sorry for the late reply!!!


(=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡♡ At Houndstride’s forceful nudge she lets out a mrrow of amusement as she’s pushed back, ”Haha! I’m just sayin’… some of you darlings stand to add another grooming session to your day is all!” Which says a lot about her radical beauty practices, considering RiverClan cats were the most conscious of the state of their pelts in all the clans! Even so, she swears some of them- oh especially the apprentices… needed to take better care with their fur. The lack of attention to knotting and dirt after training or patrols was something. Just sitting here Darterwing can feel grime on her pelt, she wants nothing more than to begin basking her tongue over her fur.

She doesn’t show a reaction to Wasprattle’s words, he was right after all… If anyone had had the easiest time keeping their fur clean in RiverClan it would’ve been Fawnpaw, given she once lived in a twoleg den. Still… even if it came easy Darterwing admires the health and shine of her fur, she gulps and shuffles her paws against the pebble floor.

Fawnpaw’s words are sweet, they come from the heart, yet Darterwing still refrains a frown. Fawnpaw would most certainly try, but blood was blood, origin was origin. She was a kitty pet, her destiny had never been to be one of them. She hopes she’s right though, that with all her best efforts she won’t let RiverClan down. Maybe one day they’ll forget all about the fact Fawnpaw hails from two legs. ”yes, I’m sure you will.” she meows supportively, though its rooted in doubt and pretend confidence.
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