pafp It’s taken all the ivy from your throat & checking in

That bastard had been his son's mentor. When he thinks about it he can not help but feel a sense of horror so powerful it almost makes him want to scream, but thankfully when he asked Sparkpaw was very adamant he had no inclination this might happen. Trufflepelt had been a good cat, a good cat with a good head on his shoulders who mistook his own mad ramblings for the voice of divinity and thought himself StarClan's chosen executioner. He was surely blessed by them, perhaps, for it Sunfreckle had gotten a hold of him before he escaped they would have another body for burial-though they would not allow him anywhere near Morningpaw's place. Perhaps alongside the thunderpath....perhaps on it.
He'd been in the nursery during it all, paws kept busy with the kits eager and restless the closer their ceremony day came so when he finally was offered a chance for moment's respite he took it. He had been itching to visit the medicine cat den for a time now, but a combination of not wanting to overwhelm or add further stress to Berryheart and a small part of him being scared of what he'd see had kept him from doing so.
Still, he had a moment and he had heard no one had taken anything to the healer nor his patient yet so with a rather hefty sparrow he'd caught himself the red tabby was hobbling his way over and trying to keep his exrpression neutral as it could be.
Something about seeing Howling Wind, so strong and noble, in such a state was jarring and upset his senses to such a degree he could not help but instinctively flatten his ears in a silent protest against it but as he set the bird down inside the den near the nest he smiled all the same.
"Hello, it's freezing out there! You've gotten it quite cozy in here, huh? Not quite as warm as the nursery was but I warrant its much quieter."
Pausing to adjust himself away from the door and off to the side so he did not impede anyone coming or going or get in the medicine cat's way, Sunfreckle tucked his paws under himself and curled his tail in tight to his side.
"How are you feeling?"

@HOWLING WIND & Obligatory @BERRYHEART tag cause its in the den!
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In truth, she very much enjoys the visitors she gets during the days. It's difficult for a woman so used to days full of responsibility to be bedded down, cobwebs and herbs plastered across her abdomen. She can only thank StarClan that her son is the clan's esteemed healer and that insane killer is gone; she would not want to be stuck in this cave with Cinderfrost. Berryheart is a far more comfortable option. But he's busy and can't be expected to spend every waking moment entertaining his mother, and so when he's out searching for herbs or treating other clanmates for their ailments, she relies on others for conversation, or even better, updates on patrols.

She's watching the tortoiseshell paw through some leafy-looking herbs, cheek slumped against the edge of her nest when the sun is suddenly blocked from the den's entrance. Green eyes flicker towards the form of Sunfreckle, and immediately a smile grows upon her face. "My friend, I'll trade this cozy den for your spot on a hunt any day!" She purrs jokingly, lifting her head and shifting to see the warrior better. "I'm doing as well as I can be. Berryheart's treating me very well. How is life outside of the nursery treating you?"

"No can do, I'm afraid. I just got this spot and I'm not giving it up anytime soon." He smiled, knowing it was killing the older she-cat to be so confined and downtrodden but she had her humor still at least; they hadn't lost her in any way-whether it be her life or sense of self. He could take solace in that happily. "I'm glad you're doing well though." He glosses over the topic itself, not sure how much his distaste for their once friendly senior warrior would bother her, he certainly had his own issues with the tom having been mentor to his son but Howling Wind had known him far longer and the betrayal must cut deep.
He scans the den, curious over the medicinal plants and wide-eyed over how many there seemed to be. He wondered how Berryheart kept up with it all, especially when he got no training whatsoever. The faintest memory of Cinderfrost makes him frown for a moment before he shakes it away, it was in the past after all and there was no use dwelling on it anymore though he did vaguely wonder where she was now if her kits were here.
Not that he was supposed to know, but Ragwortkit sure was a mouthy little furball in that nursery. Still, it wasn't his place to say or judge....

