private IT’S COLD BUT I DON’T MIND [✨] Snowkit

As twilight began to settle over camp kitten eyes begin to see things that aren’t really there. Shadows lurk underneath the stream’s surface that appear to be things they are not. The kitten gasps and races to the paws of one of the bravest companions she knows, Snowkit.

”…Snowkit!” She calls to the kit hesitantly, the fur on her flank bristling with anxiety. ”Theres a pike in the water… I just saw it! Any heart-beat it would’ve leaped from the water to eat me.” She informs, fully convinced that the sharp-toothed fish would’ve. She’s heard stories from the warriors of RiverClan about attempting to hunt the large fish, how they’ve injured warriors in the past with their sheer size and the snapping of their teeth. ”Do you think we should tell someone?”
  • @snowkit :)
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing