IT FEELS SO DANGEROUS [ prompt/bird attack ]

Jun 11, 2023
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
// minor tw for sensitive topics- injury/blood!

Solo-hunting. He has insisted on it again, to slip away from Greeneyes' flank. He was sure his mentor was somewhere nearby, judging by the lingering scent, but he didn't really worry about that. He knew his mentor would keep his space, since Falconpaw had politely requested it so. Well, unless there was reason for him to not be left alone, and so far, Falconpaw hadn't given him one. He hoped he didn't have to, in interest of keeping his sisters in line, or making sure others didn't know him out of his own.

A soft sigh left him, then a tiny sniffle- one that had started to chase him since the Lupinepaw tail situation. His cheek still ached from where Cherrypaw had barged in, but he couldn't think about that. His eyes blinked, turning his head towards a tree. He took a running start, claws digging in- those were getting stronger- and hoisting himself up into the trees. He slowed his breathing, ears twitching and rotating as he listened. A squirrel, he though, not too far away. He shifted his gaze, careful not to sway the tree, as he pinpointed it. A squirell indeed, resting at the end of a branch, seemingly waiting for a predator to come along- but it wasn't. Judging by the way it's head rotated and peered up, then scampered away caused Falconpaw pause. Instead of moving towards the prey, his head tilted up.

His breath caught.

He had been stupid. Stupid, stupid- A large bird- a falcon?- had began to dive for the squirrel, talons outstretched. And when the squirrel disappeared, it went for the next thing on that same outstretched tree branch. Falconpaw inhaled sharply, rearing his head back and flattening his ears. He and the falcon were about the same weight, so instead of trying to pluck him from the branch, it was attempting to weaken him. It happened in a matter of seconds. Falconpaw trying to duck out of the way, but the cruel talon that grasped his head caused him to cry out. It dug a gouge into his face, from the corner of his jaw up past his left eye, ending neatly just past his ear.

Not that there was anything neat about the injury. Blood started to drip as he leapt upwards, his claws knocking into the chest of the bird simultaneous to the wound he received. With that? He split. There was no way he was going to stick around to do a 'hero's' job or anything like that. Scrambling down to the floor of the forest, he slipped. Landing with a strange crack, one that exuded pain in his left paw, he pushed to his paws. Racing away from where the bird, his namesake, had been hunting.

// @GREENEYES mentor tag! the falcon will likely fly away within the next couple posts on this thread! a couple blood-stained feathers will have floated down from the branches, if anyone wants to grab a couple >:)
note: prompt is as follows
2. While high in the trees, Falconpaw sees his namesake circling a bit of prey below. Does he run from this fearsome predator, or does he watch and learn from the bird of prey he's named after?

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK

✿—— she does not spend all her time with blazestar - while the better part of the time, you can find lilac and gold near each other, it is not always the case. sometimes his duties as skyclan's leader keep him from their training (and far be it from her to begrudge him that), sometimes she'll work on a specific skill with another warrior, and sometimes she works solo. that's not a guarantee she's on her own, of course - more than once she's been surprised to find the flame-point has been watching her practice hunting or such things - but it's not as though they're utterly inseparable. it would be a little strange if they were, wouldn't it? given that she wasn't really his apprentice, exactly, more like a ... pupil? student?

lost in thought, she's probably not paying as much attention to her surroundings as she ought to. part of that is the tiredness hollowing her eyes, and part of it is an unfortunate tendency of hers - daydreaming, though she usually manages to suppress it. in an occurence that is becoming far too common, her idle hunting practice is interrupted by some bloody event marked by a cry - one tears through the trees nearby, and though her maned head flicks upwards, she doesn't immediately spot the issue among the needled branches.

that is, until falconpaw comes hurtling out of nowhere, favoring a paw. it'd be clear he's been hurt already - but the nasty gouge reaching across his face is clear as blood drips onto the needled floor and her gaze flicks skywards again, where she sees a circling winged shape. the size of it is slightly frightening, especially compared to a smaller cat like herself, and a pale gaze flicks between falconpaw and the swooping beast. right there and then she decides she has no interest in trying to drive the thing away on her own, instead opting to rush towards falconpaw's side.

