it knows your name ࿐࿔ may gathering announcements


✦ ˚  ✧ ˚ .˚ ✦  ✦
  • "Cats of all clans," already their voice grows hoarse to have to carry such volume across such a space... fear seizes an ice-encrusted part of their chest to come face to face with the responsibility now rested at their shoulders. "Let the Gathering.... commence!" There are an impossible amount of eyes gouging into her back.. her chest... her neck.. it almost feels like she could be drowned by their staring.

    The tense clenching and unclenching of her jaw, chewing at the inside of her cheeks, she waits for the chatter to die down, glancing around with hardly met gazes of four other leaders. Would they assume her a stand-in... like she had been a few moons before? A not-quite-official deputy to serve RiverClan, softly floated across the eyes of the territories to make sure she would be welcomed, to be sure she fit alongside them. It feels too fast... to be standing aside Orangestar who spent so long defending the lives of her predecessor- it feels too soon to stand next to Sunstar, who fought insanity from the inside for more than just a pawful of seasons. They had so much time...

    Envy paints her guts a disgusting shade of green.

    "Among the crowd tonight... RiverClan welcomes two... new warriors; Bubbleburst and Asphodelrain. They have sat vigil... and join us tonight... as representatives of RiverClan's... unwavering strength." They are strong... Always strong despite the way the strings wrap around their throats, tug maliciously at their ankles, yank at their tails. Always strong... and silent in their misery. She hopes her clan have the tact not to overshare... that they have kept it quiet what the truth of her presence on this stone means.

    "I bring with me... a new apprentice... who joins her brothers... at long last... after recovering from sickness. Shellpaw- who was healed... thanks to the... generosity of WindClan's medicine cats." Her gaze catches Sunstar's then, a slow blink of thanks, even if he might not have played a part in it himself. It is his clan that was willing to foster that trade... it means in some small way he is true to his word that WindClan will change. Hopefully it remains to be for the better.

    "Our nursery is bountiful... our queens healthy... seven new kits... we've been blessed with. Swiftfire is now... loving mother to.. Dreamkit, Roekit and Amberkit. And Robinheart now cares for... Rivuletkit, Redkit and Algaekit. We have also... taken in an abandoned kit... his mother... was nowhere to be seen; RiverClan will care for... Foxkit.... as if he were of... our own flesh and blood." They would be so loved.. raised with such tender hearts and paws, RiverClan would wash over them for moons to come in their affections. These kits would know as little suffering as ever and with so many friends to be raised beside- she is certain of it. Even if it means coming home every night with her own paws dripping crimson.

    Briefly, the thought wanders across her mind that there are SkyClanners here that might recognize that tortoiseshell's name... might rejoice to hear of her new children, of the lineage they stand to extend. If only that legacy were not started with half a family tree.... Her lips draw tight as if in preparation for the staggering losses she must admit to. It is an injustice... the lives they have lost and to such fickle ends. Sickness that refuses to unlatch itself from a young, healthy body... A warrior not even seasoned enough to have had her first apprentice... but old enough to have widowed her mate. "We mourn the loss.... of Brookstorm. Despite... her best efforts... our medicine cat could not... shake the sickness that... ultimately took her."

    It drags like razors across her tongue to admit it... to know there are cats here who recognize that blue-furred girl to have been her apprentice... to have been paraded here not but a mere moon ago. A part of her longs not to confess to the real reason she addresses the clans herself today... wants to hide behind the lie that Smokestar is still simply missing. That he may be recovered... that they will see him hale and hearty here under the next full moon but-

    "Tonight.... a bright star watches...."

    Pale eyes stay fixated to the throng of shadowy faces below, unwilling to glance towards Silverpelt and acknowledge the glimmering ember that still mourns his own passing. "I have... spoken with StarClan," and she is sure there is bitter murmur from WindClan to come for having allowed her to make her journey through their territory to the Moonstone at all. "Smokestar stands amongst them...."

    "And I have... taken his place.... as RiverClan's leader.... under the name Lichenstar." She struggles to deliver this news in flat tone, to blink back the stubborn grip of remorse that burns behind her eyes. This isn't right... she shouldn't be standing here.... And it is all so loud in the silence that follows. "That is all.... from RiverClan."

