camp It’s the Easter eagle, ThunderClan! (O, Easter egg)

Tybalt padded through the undergrowth, amber eyes scanning the territory for any hint of prey. His ears were pricked, ready to pick up any sound, and he carried on intensely focused until something caught his eye.

A bright flash of pink against the grass. Straightening up, the tom crept forward to investigate. Lowering his muzzle to sniff the object, he realized that it was an egg. Or, close enough. Eggs weren't pink. Not that he'd ever seen, anyway. And it definitely wasn't the egg of any wild bird. It smelled a bit like a chicken egg from the horseplace, but its scent was much stronger and more intense. Not rotten, just…different.

Chickens did not lay pink eggs. Reaching out a pale brown paw, Tybalt batted at it lightly. It seemed to have more weight to it than a normal egg, and rather than rolling away it tipped to one side and then bobbed back up. He smacked it harder, expecting it to break. The same result. A pink, unbreakable chicken egg…huh.

Opening his mouth as wide as he could, the wavy-furred warrior took the egg in his jaws. He could taste it slightly as his teeth sank into it. The inside was squishy, not wet as he'd expected. Interesting. It tasted good enough, he guessed. But what made it pink?

Trotting back into camp, Tybalt set the egg down and gave it a sniff. There were tiny divets in the shell where his teeth had sunk into the soft insides, and small cracks radiated out from each. Still, the egg did not break, and he gazed at it curiously.

(He’s found an Easter egg. Assume some people were having an egg hunt in the woods and just missed one. It’s boiled, hence why it won’t break)

Birds had never been Softpaw's favored prey, though she didn't complain about what she had to eat much; thank StarClan that she had anything to eat at all, after all. But a mouthful of feathers wasn't how she liked to spend her mealtimes, and she hadn't even had the thought cross her mind to ever try an egg before. From what she'd seen, it was all liquid-y inside, and she wasn't sure she wanted to know how something like that tasted.

When Tybalt brought back a pink egg, Softpaw was even more curious. She'd never seen such a thing, decorated as it was, and she was certain that it hadn't come from any of the normal birds that she'd seen around ThunderClan territory.

"What..." She began, poking tentatively at the egg. "Where did you find this at?"
  • !
  • 78702926_pKp9rsLXtiBg2Kr.png
  • SOFTPAW apprentice of thunderclan, six moons
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.

Softpaw was first to approach his discovery, curious as to where he'd found it. "It was just sitting out in the territory," he told her, eyes still locked on the strangely colored egg. "It...smells kind of like a chicken egg from the Horseplace. I dont think a forest bird would have laid it. Surely if wild birds could lay pink eggs we would have seen one way before now. Right?"

Tybalt had seen his fair share of all kinds of eggs. Chicken eggs were common in Twolegplace where he had grown up, and he'd seen enough of the eggs of wild forest birds to recognize most of them. He'd eaten plenty of eggs and had liked them okay, but the wet, thick insides always wound up clumping up the fur on his muzzle.

"I don't know what it's doing all the way out here," he rumbled. "Plus it won't break." He reached out and whacked the egg, which toppled it slightly and made a couple of thin cracks along the shell. "And the inside is...squishy. It tastes okay. Maybe one of us could eat it?"

Of all the things he could have imagined Stagstrike returning to the camp with, he would never have pictured the tom carrying a pink egg. Gleaming yellow eyes narrow as he studies the former kitty pet, trying to figure out what could have made that thing such an odd color. Eventually, he finally stands up and pads over. The young tom leans down to give the strange egg a sniff, and what he finds causes him to throw his head back in disgust. "That thing reeks of twolegs!" he exclaimed, raising his upper lip as he scoffs. Softpaw asks where the egg comes from, but the warrior claims to have found it in the forest instead of the twolegplace. "Don't you think if it were safe to eat, then the twolegs would have ate it? That thing don't look right."

the more childish twoleg activities were lost on her, the older couple that had taken care of her didn’t have any squealing kits running around. only on colder nights, when leaves on the branches were sparse. sadly, she had no idea what the mysterious pink egg could be. it's rather gross looking, and the smell of eggs wasn't already her favorite thing. leafhusk usually tries not to be so negative about twoleg things, but she had to agree with smokepaw on this, it kind of reeked.