"here, let - let me help you, that looks like it hurts," she rasps, unsure whether she means the paw he's favoring or the jagged tear across his face. regardless, the tabby glances around for someone else to help out, mewing in sharp explanation, "a bird - falconpaw's hurt, he needs to get back to c-camp and be treated. starclan, let that bird leave on its own ..." she murmurs this last to herself, tone laced with barely-controlled desperation.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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The ink-drenched silhouette of a falcon overhead caught Mallowlark's wide silver gaze, its form cross-hatched by the pine needles. Oh, and he knew it was a falcon, knew that sting! Talon-marks had carved a long scar along his stomach, unseen by most but always remembered by its owner. Concern illuminated like a forest fire, spurring him forward- but he'd never really been fast enough, had he? Too large for a Windclanner, too clumsy for a Skyclanner, and not fast enough...

Bobbie was there first, kindhearted as ever; Falconpaw was bristled, shivering. Pines scattered and rustled as he trotted over, following its circle- approaching a blood-scent-cloaked Falconpaw, a tending Bobbie. But that thing in the sky, it wasn't gone. Hopefully it was satisfied with its time enough- he could squint and see a shape in its claws, no doubt the prey it had fought Falconpaw for. His snow-mountain shape barrelled past Bobbie and Falconpaw, taking it as his own duty to drive away a sky-devil in a way he hadn't been able to do before.

"Raaaah!" he hissed, baring sharp fangs, and skidding across the pine-needles, his claws springing from shadowy gloves as he glared up at the circling culprit. Bobbie was the sort of smiling light of a presence his mother had- kindly, and he was but a pale imitation. He'd bare his teeth then, now- do something else he was good at, and keep his laughter down to dress his face in a fierce snarl. "Get out of here!"

Greeneyes is almost always wary of letting Falconpaw go ahead of him while they’re out hunting.

He’d been reminded many times as an apprentice to keep closer to Sheepcurl’s side on their outings - pushed to make sure he isn’t alone to face the danger hidden in the forest in tales of apprentices slain at the claws of strange rogues, in shining cages threatening to take him far from here. A single misstep could bring anyone to their death, if one isn’t careful.

But, Falconpaw is a couple of moons into his apprenticeship now, and the kid isn’t going to learn much more if he’s stuck at Greeneyes’ side at all times. So, the young warrior grants his apprentice some independent time up ahead, going against the nervous twinge pulling at his stomach. He’s sure Falconpaw needs it anyway after a sparring session gone awry.

His own mind is distracted by his own worries - that of sickness, that of the safety of his apprentice, of his friends and family. Maybe he should’ve been paying better attention to what was up ahead.

Maybe he should’ve listened to his gut, should’ve double-checked before sending Falconpaw off, should’ve kept his apprentice at his side. He should’ve done something to prevent the copper-tinged scent that hits his nose as his apprentice emerges from the shadows in a hobbled hurry, his face torn and spilling crimson.

Falconpaw!” he cries out at the sight, rushing over to the pointed tom, to Bobbie and Mallowlark who have reached him before he could. “I... What happened?” His heart pounds against his chest as he follows Bobbie’s gaze, ears flattening at the soaring shadow above his head. A falcon. A falcon had done this.

He should’ve gone up ahead first - should’ve checked the area’s scent, should’ve checked the sky. This… He could’ve prevented this, he thinks. It’s his fault that his apprentice hardly stands before him, eyes glazed over with fear. I’m sorry, he wants to tell his apprentice, I’m sorry that I failed you.

Bobbie’s voice pulls him back to the moment, Mallowlark’s snarling at the bird not too far behind. Fearing the former moor-dweller’s sounding off at the falcon won’t do anything but bring attention to the lot of them, his own claws unsheathe in preparation for things to get worse, his gaze returning to blood-soaked fur.

Let’s… Let’s get you out of here,” he says quickly to Falconpaw, aiming to guide the apprentice forward with a nudge. His apprentice’s safety is more important than trying to ward off the avian predator, right now, and he’s not about to leave him at risk here to retrieve a medicine cat, and he’s not going to put Fireflypaw - or even Dawnglare - at risk out under circling shadows either.