    Her eyes dart nervously between the four that loom like giants at her side... prepared to hear outcry of her position as imposter. To hear criticism of her lack of worthiness. She is the same Lichentail that Cicadastar had punished... the same Lichentail that had kits in the dead of leaf-bare out of impatience rather than thoughtfulness. The addition of 'star' does nothing to change that... and does nothing to soothe her nerves as she sits back and waits for the Gathering to continue.
  • about
    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
    ooc notes ✦
    tagging ✶
    penned by tieirlys
  • ˚  ★⋆. ࿐࿔  ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     .
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       .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ✦  
The warrior that Lichentail considered a giant stands a shadow of his former self. Though he had carried himself with the pride and grace that he had mustered since he first bore this wound, the cats of other clans could not wholly disguise where their eyes fell. To the swaddled stump where a powerful limb once had been — to the permanent reminder that Sunstar, though gifted by StarClan's lives and willing to fight for each one, was not infallible. Not permanent. The clans have suffered enough losses to know this for themselves. But to stand before them now places a mark of weakness upon his clan. Having suffered the flames, and now this wound. . . should any bear a grudge, it would be no great feat to hamstring their clan further still.

His defiantly lifted chin and glass-cold eyes attempt to fend them off before the thought should cross any of their minds. Among the last of the five to reach the top of this great speaking place, Sunstar's ascent is slow and laborious, though it does not lack grace. Not once does he fumble in his climb. The small leaps from place to place are landed solidly. Once, he had taken this for granted. Now it is a strength he can never fully regain. At least there is peace to be found in listening to the RiverClan deputy's slow, stagnant voice. He does not enjoy her company, but he enjoys her news even less. Having allowed her on her path through their territory, he carries an inkling of understanding. Then the inkling bursts through its dam, and the burnished tom's brow furrows.

Once, he had thought the tom one of WindClan's greatest enemies. He and Weaselclaw had seemed intent on ending one another: a feud he did not participate in, but understood its intensity. In loving Cicadastar, he had been a threat. On his own, he had become something far different. Glassy eyes turn troubled, and away from the crowd as Lichentail speaks. Lichenstar, he corrects himself quietly. It is confirmed. There are no bitter murmurs to come. "It is thanks to Smokestar's kindness that the most vulnerable of our clan survived the flames that ravaged our home," he says instead, each word slowly coaxed from a high-hanging vine. None but RiverClan need to know that he was nearly included amongst their number. "May RiverClan find strength in his legacy." He will not claim to mourn him the way that kin or clanmate would. In truth, he cannot even be certain he mourns at all. Whatever feeling this is, it is enough to keep his expression contemplative.

There is nothing to do now but step forward. The half-limp of a body not fully accustomed to one paw to catch its weight. He carefully sits, so that it may trouble him less. "WindClan too has a life to mourn." Shifting sands within his throat force Sunstar to swallow, the rest unwilling to come out. "My son, named Bearflight in his final moments, fell to the flames that ravaged our territory. WindClan grieves his loss, yet joining him in warriorhood are three of his littermates, who have joined us beneath these sacred stars to be known as their new names: Featherspine, Rivewhisper, and Sunlitwing." Pride takes all weight from his expression, if only for a moment. Like a star himself, he gleams as he looks down upon them. "And with them, Lavendertwist!" he continues, energy returning to his tone. "A cat who stood alongside us against Sootstar, and trained within our clan to prove herself worthy of this name."

"Yet the apprentice den will not empty with those who have been named as warriors. Of the many in our nursery, five have reached six moons. Brackenpaw, Beepaw, Lakepaw, Sheeppaw, and Ferretpaw." Their first gathering. He cannot think of what it must be like in their eyes. His own had been as a warrior, a rogue — not as an excitable kitten eager to explore new territories. All he may hope is that this one is peaceful, and kind. They deserve as much, if only for one night of many.

Stars know they will not find it in their own territory. At this unfortunate thought, stormy eyes darken once more. The wind brushing through his fur seems suddenly biting. "Though the clans that border us know of the ash that has stained our home, already seeds begin to sprout. WindClan will endure, and be stronger for what happened to us, as has been done for all our obstacles before." His leg tucks instinctively closer towards his chest. Lichenstar spoke of her clan's kits. The others would surely do the same. He cannot in good conscience name their own now. Not with Periwinklebreeze joining the nursery; not with so many mouths they must feed in midst of this ashen hunger. At best, they will offer only pity. At worst, they will see opportunity. He refuses to linger in either option for too long. "Nothing more from WindClan."