"Ah, I'm enjoying it. It's nice getting to go on patrol again and hunt but I worry it's made me a bit rusty." Little Wolf had gotten right back to it with seemingly no problem and he worried he was falling behind cause he was struggling a little. "Do you know when you'll be back on your paws?"

It was surprising to see others in his den as he arrived, several sprigs of marigold held in his crooked maw. Well... surprising to see certain others, anyway. Big Mama was of course expected company, but Nifty was not- and what a shame it was now that the sight of others near his nest now worried him. Once upon a time he dreamed of the days when he would be sought out, but it was for knowledge, not life-saving aid... to have this responsibility resting on his shoulders, even after these several moons, was something he was entirely unused to. Concern kept a subtle shadow upon his face, slightest frown furrowing his brows and dulling his askew eyes.

"Something wrong?" he asked, looking Nifty up and down quickly. There seemed to be no new wounds, no blood in the air, but it could be some invisible illness. Of course, it might be a simple visit- but anyone who crossed this threshold was an unaware spark of worry in his gut.
Mousepaw sees Sunfreckle hovering just outside Berryheart's den, and her heart begins to pitter-patter. Loss has decorated her days with stormclouds, with soft cries into her moss at night when the other apprentices snore around her. Mossypaw is gone, and Dovekit has been gone for so long. Morningpaw, too. The idea of something happening to Sunfreckle is almost more than the little tortoiseshell can bear, and she whisks herself close to him, winding herself around her father's legs with a rusty purr.

"'Course he's okay! Never been better, right?" She tilts her face toward him, bright and warm as his namesake settled high in the sky. She gives Berryheart and then Howling Wind a quick peek once she is reassured. "Hi, Howling Wind. Hope you're back soon. Flycatcher and Flamewhisker make the weirdest patrols! They never put me on the good ones!" Her complaint is petulant but light-hearted.

Howling Wind purrs in amusement at the warrior's joking and her chin lifts with a smile. "Soon - Berryheart says another quarter-moon and I should be back on my paws. It can't come soon enough," She trills with a gentle eye-roll. She's a good patient; she won't dare go out and about until she gets the all-clear from her son. She's not about to jeopardize her wound reopening or getting an infection, something that might put her out of the game for longer.

That familiar tortoiseshell pelt appears past the lichen curtain and the tabby blinks lovingly towards the medicine cat. "Sunfreckle's just here to keep your mother company," She further explains, casting a warm glance in Mousepaw's direction. She chuckles, thinking back on the patrols she's had to listen to every day since being in here. Some of the choices were good! Others...she'd have chosen other options. But overall, the lead warriors of ThunderClan have made her proud. "I'll get back to those patrols as soon as I'm able, dear," The older woman purrs. "I trust you've still been able to learn lots on the 'not-good' patrols, hm?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Berryheart-I didn't mean to worry you. Just thought I'd visit our deputy and make sure she was doing well. Flycatcher and Flamewhisker don't quite yell at me the same way, I miss her." He raised that lone paw to put over his chest as if clutching at his heart before his pretend morose expression faded into a more cheerful smile. Howling Wind didn't necessarily yell at him, he was being dramatic-but he had been on the recieving end of her scolding more often than not at times. At least in the past, hadn't had to have his ears cuffed recently at all which was progress in his mind.
His tail rose up, curling around the tortie apprentice winding about his forelimb and he leaned down to give Mousepaw the faintest nudge in the side of the face with his muzzle, resisting the immediate impulse to fix her fur; Stars did she get messy sometimes, it was a nightmare to keep her groomed. Sparkpaw was far worse, a disasterous child that one was.
"It's good to hear you'll be back with us soon. I don't think the patrols have been tooooooo chaotic." A little less organized but honestly, for first time attempts to replicate the black tabby's methods they hadn't done too bad in his opinion! Though his daughter surely had a different experience entirely from her tone. Had she been put on patrol with Moonpaw again? He wasn't sure what the issue was between the two she-cats but they certainly seemed to butt heads a lot suddenly.