pafp IT FUCKIN WIMDY [ collision ]

( 𓍊𓋼 ) it appears the spring winds have slowly begun to die down. branches lie in heaps along the thunderclan side of the river, and over in windclan's direction, the moors are flattened, golden grasses beaten and bruised by harsh breezes. riverclan has received very little damage compared to the others, but they still have felt the force of the winds, twoleg trash flowing down the river, entangling fish and cat alike. so, when the whistling halts through the trees, it is a relief. coyotecreek thinks he can live a happy life not having to experience that again. he allows himself to relax, aids his clan in cleaning up their home.

it has been a few days since the last great gust, and everyone has let their guard down. no more does moss fly about camp, nests coming undone every which way. it's a relief. the flaming tom has just returned from a quick hunt, a trout clutched in his jaws. there is a content twinkling in his eyes as he sets his prey upon the pile. it feels good to provide. a soft yawn will stretch his maw as he allows a trickle of a breeze to begin to dry his belly fur, which drips riverwater onto the sand at his paws.

it happens suddenly and without warning- the wind picks up, tearing through the trees and pushing at coyotecreek's body. he stumbles, brow furrowed in confusion. a stray scrap of moss flings through the air, landing smack dab atop his eyes. "wh-" shaking his head wildly to remove the offending plant, the warrior bumps into something, sending him (and it) sprawling. the gust vanishes as quickly as it had appeared, leaving a peaceful day behind, only a quiet breeze to suggest there might have been any troubling weather. well. it appears the wind has it out particularly for coyo. as he sprawls, he finds that he has landed atop another figure. the scent of snakeblink fills his nose, and embarrassment flushes the tom's skin. shaking the moss from his face, he finds himself looking down upon the patched tabby, eyes wide, ears flat. "oh my stars," he'll breathe. "i am so sorry, snakeblink. that wind came out of nowhere!"

// @Snakeblink @ other characters feel free to misinterpret the scene romantically or otherwise hehe


These howling winds have been, if nothing else, a nice reprieve from the heat, but Snakeblink cannot say he’s sad to see them go. There are only so many times a cat can trip over nothing but a strong gust of wind before he starts to doubt his own ability to walk in a straight line without making a fool of himself. He’s taken to bracing for it even when the air is still, turning his gait even more stilted than usual.

Calm, clear skies these past few days have lulled him into a false sense of security. The worst of it seems to have passed and Snakeblink feels confident in returning to his characteristic quick-paced scurrying across camp.

He should have known better. Danger comes from everywhere.

Perhaps he is a little to blame for what happens next: he is, after all, infamous for always being where he has no business to be, and his habit of keeping low to the ground makes him somewhat of a tripping hazard. But the most of the blame must be laid at Coyotecreek’s paws as the smooth-speaking tom is so taken aback by a sudden strong breeze that he trips right over Snakeblink as he’s passing by, tangling their paws together and sending them sprawling.

He doesn’t register the situation immediately: only the slight ache of hitting the ground and a weight crushing him. He thinks, briefly, that a branch from the willow fell on top of him. Then he notices the smell of another cat, their warmth, a face blotting out the sky above him, and he realizes the terrible truth.

Coyotecreek apologizes in a breath, but Snakeblink is so busy trying to make sense of the situation he barely understands the words coming out of his mouth. ”I- It’s- Well, I mean, it’s nothing at all,” he grits out with a smile more akin to a tortured grimace. ”Only, if it isn't too much trouble, do you think you could maybe let me up, please?”

He starts wiggling away, or triesto, as he says it, in an attempt to worm his way out from under the orange tom’s bulk without making his efforts look as frantic as he feels. His only bit of luck so far is that surprise has overridden his body’s treacherous instinct to purr at the slightest touch, but he doesn’t have much hope that it’ll hold much longer — and the thought of that embarrassing eventuality has him glancing around with wild eyes and an increasingly strained smile.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • im sorry he is SO awkward
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

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Reactions: coyotecreek
"WHOA!" silverkit screams just as loud as she can manage, loud enough for the WHOLE camp to hear. "YOU GUYS ARE CUDDLING!"

she'a caught only the tail end of this scene, unaware it was accidental, but the current state of things is clear. she identifies snakeblink's awkwardness and attempts to pull away, but she attributes this to his well-known discomfort with touch. snakeblink is just like silverkit! silverkit does things that scare her, because she is brave! and snakeblink is being brave TOO!!! she turns to any cat nearest her and squeals, "THEY'RE CUDDLING!!!!! SNAKEBLINK NEVER CUDDLES WITH ANYBODY!!!!!!!!!!"

she scampers closer, "ARE YOU IN LOVE? OR BEST FRIENDS?" she pauses to think of other appropriate questions. "ARE YOU GOING TO HAVE A BABY?! IF YOU HAVE A BABY YOU SHOULD NAME HER LIONKIT!!!!!!!!"


ooc: i was like, you know who could make this a thousand times worse


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •

  • Haha
Reactions: Snakeblink
The scene unfolds before him like some sort of amazing joke; a twist of coincidence, it is, but unfortunately comedic nonetheless. Coyote stands no chance against the might of the wind, assailed by the moss that covers his eyes. The tom crashes into Snakeblink, sending them both sprawling, one atop the other. It could only be interpreted as cuddling, if one were unobservant—or a very tiny, very loud kit.

He begins to stand, worry furrowing his brows as Snakeblink attempts to escape, brushing off Coyote’s apology with no small amount of awkwardness. "Are you-"

He’s interrupted by a very tiny, very loud kit, one who proclaims that the two toms are cuddling. Then she asks whether they’re in love, and whether they’re going to have kits. He shoves down the discomfort that wells up at the mention of kits, sighing and putting his head back down to rest on his paws. The urge to smack his forehead against the dirt below his paws is powerful. "You can’t just ask that kind of question..."
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Reactions: Snakeblink
Troutpaw bit her tongue as Silverkit was suddenly yowling. She turned to look at the kit, then the two in a mess on the ground. She frowned solidly, pushing to her paws and wandering over. She stood over the kit, then looked at the two again, then the kit. She rumbled quietly, finally speaking. What Silverkit had said to her didn't leave her mind, but it wasn't like she actually meant it. Silverkit didn't really understand, after all. "Silverkit, why don't you hang onto the name for yourself? I think they just fell over." Troutpaw suggested warmly to Silverkit.

Trout shifted her attention to those in a mess on the ground. "Are you two alright?" She finished asking Clayfur's question, her tail barely skimming the ground ."I can fetch Ravenpaw if anything hurts." Troutpaw offered, tilting her head curiously. They were in a rather interesting position, but it wasn't her place to comment on any of that. ​

don’t fear your life boy—————————————————————————
Prairiepaw had been turned away from the scene, walking to the other side of camp, but when the shrieks of an over-excited kit roared throughout camp he couldn't help but turning his head to see what the commotion was. What he then saw caused his eyes to squint, what was going on? He turned back towards the scene in time to hear the thoughts of Silverkit, cuddling, why in the world would his dad be cuddling another cat in the middle of camp? Then he saw the flustered expression of Snakeblink and a chuckle escaped him. Not cuddling, at least intentionally, they did happen to be pretty close though.

He stopped next to Silverkit and her loud mouth proclaiming that Lionkit would be a good name for a new sibling. "I don't know, Lionkit doesn't really fit with the rest of our names," he spoke loudly so Coyotecreek would know he was being watched by both his clan and his son "That and he's pretty darn old for having another kit." he directed that one specifically to Silverkit, hoping she would cling onto the concept of him being old and withered, and then she could start blabbering about that.

grow and change————————————————penned by WriteAboutRadish