IT GETS BETTER | gathering announcements 11.15

The chatter had begun to die down behind her, and Emberstar took that as a cue to begin in earnest. She stepped forward into the center of the rock. "Let us begin tonight's gathering!" she called brightly over the what little noise persisted, her voice echoing through the clearing. She shot the gathered clans a bright grin. "Thunderclan is strong this moon! No new litters this moon, but our ranks swell with new joiners! With their help, every single cat in the clan is working hard to prepare us for the coming leafbare!" As she glanced back at her own clan assembled behind her, the ledaer's eyes shone with pride.

"We have five kits who have reached the age of apprenticehood since the last gathering; Sneezepaw, Ghostpaw, Stormypaw, Cloudypaw, and Hailpaw have all begun their training under their mentors to grow into full warriors of Thunderclan!" Her gaze sought out each of the new apprentices in turn, and she gave them each a nod. "We also have two apprentices who have completed their training; Wolfwind and Sunspirit are now competent warriors and our clan is all their stronger for all their addition!" The new warrior too each got a nod from their leader.

"That's all from Thunderclan." The leader concluded, dipping her head and stepping back.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar listens listlessly to Emberstar's announcement. He's glad ThunderClan is doing well, rebuilding after the fire, though he can't help but wonder about the joiners she speaks of. SkyClan has it's own fair share, but since Centipedepaw, since the encounter with Vermilionsun's thieving rogues at his border, he's begun to rethink a lot of things.

Namely, the safety of his Clan, and how he's continued to jeopardize its most helpless members.

Blazestar gives Emberstar a nod as she concludes. He ambles into her place at the forefront of the rock. His voice sounds shallow as it booms over the five Clans. "SkyClan lost an apprentice this moon. Centipedepaw. We found only his blood and scraps of his fur, but the trail ended past our border and was muddied with rogue stench." He clenches his jaw. "We suspect the rogues I reported at the last Gathering are behind this somehow, and we plan to bring them to justice for our fallen apprentice." He shakes his head, the silken fur at his neck rippling in the cold wind like a mane.

"We lost a warrior as well. Leopardcloud lost her battle to her illness, and she hunts with Centipedepaw in StarClan. Her two... siblings are here today, training to become warriors that will make her proud." A steely glint flashes across his gaze, though he does not give Sootstar a look. She will recognize Leopardcloud's name, he is sure, but she died a SkyClan warrior, and that's the only part of her he will deign to recognize here.

"SkyClan welcomes Squirrelpaw, Magpiepaw, and Bearpaw as apprentices. The prey is beginning to thin out, as it is everywhere, but SkyClan thrives." He tilts his face to the blaze of Silverpelt, lets the starlight sink into his bones through his fur. Centipedepaw and Leopardcloud are among StarClan's ranks -- are they here tonight, watching their Clanmates on holy ground?

"Finally, SkyClan's deputy, Daisyflight, has chosen to step down. SkyClan honors her service. She is now my lead warrior." He finds the two mollies in his council below. "In her place, Deersong has been chosen as my new deputy." His whiskers tremble with feeling. Despite SkyClan's hardships, there is still hope, as long as he has strong and noble warriors who are willing to follow him and fight for their Clan.

With a pause, he bows his head. "That is all from SkyClan." He steps back from the ledge and settles beside Emberstar again.

As per past events, Sootstar is sitting pretty in the sight of all of the five clans. Back straightened, nose slightly tilted to the sky and tail neatly curled around her paws. She'd be a sight to enjoy in the moonlight if most of the clans didn't view her as a devil in disguise. It was no secret to clans such as SkyClan that Sootstar was not a friendly face to deal with... and it was only a matter of time until the other clans learned of that as well, not that they didn't already have their suspicions.

The blue smoke sits next to Pitchstar to flaunt their alliance further to the clans. They've had their feast and officiated their friendship, there isn't much more Sootstar could possibly want. WindClan was doing nicely and she prays to the heavens they will continue to.

Sootstar is unimpressed by all of this so far... Emberstar's news, Blazestar's ramblings... It bored her, or maybe she just didn't want to hear about them doing well for themselves, or maybe it was both. Appears SkyClan was tangling with a rogue issue... and it was killing their cats. Young cats. Her fur ruffles with unease, pray that the monster keeps its hunting grounds to SkyClan and doesn't tread into WindClan territory.

Yet she forgets all about the bloodthirsty rogue when she hears the name Leopardcloud.
How familiar... was that not the cat who had run off with WindClan kits?! She is certain it is, no way there were two Leaopardcloud's in the forest. It's evident she is surprised and angered by this news, if Blazestar and her met eye contact it'd be clear to him she was not happy. "Leopardcloud... I knew of her. May her soul rest in peace, and poor Centipedepaw too." She shakes her head in faux grief, it appeared genuine but SkyClan would be able to read it was not. A promise this... ordeal was not over yet, she'd be paying a visit to the borders most certainly.

Blazestar also announces his deputy stepped down, Sootstar cannot help but scoff, weak. Yet one of her own lead warriors stepped down recently... she would not be announcing that. Perhaps they'd be able to tell by the new mark she bears across her chest.

Clearing her throat, Sootstar stands up and decides to go next. "WindClan is doing just as marvelous as last moon. We've recently strengthened our alliance with ShadowClan over a feast and could not be happier. We are well-fed and healthy, StarClan continues to bless and watch over us." She purrs with content, she's envious she has no new warriors to display... but perhaps next moon. "We've recovered from the hawks that plagued our skies with ease, they do not bother us nearly as much as they use to. Dandelionwish has also reported to me that our land is fertile, we've been able to stock up on plenty of herbs for the cold moons ahead of us." Aside from a few here and there... not easy to get paws on them apparently... Sootstar believes WindClan will be fine though.

"With that, WindClan has nothing more to announce." She swoops her gaze across the clearing of cats one more time before settling down next to the ShadowClan leader.


( primary character / "speech" / ic opinions )

· SOOTSTAR, female — she / her
╰ ‣ 31 moons . pisces. ages on the first
╰ ‣ windclan leader . marsh-born . believes in starclan
╰ ‣ former soldier of the marsh group

· DOMESTIC FELINE, smells like heather and wet dirt , status — 100%
╰ ‣ blue smoke . scarred chest, difficult to see through fur . green eyes

· ESTJ-A ❝
EXECTUTIVE ❞ , Slytherin, Lawful Evil
╰ ‣ Cunning, brash, fierce, confident, self-reliant, envious & selfish
╰ ‣ finds great difficulty in relating to others . can be cruel, usually shows mercy to those she can find sympathy with
╰ ‣ Appreciates titles such as "miss, m'am" etc

· SOOT CLAW x PEBBLE BREEZE, sister to Pebblenose
╰ ‣ heterosexual. romantically interested in Weaselclaw
╰ ‣ mother to owlpaw & shrikepaw
╰ ‣ average fighter . skilled hunter .
╰ ‣ will start fights . unlikely to flee .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by user @ava.