camp is this normal ༊*·˚ fresh-kill


New member
Sep 5, 2024

kit of shadowclan // no former ranks.
cis female // she/her // bisexual & biromantic & monogamous.
01 moons // ages on the 8th of each month.
partially blind in her right eye.
polydactyl // part maine coon.
played by @helly // tagstoyhou.seadopt thread
speech is in "#aec5d0"

Ivorykit's head raised from it's place between her already over-sized paws. She was stumbling over them already and didn't really want to deal with it at that moment, so was just laying down while the rest of the camp went about doing as they did. Her too-large head was tilted up at the cluttered sky, the branches of trees surrounding the camp filling the darkening sky above her. She wasn't too sure what the rest of her little family was up to, but her curiosity was beginning to rear it's horrible little head as her stomach began growling. She lifted herself off the ground, stretching out as she did so and... well, what now?

She stared at the closest warrior-- or maybe it was an apprentice? She wasn't too sure on the difference just yet-- until they padded up to her. "I'm hungry." She stated, staring blankly up at them. They should be able to fix the problem. She thinks so at least.​

A startle came from the warrior, sparrowhearts head snapping to the small form, an uncomfortable shift in his limbs as the words escape the childs mouth. He didn't have milk for her- or, oh. "Oh well, do... You, want to pick something from the pile? Or, do you want me to bring it to you? Or," his head turned, Icey blue gaze moving to drift his gaze around camp as the dark warrior looked for Maggotfurs pelt. "do I need to find your mother? I- don't have milk for you though. But I don't know- do you even have teeth?" His anxious rambled as he rolled his shoulders back and his ears flattened. Boy, what help was he? Shouldn't he know this by now? But he knew nothing of kits.


“Why do you ask so many questions?” She had heard the word curious before, was that what Sparrowheart is? She liked that he asked so many, especially since she liked to ask questions. There was an air of relatability from that fact, she peered up at the warrior then glanced over at Ivorykit who was also staring up at him. She didn’t understand why the kitten would be so hungry right now, did she not get fed? Her paws are really big so Puddlekit thought that was a sign of a well fed cat. Yet she looks at her own paws and while they’re smaller she feels full, so clearly that must not be the case.

“If she doesn’t eat it I will!” It was bad to waste prey, Puddlekit would never waste it. She had started to gain a better grasp on what some aspects of the warrior code is , not for a lack of questioning. Even though she wasn’t hungry right now if all of the prey needed to be eaten then she was willing to make that sacrifice, how noble was she? “Can you pick something from the pile?” The chimera is insistent in her talking, expression contorted in a pout as each meow was perceived by her at least to be deathly serious.

  • PUDDLEKIT || She/her, kit of ShadowClan, 3 moons
    A short haired fawn rosette tabby and black rosette tabby chimera with copper eyes. Always seems to be judgmental.
    Adopted child of Moltface || Littermate to Runningkit, Cloudkit, Buzzardkit, and Nightkit.
    Penned by Juice || message on discord (Ouijeejuice) for plots!
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.

— The youngest of the litter decides to make his own appearance especially when he notices Ivorykit stumbling about on large paws and he can't help but follow after her due to his own curiosity. She declares that she's hungry to one of the warriors who proceeds to ask a lot of questions and at the inquiry about them having teeth, Rainbowkit is half tempted to bite down on the tom's tail to show him that they had their teeth. The little tomkit decides that Sparrowheart is extremely boring and lame in his mind but decides not to mention it especially when the bicolored kitten gives the warrior a look. His mama did the look to him and his sisters, it seemed effective.

Puddlekit decides to butt in saying that she will eat it if his sister doesn't and he can't help but shoot the chimera a nasty glare of sorts "She said she is hungry!" With his own large paws, he stomps over to stay beside Ivorykit still keeping his eyes trained onto Puddlekit. A part of him wants to tell the older kitten to scram and go away but he refrains from doing so only to glance at Sparrowheart once more with narrowed eyes.


