camp IT’S THE LITTLE THINGS [kit intro]

𓍊𓋼 The kits have begun to grow curious about the world outside of the nursery. Toddling around and seemingly only just beginning to develop personalities of their own seems to have made them realize just how small the nursery is in comparison to everything else in the clan. As difficult as it is to pull himself out of the depths of his misery, the cream tabby finds himself smiling at the kits quite often, remembering the way that he had once been their size. He truly adores his litter of younger siblings, in spite of the loud that had come along with their arrival. Every last one of the four kits is precious to him; he doesn’t even have the heart to scold them, even when one of them had bitten his tail the other day with needle-sharp kit-teeth.

Today marks a milestone for the kits, as their brother takes care to help clean their fur until it’s as pristine as the fur of rambunctious kits can be, and then he herds them gently out of the nursery. It’s time for them to meet the clan—not one at a time, and not just those who live in the nursery, but the whole clan. It seems a bit overwhelming, even for Falconheart, but as he shepherds them out of the nursery’s entrance he begins laying down some simple rules for them to follow. "Don't, uh…" He falls silent for a moment, choosing his next words carefully. "Don’t eat anything weird. And stay where I can see you, okay?" Is he doing this right? His own father had been the one to introduce himself and Stormfeather to the rest of ThunderClan, and he finds himself attempting to emulate the blue tabby now. He thinks of Flycatcher’s own words when he had done this same thing, and echoes them with a small smile settling upon his maw. "Now… be free," he says, looking back at the kits.

// pls don’t post until at least one of the kits has! @SUNKIT @Scorchedkit @mothkit @SQUIRRELKIT
Sunkit was all complaints when Falconheart had sat there and groomed through his fur. He didn't need to look presentable or anything like that! He just wanted to go play! Today was the day that him and his littermates got to go outside, and as much as he loves big brother Falconheart, his tongue was rough! Granted... Sunkit didn't like it much when Flamewhisker groomed him, too, so its not just him... He's just picky on his own fur and knows how he likes it.

When Falconheart begins laying down some rules, Sunkit slips away from his siblings sides, determined to explore the whole camp. Be free, Falconheart says, and be free he will!

Except... He doesn't get far when something catches his attention. "Big brother, big brother, look!" comes his shrill little giggle as he clambers upon a rock, blue and orange eyes bright in the sunlight that filters through the treetops. "Raaaah! I'm a monster and i'm gonna eat all of you!" he's giggling, still, elated to be out of the confines of the nursery. He loved his mama, but wowie- there were so many kittens! And camp is so much bigger than the nursery, and thus, Sunkit decides one day he will conquer it!

  • 79762332_waKUGwrTYPLtfQm.png
    ❝ i count on love cause love is unconditional within reason! ❞
    sunkit, named after sunfreckle
    amab ,, he/him ,, 3 moons
    kitten of thunderclan ,, flamewhisker xx flycatcher ,, siblings
    fluffy red tabby with heterochromia & low white
    "speech, ee5d6c" ,, thoughts
    smells like oak & the faint scent of the nursery, floral & loving
    chibi by pin ,, penned by chuff

Just like the rest of her siblings, Scorchedkit was just as eager to explore camp the moment Falconheart presented the idea. A bright toothy grin remained plastered across her two toned face while enduring their elder brother's grooming, slicking her soft wispy fur back in a presentable manner. Her imagination raced with the possibilities of what all could be found out there and she would have been first to witness it had Sunkit not beaten her to the front of the line. But that was alright, second was still better than last. Mismatched eyes grew wide at the sight of various warriors meandering about, apprentices bringing back prey, and kittens bounding through camp. Although her attention is momentarily snatched by Sunkit doing his best monster impersonation. You'll have to catch us first! Scorchedkit challenge with a grin, taking several steps closer.