"i’m not eating that, it’s pink! what if one of us gets sick?" she mews.​

Butterflyskip's twolegs had had kits of their own, and while he doesn't know exactly what the purpose of these eggs were, he did know a few things about them. He knew that pretty-colored eggs like this would get hidden around the nest, or in the yard, and the kits would run about trying to find them, or they would be kept somewhere cold for storage. The longhaired chimera edges closer to sniff at the pink egg, green eyes full of curiosity, testing the cracked shell with one large paw. It cracks slightly with the small bit of applied force. "Oh, no! I saw twolegs eat these once in a while. They crack the shell then eat the inside. They're kinda stinky, but they're safe to eat." For twolegs, anyway. "They put them in weird colored water, and then they turn colors like this. Sometimes they used to put patterns on them."

Tybalt looked to Smokepaw out of the corner of his narrowed eyes. “Lots of stuff smells like twolegs,” he pointed out. “Doesn’t necessarily mean eating it’ll hurt you. They throw out all kinds of food just because they don’t feel like eating it.” He shrugged his shoulders, unbothered by the idea of the egg’s possible origins. He’d rummaged through many a twoleg trash bin in his life, and the contents often had kept his belly full when there was no prey to be found in the alleyways.

Leafhusk suggested it might make them sick, and Tybalt reached out a brown paw to give the egg a poke. “I don’t know,” he mused. “It doesn’t smell rotten, it just smells…” he trailed off. “It smells.” he finished. “It didn’t taste too bad on the way back here. I wonder if the inside is pink too.”

Butterflyskip was the cat with all the answers, and Tybalt crinkled up his nose at the other tom’s explanation. “Twolegs are weird,” he said. “What’s the point of turning an egg funny colors?”

Tornadokit was always checking out what was happening around camp, whenever he wasn’t busy actively playing. Most of the time there was only boring conversations and things going on but today he sees something most peculiar, Tybalt with the weirdest looking rock he’s ever seen! In a color his eyes have sparingly seen, it’s bright and to him awe inspiring! He wants it!

The little Tom bounds over to the warrior and the small group gathered around the unusual object. He hasn’t seen an egg before, but apparently they’re edible. That’s what all the adults were calling it but they were arguing about if it was safe. Butterflyskip gave an explanation for why it was such an interesting color, he’d lived with twolegs too once. Tornadokit had as well but he couldn’t remember a thing!

"Can I try it!" his voice blurts out excitedly, he weaves beneath the legs of the warriors to get closer, a bright wide grin on his face. "I can be the brave tester! if I get sick then well it’s not like I’ll be missing any patrols!" he thinks he’s very convincing.

Tybalt let out an amused purr as Tornadokit bravely volunteered to test the strange egg. "I admire your bravery," he rumbled. "But you shouldn't eat it just in case. I doubt it'll do any harm, but it'd probably make you sicker than it would a grown cat. I'll try it myself and maybe if nothing happens you can try some of it later." Tybalt had been sick before, and a bit of bellyache was unlikely to take him out of commission for long, if at all.

He bumped his shoulder gently against Tornadokit's side as he leaned down to take a bite of the egg. His teeth crunched through the oddly colored shell, and he found that the inside, while squishy, was more firm than he had expected. It felt slippery in his mouth and going down his throat, but upon swallowing it he shrugged his shoulders and looked at the remains of the egg sitting in front of him.

"It's...not bad," he announced finally. "It doesn't taste like much. I doubt it'll do any harm." He doubted his clanmates would be convinced. Tybalt had eaten far stranger, far worse tasting things in his life and still come out fine, so he was unbothered by the experience.