wc rebels IT’S ALL GONNA END [allergies]

Cottonpaw—no, Cottonfang—has made her escape from Sootstar’s clutches, and the tunneler feels as though she should be glad. She should be relieved, that she and Wolfsong’s former apprentice had finally made her way to the horseplace along with Downypaw. But instead of relief, she only feels… hollow. Rumblepaw should be here, too. Should be here alongside the other two cats. Rumblepaw should be here with their siblings, with their aunt and uncle and Scorchstreak. They should not be trapped beneath the paws of Sootstar, destined for the same fate as their eldest brother.

She shakes her head as though she can knock the thoughts loose from her skull. Their nests have begun to grow thin, hay falling loose and being strewn around the barn’s floor. "Come on," she says to her ginger-patched apprentice, tail flicking in an invitation for Pinkpaw to follow. Whether or not the younger tunneler actually comes along, it doesn’t matter to Scorchstreak. She’s capable of gathering new straw on her own. And she knows exactly where to get more—a large straw pile in one part of the barn, standing taller than the tunneler herself.

She swipes at the stack of hay, and as the pile shifts, dust flies into the air. She sniffs once, twice, and then sneezes. "Agh!" Her head jerks forward with the force of it, sending her off balance for a moment. The dust that’s been kicked up stings at her eyes, and she swipes across them with a dark paw. They are watering, now, and she sniffs once again to try and clear the tickling of her nose. "What…" she growls, "what is going on?" She seems almost confused as she wrinkles her nose, but her teeth are bared as though her snarling is aimed towards the hay itself.

// apprentice tag @PINKPAW
Pinkpaw is left blinking at Scorchstreak, not sure why she's being called, but following cause she's a good apprentice... And cause there's nothing else to do in this weirdo barn. " Ok! " she chirps with a blink, skittering after her mentor. They get to a bigggg tree - thing of what one of those barn cats had called straw. Pinkpaw gapes slightly as she stands before it, a soft ooh peeping form her maw.

Her eyes go squinty as Scorchstreak swipes at the pile and the air is suddenly super icky and gross. Too bad she cant close her nose in the same way. It's super tingly and weird, and then her mentor is sneezing, like, the loudest sneeze ever! " Are you sick? " Pinkpaw asks, smile straining against the weirdo feeling, and then Pinkpaw's sneezing too, a whole bunch of sneezes even, leaving her with a runny nose by the end of it, and feeling no less tingly, either. " Noo, I'm sick, " she whines. If she's sick she's not gonna... she won't get to... fight with her friend... Won't get to hit Bluefrost on the nose...

  • EZIRq0S.png

    A tiny, longhaired calico she - kit with suburst eyes ringed blue around her pupils (central heterochromia). While you can clearly see her flame markings on her face, the rest of her body is currently covered by a grey fever - coating. Though the whites of her are still very much visible. Pinkpaw bounces around WindClan without a care in the world! Her emotions are big, and she makes little effort to regulate them, resulting in both her usually cheerful disposition, as well as making her prone to sudden bouts of extreme anger or sadness. Rarely seen without a smile!
    HEAVY IC OPINIONS! Pinkpaw is a very irrational and childish character!​

Boredom was a dangerous thing at the moment. Boredom led to thinking, and for Rattleheart that would inevitably lead to overthinking, and his thoughts would go wandering back until they reached the same place as Scorchstreak's. Agonizing over Rumblerain - Rumblepaw, they should still be - and Peonypaw in equal measure. Floundering over the past, desperately trying to find some kind of solid ground on why they had all been allowed to lose so much. It wasn't a good place to be, and that was why the tunneler had forced himself outside of the barn for the day, figuring he could still go out and catch something decent outside of the mice that the barn seemed to be absolutely filled with.

Thankfully he had been correct, a surprisingly plump lark held carefully in his jaws as he slipped back into the barn. He had planned on possibly sharing it with Scorchstreak, figuring that he and his sister could talk about all that was going on. However he came up blank when initially looking for her - only to jump when her sneeze went echoing throughout the barn. The tunneler's head snapped over in her direction, confusion clear as day on his face before his shoulders began to shake with - muffled, thanks to the lark - laughter. He didn't have any more of an idea of what was going on than Scorchstreak or Pinkpaw, but he'd be lying if he said it wasn't funny to watch.

Quickly depositing his lark over where the rest of their prey was stashed, he made sure there was a fair bit of distance between him and the dust cloud that Scorchstreak had unintentionally kicked up. Faint laughter was still pouring forth from him as he grew close, one paw over his muzzle to at least try and hide his amusement somewhat. "Are... are the both of you alright? I thought your sneezing was going to knock the both of you right over." Even with the distance that he had already put between himself and the hay pile, Rattleheart found himself needing to take another just to keep the dust from fully affecting him, nose wrinkling at the unpleasant tickle it brought with it.
༄༄ The dust that’s been kicked up seems to affect Pinkpaw as well, sending the apprentice into a fit of sneezes strung one after another. The younger cat whines about being sick, and Scorchstreak shakes her head. "No, Pinkpaw. We definitely aren’t sick. I think it’s the-" Achoo! Her body is wracked by another harsh sneeze, and a pale paw swipes once more across her nose. It’s embarrassing. They are going to be facing down dangerous warriors at some point soon, and here they are, being defeated by mere dust motes. "The dust!" Her eyes are watering, tears spilling from her eyes against her will. A single drop splatters onto the ground at her feet, and she presses a paw into her eyes to stop its flow.

The sound of muffled laughter causes indignation to well up in the calico, and her ears shift to lie back against her head. She whirls to face whoever has the gall to laugh at her misfortune—only to see her brother standing there, attempting to hide his laughter with a paw. The ire drains from her at the sight, but still her tail lashes with light annoyance. "Yeah, yeah—laugh it up," she says, but amusement dances in her own eyes. "If it’s so, hah," she gasps and sniffles, feeling the tickling of a sneeze coming on once again. She powers through it, though, forcing herself to keep speaking. Rattleheart’s multiple steps backward don’t escape her notice. "If it’s so funny, how about you come over here, too?"