camp ISN'T IT LOVELY TO BE ALONE \ indecision

Well, nests needed changing! It was pretty routine, and the moss had begun to wear out, flattened by warm bodies rolling all over it. Or, well, one now. It was selfish to keep making a nest big enough for two while Dawnglare was away, so inky paws worked to craft something smaller, head owlishly tilted all the while. When weaving was over, though- he was placed with yet another dilemma. Behind ever-grinning fangs, a pink tongue clicked thoughtfully.

With snapping bone speed, silver-drowned pupils darted between the entrance to the medicine cat's den, and the warrior's den. Right, well- what now? Was it odd to sleep in the medicine den- unwelcome to dwell there with the patients, while his mate was away? Mallowlark's smile froze into something sharp and conflicted, wearing the facade of happiness. There wouldn't be any room for him in the warrior's den, would there? Especially not with the infulx that just came in... Mallowlark's breath stuttered into a small laugh, confusion managing to weave itself into quiet cackling.

A tentative paw stepped toward the medicine den- and was immediately snatched away. No, no... wouldn't it just make him feel worse, too, to dwell in an empty home?
It felt wrong not being at the side of his friends, but they knew better than to stir up a fuss. Instead, they decided to make themselves useful and do as the Medicine Cat had requested. Picking a rather plump rodent from the pile, he turned and trotted onward with a goal in mind. Except, while wrapped up in their own mind, they nearly missed a pale white coat. Mallowlark was assuredly one cat the scarred Lead had little to no interaction with over the last few moons. Ironically, the ghostly feline was much like an apparition that weaved in and out of view, often smirking to the nines beside Dawnglare or chittering away over a meal.

That or Dogbite felt genuinely nervous around such an oddball of a cat, and he tended to weave away from them. Yet, fate had other plans in store as the tabby cat nearly ran right into the back of said warrior. Halting just shy of the other's haunches, his good eye widened with surprise. Oh, rats... Jaw full of squirrel intended for Fireflypaw and Dawnglare's patients and keeping him from yammering away, he couldn't just push past the older tom, knowing he almost tripped over them, and letting the strange silence prevail seemed even worse.

Grunting through the fluff, he maneuvered a few paw steps away, depositing the fresh kill off to the side and turning back to address his clanmate. "Ah, hello Mallowlark. Everything alright?" They couldn't help but pinpoint the strain to their usual grin and the darting of eyes. Such a sight made the back of his neck crawl with concern and discontent.

  • jLfE0mV.png
  • ———✧———​
    ✧ LH cinnamon tabby w/high white one blue eye
    ✧ child of npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; ex-loner
    ✧ 33 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
✧✧ Sangriakit might not like the medicine cats’ den, but what she does like is solving mysteries. And right now, the mystery is why Mallowlark is acting so weird and keeps looking at the medicine den and the warrior den. He places a paw forward, and then pulls it back. Is he having trouble making a decision? The cinnamon torbie is about to march up to him and declare that he can go in, the medicine cats won’t bite him or anything even though they don’t like Sangriakit going in there, but Dogbite speaks up first.

Feeling a bit confused now, she echoes, "Yeah, are you alright? D’ya need to see Dawnglare?" Oh. Wait. She tips her head slightly, a small frown crossing her muzzle. Dawnglare isn’t here right now, so it’s all in Fireflypaw’s big ol’ paws until he comes back. "Or.. d’ya need to see Fireflypaw?" The fact that Dawnglare and Mallowlark are mates does cross her mind, but that doesn’t mean the big fluffy tom can just go in there, does it?

Oh, quite the eclectic mix of characters had wandered over here... Dogbite, respected council member they were- and little Sangriakit, mouth full of wobbly teeth! But it was kindness, wasn't it, that drew them so close? Some sort of care... it was more than he'd ever gotten under Sootstar's iron claw. Much, much more! They weren't fond of him on those moors, and that cemented what Blazestar had said, that somehow he belonged here, even without Dawnglare.

"Fine as ever," he chimed, like birdsong! Always, always... like the twinkling of stars. If he wasn't light, what was he? Not some miserable shadow, no-no-never. It was the grin that kept him going, even when it ached. It was the smile that cemented within him all the strength there was! "I need a new spot for my nest." Easy to say, direct- that was what got you in the good books. Impressions, shining like the sun!

"Don't think I should sleep in the medicine den, for now..." Oh, and he chittered under his breath at the image that leapt into his head... of Fireflypaw, kicking him out with a swift paw-swipe!

YOU TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME — Blazingpaw can't help but frown noticing Mallowlark struggling to make his way to the medicine or warriors den, his ears flick uncomfortably noting the slight falter in their grin. Dogbite and Sangriakit already asking what's wrong with the tom before he could push the words out of his own mouth and approaches hesitantly. He remembers that their medicine cat had gone off to help the neighboring clan's medicine cat, Gentlethorn or something like that, and it seems in the absence of Dawnglare it has put his ghostly mate in a bit of a pickle. Blazingpaw can't help but cringe when Sangriakit asks if the older tom needs to see Dawnglare and brushes it off with a frown hearing the words that Mallowlark says next.

"I'm sure that Firefly won't mind having you there. Besides, isn't Dawnglare coming back uh soon?" Blazingpaw says with a frown knowing that the odd healer wouldn't be gone that long or so he hopes, he decides to sit down with his tail neatly wrapping around his paws. Not to mention, that the warriors den seemed to be packed right now with all the recent warriors.


  • 8JbI3pG.png
    longhaired red tabby tom with green eyes
    8 moons old; ages the 28th every month
    sexuality unknown; too young
    son of coyotecrest and howlfire
    brother to wolfpaw and hawkpaw
    currently being mentored by coyotecrest
    easy to befriend ; oftentimes quick to anger
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
Once, Fireflypaw had been wary of Mallowlark. The all-things-grim-loving tom was so intimidating at first, having come from cursed WindClan just to join his mentor here in SkyClan's lands. He'd left everything he's ever known behind just for love, for a new beginning. He is resting in the medicine den when he hears talking just outside of it, lifting his head from his paws and leaving the comfort of his mint-laced nest in favor of knowing what in the stars was going on out there. His nephew speaks of his name, and plenty of others like Sangriakit and Dogbite mention Dawnglare. When he turns to face the original voice, he finds its Mallowlark himself- yet he cannot see the expression or body language of hesitance, he knows what he is here for.

"Dawnglare will return soon." Fireflypaw makes a point to point out the obvious, tail swishing behind him. His expression is neutral, but the glimmer in his milky eyes spills with ingenuity. He reaches a paw out, gently attempting to pat Mallowlark on the shoulder reassuringly. It wasn't his decision to tell Mallowlark to leave the medicine den anyways, and besides- Dawnglare would strip him of his fur if he ever made Mallowlark leave his nest. "You are SkyClan's medicine cat's mate, you may sleep in there if you'd like. Don't be silly, my friend." He chuckles, deep and melodic as he moves to ruffle Blazingpaw's head with his paw affectionately. "The stars do not condemn you from my den just because your mate isn't here right now. Though, it would be best to remake the nest you and the high priest share, it has been a while."