IT FIENDS &. bear fight patrol


this was it. every cat within this patrol had the potential to take their last breaths if they didn't calm their nerves and focus on the importance of returning back to their loved ones. chilledstar didn't know why they even decided to go on this patrol– they have an overwhelming fear of these beasts. it was so easy for bears to just kill them, just like that. unlike the rest of shadowclan, chilledstar got another chance. they didn't. they'd gladly die again for their clan, but if they could avoid it– they would. it was not welcome. that feeling was not something they wished to feel again. shaking their head, they slowed their paws as they reached near the camp's entrance.

"be smart about this. I do not want to have to drag any one of your bodies from this camp, got it? I do not know how many of these beasts are here but we have to get them out. with luck, they will be too overwhelmed by us to get the chance to fight back."

their voice lowers with their last sentence, as if they're talking to themself. they are. they lashed their tail before they moved, giving one last signal before they found themself bursting into camp with a loud hiss. this had to work. it just had to.

//hi okay i apologize for this being so short, I just had a very long day at work so I wasn't able to get to it when I originally planned.
there are 3 bears within camp. a mama, her baby, and a random male. due to the nature of black bears, it is unlikely that the male will fight back all too much. black bears are more likely to run, especially when overwhelmed. the baby likely will want to run first, before calling for its mother!! if yall have any more questions, please dm me on here or disc! let the fight begin!

Standing here, staring at the bears— the plan seems like Chilledstar's wanting to thin ShadowClan's ranks. He knows that isn't their actual intention, but with the trio of dark-furred beasts before them, he's not sure how effective they'll be. But he doesn't want the others to feed off of his doubt, either; morale can mean the difference between victory and defeat sometimes, and...well. At least Rosemire can't claim to have anyone who would miss him. Comfreypaw doesn't know him well enough for his death to leave any sort of lingering crater, even if it does discomfort her.

So he was probably a good choice for this patrol.

Rose draws in another deep breath and glances at the others beside him. Among them is a to-be father, a mother (even though he doesn't think she's an especially good one), and the likeable Roosterstrut. None of them (including Granitepelt) are people he wants to see taken down by bears.

He follows in Chilledstar's steps when they move, wishing they'd taken another moment to about their options more. "The tallest of us should be at the front," he half-whispers, glancing at Stumpyspots almost apologetically. "More intimidating that way, right?"

  • Haha
For all her prayers, spoken aloud before the patrol departed and whispered along the way, Betonyfrost doesn’t feel safer for it. Their plan — Betonyfrost and others had likened it to rats in the carrionplace overwhelming a warrior. Now she cannot help but imagine it as more akin to disturbed ants swarming out of a nest. Doubtlessly intimidating in large numbers but — Betonyfrost indiscreetly counts their patrol and frowns — no one fears a nest of seven ants.

But then Chilledstar moves and Betonyfrost, despite everything, follows.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 21 moons | tags



Stumpyspots takes no offense to Rosemire's remark, instead it's met with a chuckle. "Hey tall guy, if you want to be the first in line to get eatin' by a bear, the honors yours!" Even in the heat of the moment she can't help but bear an ugly grin. If they were going to go out today they might as well do it with smiles on their faces, right?

Falling back into the rear to help put Rosemire's idea into motion. It seemed like the best plan to be spoken thus far... Chilledstar nor Betonyfrost appear to have any ideas from here on out either.

//im kinda scared to have her do anything out of line by having her charge in, presumably behind Rosemire. Please (anyone) feel free to give the order and assume she's charging in right behind them
  • Haha
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can we leave it behind? His chin lifted high as the patrol marched their way back to camp. The last time he had been here was to collect anyone that had been left behind, a majority were those holed up in Starlingheart's den. Safe, of course, when it seemed the bears weren't as perceptive to look in. There were some bodies though, too, ones that were too dangerous to retrieve for a proper burial.

Sabletuft glanced from Chilledstar to the others, each one he assessed from skill set and capabilities. When the icy sighted cat spoke, he would nod.