  • OOC.
  • Iw56kmg.png
    ——– AMAB HE - HIM - HIS ╱╱ 4+ YEARS OLD.

  • Love
Reactions: WOLFSONG
there is a lack of... much of anything in their eyes as they scan the crowd within the gathering. a lot of cats from a lot of different places, all gathered for the news of clans that they couldn't even begin to care about. chilledstar cannot blame them, for they only care for their own clan. it's not a secret. they never have been a fan of cats that aren't shadowclanners, because no one had shadowclan's back like shadowclan did. it has always been that way, even when there was some sort of fake alliance between pitchstar and sootstar. so, that being said, they listen. they hear, somewhat, though most of it is being stored to think about later. their tongue draws over their muzzle, and they slowly blink at the news from each clan. smokestar's dead, and now in his place stands lichenstar. they wonder how many cats they will stand up on this rock with, and still be here. in the same place they've been for moons. how many more leaders will make a joke of the nine lives by losing so many all at once?

"may smokestar, brookstorm, and bear flight find their peace amongst the stars. we, too, face losses of our own. sweetpaw, an apprentice was... killed. by rats. they join magpiepaw within the stars as he, too, is gone. hit by a monster and taken by a twoleg but we don't believe he made it. too many losses this moon."

their voice is just as void as ever. but they have to keep going. not all news is bad news.

"we have had a bit of a problem with an overpopulation of frogs. we've mostly calmed them down to reasonable levels but with prey comes predators and i myself have already seen it first hand. be careful, windclan. thunderclan. there's no telling how far these beasts will go for food."

they lash their tail back and forth with a breath in and out. in and out. in and... they jolt out of their thoughts to keep speaking. no time for this now. they're watching.

"we also welcome three new warriors. ripplestream, a loner with kin within the clan who has proven himself loyal. briarthorn, and screechstorm also are out newest additions. sweetpaw was to be amongst them but... if they stars are kind enough, they will give him his own warrior name."

they wished they could have. but... it's too late now. they only close their eyes breathing out.

"shadowclan is still strong. we always will be. but there is no light without the darkness and thus we must continue forward even when it seems impossible. that's... that's all from shadowclan."

nothing else needed to be said. nothing else. they wanted to go home, now.

———————---***ALL OF MY FEELINGS ARE GONE***———————---

  • black feline with a white marking across their face, a white chin, a white right front paw, and blue eyes. chilledstar is covered in scars, the most prominent ones being the one across their face, and the one across their neck.
    46 moons old; ages the 3rd every month
    they / them pronouns
    aromantic / homosexual ; currently not looking / looking
    child of JAGGED and RAVEN
    shadowclan ; loyal to shadowclan ; other info if applicable
    mildly difficult to befriend ; trusts barely anyone; trusts no one outside of shadowclan
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
What in StarClan's name had happened to the Clans?

It is Lichentail - no, Lichenstar - who begins the announcements this evening, standing frail and glazed-eyed among the other leaders She had not liked Smokestar. She had respected him, but not much enjoyed the presence of a cat who couldn't be bothered to acknowledge SkyClan's efforts in searching for their lost Clanmates. Despite that, his presence in StarClan is vaguely reassuring; at least Lichenstar would be able to rest with the knowledge that her predecessor's soul had pulled himself together beyond the skies.

Sunstar does not struggle in his snail's journey atop the rock, his slow ascent prickling the thorns of Orangestar's patience, though she tamps such a reaction down at the sight of his missing leg. It would be inappropriate to comment on something like that, even she knows. Still, she's unable to resist the flicker of brown eyes down to three paws and back up to his face as he speaks of his Clan: of new warriors, new apprentices, and of his lost son.

Chilledstar, when they speak, lacks any interest in the proceedings. It's only the second moon they'd attended since Orangestar had taken the helm of SkyClan, and the two have never once spoken a word to each other. The mention of Magpiepaw makes her ears twitch back. Hit by a monster and taken by a twoleg ... what a nasty fate. Orangestar's nose wrinkles. At least Chilledstar does not ask SkyClan to look for their missing Clanmates anymore, ungrateful as they are for not acknowledging SkyClan's effort in the past.

Then, mercifully, it is her turn. She will be able to get this over with.

"SkyClan ..." Orangestar's voice is hoarse, hard to hear until the murmurs between the gathered cats die down to whispers. From their proximity, the leaders would be able to see the tell-tale marks on her throat that speak of some greater injury left healed. "Welcomes two new members to my council. I have appointed Figfeather as a lead warrior ... and in the wake of Twitchbolt's retirement, I have named Cherryblossom my new deputy."

