pafp it leads just like a river runs — walk

Foxtail knows he can't be the only one who feels..... worried right now. It's hard not to think about Smokestar— it was pretty evident that the young warrior looked up to the older tom. After Foxtail failed Eelpaw, the young warrior has been trying to prove himself to be trusted with another apprentice. He felt so grateful when Smokestar assigned Pebblepaw to him; Smokestar's nephew. He's been working hard— really hard... he didn't want to fail him again. We'll find him, He tells himself quickly, pushing the anxious thoughts away, Smokestar will see Pebblepaw's apprenticeship in full. He lets out a quiet sigh as he pushes the thought out of his mind; stop getting distracted! "It's a l-lovely day out," Foxtail mews to Hazecloud, whom accompanied him out in the territory for a walk. It feels good to get out of camp and breathe in the fresh air, it helps ease his worrying mind.

They pad along one of the numerous rivers, the sound of the river flowing sounds soothing to him. The water sounds calm and peaceful, and when he glances at it; the water is clear enough for him to see fish swimming by. He blinks for a quick moment as his gaze locks on an unsuspecting trout, crouching low. With a swipe of his claw, the fish is yanked out of the water with a tiny splash; delivering the killing blow by a bite to the neck. He releases the limp trout, awkwardly letting out a small laugh. "S-sorry, did I splash you? That trout was asking for i-it," He mews apologetically, before he goes ahead and buries the trout... he doesn't want the remainder of their walk to smell like dead fish!

  • please wait for @hazecloud to post!
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    credit to skaicraft (via insta) for the artwork <3

  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to sixbane for the minis & tropics for the icon <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    18 moons

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Careful steps carry the queen not far from Foxtail's side, steps light across the peaty soil as they lingered close to the river. It's dawned on her, in their share comfort of silence, that she has never allowed another warrior other than Lichentail to accompany her before. Her mate's presence had been all she ever wanted while their escapades brought them to their special place among the meadows.

With the- tentative- loss of Smokestar the queen is not so fishbrained to expect her mate in any state to take her into the sunlight. While Lichentail shouldered Smokestar's vacancy she had placed her efforts into being as little of a burden as possible. The scarred molly would call for her when she was ready, which she didn't imagine would be anywhere close within the next few days. She was not as optimistic as her escort that their speckled leader would be reclaimed- historically the gorge claimed every cat that fell into its depths.

"The sun shines so bright today. You would think it doesn't even know what's happened." Hazecloud sighed as she watched white puffy clouds float over blue skies. Not even a raincloud in sight to share what they might lose. Is it StarClan's way of saying to remain at ease? That they had no reason to shed their tears?

Hazecloud hadn't realized Foxtail had parted to inch closer to the banks until a splash erupted from the waters. She turned to face the tom and beamed at the sight of a trout beneath his paws.

"What a catch!" She complicated, drawing close to him once more. She looked over the fish with an approving nod. "No unnecessary cuts, a very clean bite. My kits would would praise you to the stars and back for this one." She could already hear Horizonkit's confident critique. Eveningkit's glowing report and Twinklekit's excitement for the chance to find scales that weren't split or cracked.


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    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.


Like her clanmates, Bubblepaw finds herself lingering on RiverClan's shorelines. She is not typically one to fish or hunt here unless she's been asked to do so, but rather prefers to spend her time foraging for pretty things that wash up on the shores. Though it is typically an activity she does in her leisure, she finds herself focusing especially hard on each grain and rock. Bubblepaw, like Hazecloud and Foxtail, has been filled with apprehension. Despite the clear weather and warming temperatures, she is disquieted by the absence of their leader.

Bubblepaw waves hello with her tail when she spots the pair going for a walk. "Hi Foxtail! Hi Hazecloud!" She calls sweetly. It's good to see friendly faces, and to have the distraction from her hyperfocus. And it's good, too, to see her clanmates enjoying themselves in such unsure times. She nearly continues down the shoreline when Foxtail moves swiftly into the water and brings out a trout. "Ooh, that's a big one, Foxtail!" Bubblepaw says with a huge grin. Her compliment lacks the same technical analysis of Foxtail's skill that Hazecloud's has, but is just as heartfelt. "You'll have to show me how you do that some time! The big ones are hard."

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