  • ooc
  • rDWY4X0.png
    a unruly furred black and white tomkit with brown eyes & low white
    rainbowkit, despite his vibrant name, is anything but he tends to come off as dull or boring to those around him since he's moreso fixed on absorbing any knowledge offered to him. he won't entertain kit games and if he continues to be pressured into playing them, he isn't afraid to swat away his denmates with his six-toed paws and sharp words; all his opinions are IC only.
    1 moon old; ages the 8th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young to consider love
    child of snakehiss and maggotfur
    brother to ivorykit and cornflowerkit
    semi-hard to befriend due to how stiff/standoffish he is ; stubborn/will pick fights if he sees necessary
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed

His paws shuffled uncomfortably. Three kits too many surrounded him, and he blinked his blue gaze at them, taken a bit aback. "Uh, well, because I don't know if- well, what you eat," he stuttered out, shaking his head. How could he be so nervous around children? It was weird. But he just didn't know them. He typically avoided them, but he was beelining towards the camp entrance, and didn't quite expect the kittens to demand his attention.

"Okay okay, I'll go grab something good for you, one second," he murmured, his ears flattening. He hoped maggotfur wouldn't swat him over the ears if they weren't ready for freshkill- but they were insistent. His slender body drug himself through camp on quick paws, moving to the freshkill pile. Lizards? Well, those were tough, chewy - rats? They stunk, and his nose twitched and his eyebrows furrowed until he laid eyes on a crow. Well, he liked them- so maybe? He picked the creature up with locked jaws and scurried quickly back to the oh so friendly and not at all terrifying kittens. "here you go," he said, setting down the black bird. "the uh, feathers, are really cool too-"


The kits these days sure were loud and boisterous, and it made Gigglepaw wonder if she had been that way when she was younger. With a mother like Ferndance influencing her, she surely was similar, if not more; she may have been very proud of her own way of keeping happiness about her, but she wasn't blind to seeing that sometimes her attitude wasn't wanted or needed.

"There's enough for everybody!" Gigglepaw chirps as she stumbles across the scene of Sparrowheart being overrun by the kits in question. He seems to be struggling with the little willful ones, and although she can't say she knows how to deal with kits any better than Sparrowheart does, the least she can do is try and take some of the burden off of his shoulders. "Oh, that's true, too! Did'ya know that you can take the feathers off a bird and use 'em as decoration?" She added onto Sparrowheart's hesitance, beaming towards the kits.


kit of shadowclan // no former ranks.
cis female // she/her
bisexual // biromantic // monogamous.
01 moons // ages on the 8th of each month.
partially blind in her right eye.
polydactyl // part maine coon.
played by @helly // tagstoyhou.seadopt thread
speech is in "#aec5d0"

Ivorykit stared wide-eyed at the warrior who responded, tilting her head. "I'm hungry." She stated again, too-large head tilted as far back as it possibly could to see the other's face. Her attention was momentarily taken away from the other as another kit, Puddlekit she thought her name was, as well as her little brother padded over. Her brother's stomping caused a tick to form in her ear in slight annoyance, but it didn't go much farther than that. Typical sibling annoyances, to say the least.

When the warrior went off to get her some food she smiled triumphantly, big grin and perked ears able to be seen when he came back with her dinner. No thoughts of a 'thank you' would cross her mind as she stared at the creature he brought her. A bird? Feathers? Weird! Ivorykit poked a big paw at the bird, making one of the feathers flick off of it and she tilted her head at it. "How eat it?" She asked the warrior, not really paying attention to anyone else that may be speaking to her. She was too focused on the food in front of her.​
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Sparrowheart sent a silent thanks to Gigglepaw, hoping the apprentice would provide enough distraction for him to slip away unnoticed. But no, the child's golden eyes remained fixed on him, ignoring the apprentice and focusing solely on the warrior. Where the hell was Maggotfur?

A nervous chuckle escaped him as he flattened his ears and lowered his head slightly. "Oh—" He realized he needed to show Ivorykit how to pluck the feathers and savor the meat. "So, you just—" He hooked a claw under the bird's tough feathers, yanking them from the body so they came off cleanly. Swallowing nervously, he continued, "pull the feathers, then—" He plucked a few more, creating neat feathers that could be used later for play or decoration, whatever the kits desired. He didn't even want to contemplate being there that long.

After a moment, he cleared the feathers from a section of the bird and pushed it gently toward the kit. "Then, bite it—right there," he instructed, still hoping for someone else to arrive. This was by far the most interaction he'd ever had with kits, and he felt truly conflicted. He remembered being a kit himself, sinking his claws into sparrows and eating them, feathers and all. It was here, in ShadowClan, that they taught him how to properly eat a bird, and here that he grew to enjoy the taste. He might have just given up eating birds, if it wasn't for them. Fortunately, it was now his favorite prey- and it definitely beat frogs and lizards...