It came from the swamp || Intro




A little cinnamon tortie sat on a big rock. He was dirty and ragged, and he wanted to cry. He was left all alone, just barely old enough to fend for himself. Green eyes tiredly scanned the riverside for prey, but to no avail.

But was he sad? No! He was experiencing ADVENTURE.

He smelled other cats nearby. He wasn't scared. He was feeling scrappy. They were gonna tell him to leave his ROCK.


The scrawny kit sat loafed on his rock. He waited for other cats to come. He was gonna GET them.

The tortoiseshell apprentice is out on a patrol, one their mentor has forced upon them. They really just want to go home, but instead they’re traipsing around the woods with a few other cats.

They aren’t paying too much attention, but a small figure on a rock catches their eye. Crappiepaw sighs, rolling their eyes before breaking away from the patrol and grumbling, "Hi there. Should I know you?" They aren’t in the best mood, but this looks like a kit, and they aren’t mean enough to be rude to a child smaller than themself.

There! Another cat, he knew it! He looked down at Crappiepaw and started to speak, fur fluffed up and failing to look imposing at all.


What was he supposed to say.



There's no way anyone knows who he is.


And what....?

He didn't finish, he was too caught up on trying to finish that sentence. Where was he even going with that?


He started to shiver. What has he done! Now he looks stupid!
❝  Algae– never something Hound'd been all that endeared to, though the brown scrap of fur might start to change his mind. He'd been tagging along to the same patrol as Crappie, testing his shoulder as its strength swells back. It'd meant to be a simple walk. Maybe he'd catch a vole or two, or hang out 'round the river long enough to catch something for dinner. Instead, there was...this. Amusement crinkles verdant eyes; he steps a little closer. "Suppose you'd care to get on down from there, Algae?" he suggests, taking that fluff of his fur as more fear than true anger. The stumbling words sure don't help any image there. "You'll break somethin', if you fall. You climb up there all on your own?"

  • hound_doodle_tpe.png
  • ──── houndsnarl. trans male, he/him pronouns.
    ──── approximately 30 moons old, or 2.5 years.
    ──── bisexual with firm male preference; single.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with ( stylized ) low white and intense lime eyes. lean and lanky,  with whiplike musculature and a long, quick stride. hound's notable features include his impressive height, the long scar across the left side of his face from nose to jaw, his very deep, dense fur, and the confident manner with which he conducts himself.
  • "speech"
bounceheart ✧ she/her ✧ riverclan warrior (=˃ᆺ˂=)

Along with the two, Bounceheart had tagged along. A patrol was more easy than being dragged back to the river. It was a while they strolled, not finding anything concerning or to raise interest. Along the way she had gotten distracted and climbed into a tree to hunt down a bird. A sparrow, small but better than nothing. She had carried it along with her. Their uneventful stroll was cut short as Crappiepaw wandered off.
She stayed in her spot, listening for a moment. An unfamiliar voice shrilled from the rocks. There was a kitten! Kittens were usually delightful; their joy and energetic talking always left a smile on her face.

Joining slightly behind the apprentice and warrior, she stood up taller to get a better look at the kit. In this moment, she would say nothing as to not frighten the little thing off. Surely, three bigger cats were scary enough. ​

The little brown patched cat confirms that Crappiepaw doesn’t know him, and shouts his name. The mostly-white apprentice blinks; Algae seems to be trying to intimidate them, and it isn’t quite working. Houndsnarl seems similarly unaffected, and asks the kit to get down from his perch.

Crappiepaw sniffs sharply, swiping a paw over their runny nose with a grimace. "Hello, Algae. I’m Crappiepaw. And this is Hound…growl. And Bounceheart, too." He shoots the chocolate tabby warrior a teasing glance, green eyes crinkled with childish mirth. But then his expression drops back into something serious, and he looks up at Algae once more. "Don’t fall and break your head, please." It’s a genuine request; they don’t want to see the kit fall from atop his rock.

He had an audience.... He looked down at all of them. His scrappy attitude he had felt before was faded, and now he...... Wasn't sure.


Get down? Hm.

He was high up, wasn't he. Maybe he should part with his rock after all......

"Uh....Yeah! I got up here all by myself!" He replied to Houndsnarl. He did it all by himself! "This is my rock-"

A breeze nearly blew him over. He lowered himself, fluffed up in fear. "........ I'll come down now........"

Didn't take much to convince him.

He crawled down the rock and approached his fellow cats. Man. They were bigger now. ".............At least my head isn't broken! Hi Crappiepaw, Bounceheart, and Houndgrowl!" He greeted with a wiggle. Who were these cats. They seemed nice......