Her nose whips around, gesturing towards high rock. You'll never catch me up there! Uh- She pauses, enthusiasm faltering as she realizes with a start that she doesn't know the name of the massive rock she planned to scale. Um...Falconheart, what is that? Scorchedkit questioned, turning back to face the large warrior.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   thunderclan kit / three months / she/her  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
Today was the day! They were finally going to be allowed to leave the nursery and explore the big wide world of Thunderclan's camp. She'd been listening to stories of brave warriors and great battles for the last few moons and each one had only stoked the fire of anticipation inside her. She wanted to be just like those warriors some day; just like her papa. And she couldn't do that from within the sheltered walls of their nursery! Alongside her littermates, Squirrelkit endured her older brother's worrisome grooming, though admittedly, her wild fur sprang right back into its usual messy state as soon as she darted out of his grasp.

Sunkit and Scorchedkit were already scrambling out of the den by the time she made it to the entrance, and the kitten felt herself involuntarily hold in a big breath as she finally bounded out into the bright morning light that painted the camp gold. She beamed like the sun as her wide green eyes took in the hustle and bustle of the busy clan working around them, the happy mews of her siblings fading into the background. "Bye Falconheart!"

Without a glance backwards at her family the dual-toned molly burst out into the main clearing of the camp, her little paws struggling to keep up with her boundless energy and causing her to stumble and swerve as she raced around. Her clumsy excitement nearly caused her to crash headfirst into a large body, and she managed to skid to a halt just short of the warrior's legs, though she tumbled into a heap in front of them. "Oops, sorry!" She giggled musically as she tilted her head to blink up at the feline above her, an exuberant smile on her face. "You look old! Are you a warrior too? I'm gonna be one someday, just like my mama and big brother!"

  • [ feel free to be the warrior she's talking to <3 ]
  • SQUIRRELKIT she / her, kitten of thunderclan, 3 moons
    lh blue torbie with high white and green eyes. round and fluffy. good at climbing.
    single, too young for relationships // flamewhisker x flycatcher // mentored by no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
Laurelkit was big enough to venture out of the nursery all on her own, as much as she pleased. Dayglow was a rather lax queen. Of course Laurelkit and her brother faced reprimands if they ever tumbled into some trouble, but she was rarely around for the moments leading up to when they were caught.

Falconheart was showing his siblings around and Laurelkit stood tall, a red tabby sentry that carefully watched them explore around camp. These parts of the clearing was a territory she roamed for moons now, practically an expert on the locations of every corner and cranny. It's clear as she sat still as stone that she is mimicking one of the many adults that supervised her and Goldenkit in the past, or even the camp guards that took watch for predators at night. It is a responsibility she volunteered for with pride, knowing the dangers that lurked in shadows could put a threat to her and her denmates at any time.

"That's Highrock." She answered Scorchedkit in a matter-of-fact tone, with confidence that she could not be wrong. "My mama said Howlingstar has meetings here. We attend them on our sixth moon." Laurelkit parroted her mothers words with wisdom far beyond her moons, unmoving from her place beneath the rock.
  • // OOC
  • image here optional
  • (( laurelkit )) a blue-eyed red tabby with a white paw and tail-tip
    ↳ 4 months | thunderclan kit | littermate to goldenkit | she/they
    Silverfur x Dayglow | easy to trust | easy to manipulate | currently despises kittypets

Kits were always a handful, but it was humorous to watch them tumble around the camp, inventing all sorts of games to play to keep themselves busy and asking all sorts of questions. He never minded entertaining kits, really, either, happy to sit and chat with them if they came to him for any reason. It would give their mothers a few moments to relax as well, hopefully - he couldn't imagine how tired they must be, having to try to keep up with a bunch of sentient balls of fur that would get into trouble in any way that they could think of.

The tabby tom is walking through the camp toward the fresh-kill pile when Squirrelkit nearly bounds right into his legs. He chuckles lightheartedly, bending his head to get just a touch closer to kit-height. "I look old?" A purr of amusement rumbles in his chest, "Yes, I'm a warrior. And I'm sure you'll be a wonderful warrior someday. Your mentor will make sure of that."