"Eye's up, for a moment please." He paused, watching the formation begin. It was broken, stuttered, how were they meant to succeed if they did not trust one another? "It is obvious none of you need to be told how dangerous this is. We saw what these creatures can do, what they can take... doesn't that anger you? They took the same home as the cat next to you. They took the life of the same leader to all of us." The intensity in his voice began to rise as he paced in short lengths.

"They have threatened our safety more with just their claws, but have ripped us from our medicine. Scared the prey from our lands, OUR home! Claws rake through peaty soil in his pacing now. "We have defended each other all from unknown enemies to our own blood. We have protected each other, comforted one another from the trials and tribulations set against us. Each time when we are put to the test, ShadowClan has risen to succeed."

His eyes swept across the faces of his warriors before resting one Chilledstar. The fur down his spine and through his tail spike from the oncoming adrenaline. "The more panic and distraction, the better. We'll go at them with the strength and sound of a hundred warriors if that's what it takes."

A sharp flick of his tail directs the formation of each cat. "Betonyfrost, Stumpyspots, you two will be behind Chilledstar and I. Make as much noise as possible. Shout, swear, whatever fits. Granitepelt, Roosterstrut, Rosemire, the three of you will fan out behind them to make us look more solid. We move as a unit, we don't separate, and we get our home back." Sabletuft nodded to Chilledstar confidently.

"Looks like we're ready." — tags
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❪ TAGS ❫ — Chilledstar's words, as well as the attempt at banter between other clanmates, falls upon deaf ears. Well, not deaf, but distracted. Roosterstrut keeps up with the patrol just fine, but his thoughts are drowning in the possibilities — what if things went wrong and another clanmate was lost? He wasn't sure how ShadowClan would be able to handle this much heartache, not after the untimely death of Poppypaw.

It is only Sabletuft's address that quickly grabs his attention, his focus snapping back to reality as he lifts his pale green gaze. He digests the words of the lead warrior, again reminded how much of an inspiration the older tom has been to Roosterstrut. Fear does not plague his tone, but instead he sounds motivated and prepared to jump into action. Soon, the anxiety begins to fade from the red tabby's chest, now being replaced with adrenaline-filled energy and eager rage. ShadowClan had faced so much over the past several moons; their legacy would not end here, to these big oafish beasts!

Roosterstrut knew now that he couldn't afford to let fear inhibit him again. For the memory of his parents, of past leaders. For Rainecho, for Ferndance, for the kits waiting in the tunnels. "Let's run these dung brains out of our camp." The tom growls with a lash of his tail and a determined look in his narrowed gaze.
This mission is a folly, a suicide mission. Granitepelt has no confidence in the cats on this patrol, besides maybe Sabletuft. This is foolish, begging for an early death, but the gray warrior would not disobey Chilledstar’s direct orders. Not openly, not like this, when the Clan cries and cheers for them all to have a safe return. And he does intend to return, one way or another. Starlingheart needs him. He pads silently behind their ebony-pelted leader, thinking of the one he must come home to. To hell with ShadowClan. It’s you I’m doing this for.

Rosemire and Stumpyspots’ exchange is lost to him; he hears Chilledstar ordering them to be smart. He chuffs softly at the command. The entire mission is frogbrained. There’s no being smart when facing a group of creatures who make badgers look like rabbit kits.

He turns to listen to Sabletuft’s speech, ear flicking in acknowledgment at his plan. He asks him to stand behind those who are setting out to distract the bears, fanning out to appear more menacing. Granitepelt looks at Roosterstrut, then at Rosemire, his eyes narrowing shrewdly. He would not hesitate to dispose of either of them if it meant he could get out alive and back to Starlingheart. He adds to Roosterstrut’s affirmation, “Lead the way. The three of us have your backs.

  • granitekit . granitepaw . granitepelt
    — he/him ; warrior of shadowclan
    — heterosexual ; taken by Starlingheart
    — short-haired gray tom with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Meg