The sunkissed she-cat ignores any murmurs of confusion that ripple through the crowd. Lack of experience aside, Cherryblossom had been handling the learning curve of her new duties as far as she's aware. Tonight, the leader feels secure in her decision. Orangestar continues:

"Four new warriors join us tonight." Her tail curls around her paws. "We welcome Florabreeze, Oddgleam, Pollenclaw and Pinefeather. Our apprentice den is not empty, however, with the naming of Bluepaw, Daisypaw, Fluffypaw, Weedpaw, Sangriapaw and Coffeepaw. They are in the paws of able and experienced mentors, and I look forward to their progress."

"But we face our troubles. Near the unclaimed border, a patrol was attacked by two foxes. By the grace of StarClan and the quick thinking of our warriors, everyone made it out alive."
Brown eyes slide towards the leaders beside her atop the Great Rock. In close proximity, would they be able to tell that she could not say the same for herself? "In a separate incident, close to Twolegplace ... one of our queens, Mottledove, did not. She leaves behind her two kits, newly named warriors of SkyClan, and we can only hope that she watches from StarClan."

Orangestar's ears twitch back, agitation creasing her scarred maw for a moment before she spits, "Two of our warriors, Applefrost and Dandelionwish, have been murdered. There was no Clan-scent on the bodies, so I do not suspect any cat here-" StarClan help them if she was wrong- "but I urge caution to you all. These murderers were efficient. We can only hope that whoever did this was too injured to find any more victims before being left to rot somewhere."

In lieu of a formal conclusion, Orangestar nods and spares Howlingstar a glance as she retreats to sit among the five leaders. What news would ThunderClan bring them?

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    [ art by pin ]
  • ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | eight lives

    — "a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."
    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #F18C47
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.

As usual, Howlingstar is seated between Orangestar and Chilledstar as they await the arrival of the fifth and final leader before the Gathering may begin. She is plenty confused by Lichentail standing atop the boulder, but assumes Smokestar must be ill or something of the sort. It is certainly not the first time a deputy would stand in for their higher-up at one of these. Her surprise is doubled when she lays eyes on the WindClan leader as he crests the Great Rock, a stump all that remains of one of his forelegs. Green eyes widen slightly, her jaws ajar as she looks from the healed wound to his face. "Sunstar..." She murmurs, as if she wants to ask about what has happened, but before anything else may be said Lichentail begins the Gathering.

She must force her confusion and questions down as she tears her gaze away from the tabby tom and gives her attention to the RiverClan deputy. She seems to struggle with the volume she speaks at, her words slow and drawn out, but the ThunderClan leader does not mind. She sits patiently, nodding in acknowledgment of the new warriors, apprentice, and bountiful kits the clan greets. The loss of a warrior draws a frown from her and she softly murmurs her apologies with a shake of her head. And then, it comes, but it is not the news she expected. Smokestar is...dead? She stares, stunned, at Lichentar before a troubled mew finally leaves her, "He was too young. I'm so sorry for RiverClan's loss." Far, far too young. She is reminded once more of her own age, how she manages to outlive cat after cat in this forest thanks to her lives, even leaders newer than herself. She cannot say she ever thought the tom to be a particularly pleasant or kind cat, but he had been honorable enough to earn StarClan's lives, and that in itself is worthy. She prays he finds peace in Silverpelt while his deputy moves his clan forward.

It is Sunstar who speaks next, informing the clans of his son's death. Her heart breaks for him; she knows all too well the tragedy of losing a child. She has experienced it five times over. She dips her head to him, shaking her head in gentle sympathy, before looking back as he announces his other kits have become warriors. That is something to be proud of, surely! And new apprentices; despite WindClan's troubles with fire, it still became a prosperous moon for them in some ways. Is the fire how he lost his leg? She can't help but wonder as her eyes once more travel over where his fourth paw would be. And then, a darker thought. Was the fire punishment from StarClan...?

She doesn't get much time to dwell on it as Chilledstar steps up to speak next. ShadowClan lost not only an apprentice, but their medicine cat apprentice, too. Sadness clouds her gaze to hear Magpiepaw had been lost. He had been an honorable young cat, and she feels lucky she had gotten to meet him. They go on to warn her clan as well as WindClan about predators and she stiffens, nodding her head to them in understanding. But it had not been a predator that killed Wolfwind; a snake, small but deadly, took her from her family. Squeezing her eyes shut for a moment, she then turns towards Orangestar.

She knows Figfeather's name as one of the cats who traveled to the mountains. Cherryblossom is even more familiar. The new deputy of SkyClan is the cat her daughter died saving, and she gazes down at her now with an unreadable look. Look what you made possible, Little Wolf, She thinks, allowing a small smile to grace her muzzle. Though she will always mourn her eldest, she can rest easy knowing that in StarClan, her ebony-furred daughter does not regret a thing. Warriors and apprentices are named, several deaths are announced. Once more, she murmurs her apologies, and then it is time for her to step forward.

She strides to the front of the boulder with grace, her chin lifted high as she takes a seat. "ThunderClan's ranks continue to swell this newleaf, and that in itself is a blessing. But it does not come without consequence, of course. Feeding our young takes every warrior and apprentice. Surely, we look forward to the day our newleaf blessings are apprenticed," She mews, hoping the incident of the trespassing is not brought up. Orangestar now knows how much her clan is struggling, but no one else needs to be aware. They just need to make do a little longer. "I have invited a new warrior to my council. Leafhusk is here tonight as ThunderClan's newest lead warrior. We also have two brand new warriors, Lovelight and Joywing. Four new apprentices have begun on their paths to warriorhood: Sparrowpaw, Orangepaw, Tornadopaw, and Wrathpaw. They are mentored by Sleekserpent, Butterflyskip, Mothfur, and Wildheart, respectively." She does not mention the fact that the fourth pair is not here tonight, punished after the stunt they took part in on SkyClan's territory. Her voice falls as she adds on, "ThunderClan has experienced a great loss this moon. My granddaughter and lead warrior, Wolfwind, rests with StarClan now." Howlingstar does her kin the service of not sharing how she died; she can already hear Wolfwind's half-joking groan in her head (nooo you told them it was an adder? You could've lied to make it sound cooler!). She tries to find Lakemoon in the crowd, wondering if she is here, and wishing she could embrace her right now. With that news shared, she is not in much of a mood to speak much more, and tips her head down before backing up. "That is all from ThunderClan. May you all have safe travels back to your camps tonight."

In the pauses between leaders sharing their news, Figfeather sits next to @Daisypaw and introduces him to each leader. ”The first one is… Lichenstar. I was expecting for you to see Smokestar tonight. He had black and white fur with deep scars running across his face.” She was shocked to hear his reign had ended so unexpectedly. It was baffling how leaders were granted nine lives yet some still left to join the star’s in the twitch of a whisker. It just went to show the life of a clan cat was often cruel and unpredictable. ”She seemed like a good deputy for RiverClan. We’ll have to hope she doesn’t cause any problems for SkyClan in her rise to power.” That was one thing you always had to worry about when new leaders took to the Great Rock. They came with new ideas, new mindsets, new expectations, some of them brought no good for the clans whom surrounded them.

”The one whose pelt is as bright as a flame is Sunstar. He’s WindClan’s leader…” Sootstar’s deputy… she still cannot help but see him as. StarClan, however, has accepted him as their new leader. Figfeather hopes this means he isn’t too bad… and so far it doesn’t seem like he is. Or was that just because he’s been too busy with a fire on the moor with no free time to rage war?

”The one who speaks now with the white streak across their face? That’s Chilledstar. One of the longest standing leaders in the forest. They lead ShadowClan.” In terms of holding the ‘star’ title, that is. In terms of actual age that crown would of course go to Howlingstar. She’s not had to interact with Chilledstar much aside from listening to them speak at gatherings, she has little to note about them.

Then, of course, there is Orangestar. Figfeather knows she doesn’t have to introduce her and instead listens quietly to her announcements for SkyClan. Her chest puffs out with pride at the mention of her name, she relishes in the brief moment of fame before they move onto Howlingstar.

”That’s Howlingstar, ThunderClan’s leader. She’s known for her nobility and wisdom, she’s been kind to SkyClan and pleasant for us to work with.” So far, anyways. She wonders if everything will soon change after Raccoonstripe had led a hunting patrol onto SkyClan land. She notes it is not him who sits in Flameseeker’s place tonight, however.
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Lead Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Sire to Sangriapaw & Coffeepaw
    » Mentoring Daisypaw
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and to aid her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing