sensitive topics It should've been me || Birth


In darkness blooms the spider lily
Nov 10, 2022


She was so big now she could crush someone. She considered it several times, it’d be a fun story to tell her kits. Before you were even born, you helped mama kill somebody! But no, she held onto her murderous urges and stayed civil. The sun was setting on another uneventful day….For her, anyways. She was tired. It would be any day now…..

Anxiety gnawed at her. She hadn’t had problems the last time she gave birth… But what about this time? What if something went wrong? She wouldn’t have any help, no one to be there for her. What if she died?

The thought chilled her blood. She couldn’t put her kits in the same position she had been in. She couldn’t die on them.

Another stressor was the political climate. What if she gave birth during an attack!! That would be so inconvenient and awkward, she almost wondered what would happen. What the other clan would do. Would the INDESCRIBABLE JOY OF CHILDBIRTH bring the clans together?????

She doubted it, but it’d be funny.

She crawled back into the nursery to her usual spot, not curling up this time, just laying out. She couldn’t curl up if she tried. Everything was going to be fine. It would all be fine!! These kits would never know their father, only stories of his strength and probably is icy personality. She would be raising them on her own.... And she would raise them well. A strong wave of envy struck her for those who had their mates to help. Those who were in love. Why couldn't she have these things? She didn't realize just how deep Juniperfrost had cut her when he said he didn't love her. She didn't understand why, it's not like he HAD to just because she liked him. Yet selfishly, she wished he did.

She pushed these feelings aside. It was probably just hormones or something. She would be fine.

The night went on and the clan was finally settling down to go to sleep. She enjoyed the peace and quiet that the night brought. No stress, nothing to worry about, she could relax in peace.

And just as she was falling asleep……

A sharp pain in her stomach jolted her awake with a yelp. She knew it well, she’d never forget the pain of childbirth. Who decided it should hurt so much?

Deep breaths, deep breaths…..

Another pain struck her by surprise.


Well fuck. Now everyone is going to WAKE UP.

The miracles of life– just one now, amongst many...

Lambcurl was a little night bug. While he could find solice from the sun as he needed within earth's walls... Every now and then, he still craved the open sky. He hated to say it, hated to admit– but he loved the night sky so much more dearly than its morning counterpart. No other time could he not burn under its watchful gaze, no other time could he smile and take solice in the stars that hung overhead. Attentive things; fireflies in the sky. They too, would bear witness... would open their ears to the– to the–

He turns with wide eyes to the nursery, quiet of night pierced with the dagger that is, presumably, a queen's voice. Lambcurl pokes his head inside, eyes sweeping the den. "Are you...?" okay, is what he may have said, but plainly, she is not. He sees no spit-slobbering beast or other swift death from the heavens, no, so he can only assume its the kits. "Oh," It's the last thing he chirps to her before disappearing again, carrying himself on tiny paws to the one who could help–

Whom... He swiftly realizes, would not be Vulturemask. He'd pause, before swiftly shifting gears to retrieve the Clan's leader, instead. He doesn't get too close– doesn't deserve to, oh, especially not in the dead of night. But beside Tallrock and the den it harbors, Lambcurl would call quiet, though it's stark compared to the night. "Sootstar! Spiderbloom's kits...! Could you..." He doesn't quite finish what he means, but she'd understand, wouldn't she?

[ Calling for @SOOTSTAR <3 ]
Weaselclaw is not a creature of the night, unlike Lambcurl and the other tunnelers who prefer the darkness and the mud. A shriek splits the quiet, and the tabby lifts his head irritably from the comfort of Sootstar's nest. Now that he's able to see her beautiful face in the morning and not Vulturemask's ... less than beautiful one, he's sleeping much better at night. He won't be happy with whoever is disturbing the Clan.

He pushes his way out of the leader's den, blue gaze wandering for the offender, until he spots Lambcurl peeking at the nursery. With a jolt, the tabby realizes the cries are not those of a troublemaker, but of a kitting queen.

He throws another glance to Sootstar, memories of her births fresh in his mind. Their children had taken so long to come into the world, so agonizingly long, and he can only hope StarClan is more merciful to Spiderbloom. More than they have been so far.

Weaselclaw pads beside Lambcurl, giving the panting seal point within the nursery a look of sympathy. "Sootstar can't do anything for her except guide her... maybe we should get Vulturemask." He's indecisive, though; Sootstar had never needed a medicine cat to birth her kits, so why would Spiderbloom? Still, he feels the black tom should know. He turns to fetch him.


Cottonpaw doesn't take refuge in the medicine den - she's obtained much of her parents' stubborn behaviors, maintained that she's fine and doesn't need to be monitored. At least Vulturemask isn't intent on caging her, she can be grateful of that (though he still forbids out-of-camp expeditions for a bit.) Icebreath is more likely to section off responsibilities while her scrapes heal, she finds, but even then the leash is... loose, so to say. Regardless, the kitten rests among her comrades, siblings and friends alike, closing her eyes for the night in preparation for the next day -

And the scream startles her awake again. Cottonpaw thinks of the threats on their Clan first and foremost, springing to her paws and paying no mind to which apprentice she just accidentally trampled in the process. Other cats seem on edge, whilst some peer towards the nursery with annoyance and rest their heads once again. Curiosity beckons her forward and she paces herself to arrive at the same time as her father, standing close to him and furrowing her brow.

This must be... her gaze trains on Spiderbloom for maybe too long, though her mouth is too dry for her to ask her usual round of obnoxious questions. Instead, she looks up to Weaselclaw - something about observing the scene makes her uneasy. For once, the grey kitten doesn't want to experience the new and unusual. She looks to leave. "D'ya think she'd like some water...?" She asks her father, neglecting that the queen in question is only a few pawsteps away and likely can answer for herself. Her tail twitches, "I can grab some. 'm sure the rain's left some puddles around the camp."
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That damn Weaselclaw why did he have to get him for?!. Vulturemask had done a splendid job this far to keep as far away from the nursery den as possible thinking Spiderbloom could do this on her own just like Sootstar had. No need for him to be there....Unfortunately Weaselclaw had demanded him to come along and so begrudgingly the medicine cat would while screaming no! on the inside. This is the reward he got for saving his archenemy's life. Tch. He knew he would come to regret it...

The closer they got the louder Spiderbloom's scream could be heard and to his ears he would best describe it like the scream of horror brought out of a nightmare. It frightened him so much that his spine shivered. Out of everything he had dealed with in his life from fighting a hawk and living under his mothers terror it was kit birth that was the most horrifying thing he could ever be forced to deal with. More then anything he wanted to spin around and hide into his den instead until this was over with. There was actually a moment there he paused as he stopt following Weaselclaw considering his options. Would it be too late to back out?. Maybe he should do an Dandelionwish right here and now while everything was distracted. He might have a slim chance of success...

The medicine cat looked at the entrance of the camp, into the tunnels as he considered it and in that moment the tunnels was shinning with a glowing light inviting him to come running to escape into freedom so he wouldn't have to deal with this. In the end he decided against it not wanting to part from his siblings and his herbs...the two most prectious things in his life.

He reached the nursery not long after Weaseclaw did but...he stopt right outside not stepping inside, instead he would hesitantly peek his head inside his pupils small as he searched for the birthing queen. Aha there she was....Vulturemask stared feeling how the sweat started to run down his back. " You're doing great..." he tried to ensure the queen despite standing still outside and nowhere near the soon-to-be-mom. Vulturemask was panicing on the inside, his head all blank. He didn't know what to do. He didn't wish to be here. Why did he had to be?. Dandelionwish had never delivered kits...right?...a mother should be able to bring their kits to the world on their own. Why did they had to make him suffer for their choices?.

" Just...uhm...keep on doing what you're doing.... " he said unblinking as he swollowed nervousely feeling a slight bit dizzy. He swore he felt like he was going to faint....

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Night shattered. Dreams cracked and crumbling. Tigerfrost bolts awake. Were they under attack? But the voices of his clan-mates as they gather upon the scene finally flattens the Lead Warriors fur. Everyone seemed to crowd the entry to the nursery, and Tigerfrost can guess as to why. Cottonpaw suggests gathering water for the kitting queen, and though Tigerfrost is not the youth's father, he does agree with the suggestion, especially since it appeared Vulturemask hadn't the slightest idea how to respond to the scene.

"Spiderbloom might appreciate some water." He agrees toward Cottonpaw, standing back to avoid crowding the nursery anymore than it appeared to be. He is at a complete loss as to what else might help. If the medicine cat didn't know, then all they could really do was pray to the stars and hope for the best. Kits, raised without their father, if they ever survived the birth, with their mother's own life now at stake as well. It's a grim string of thoughts.


The night was cool, a light wind from the most recent storms streaming over the hills of the moorland. Despite the constant showers that helped form the pools of mud that seemed to just keep getting deeper and deeper, the sky itself was relatively clear, wisps of clouds carried on strong winds. It felt like the stars were finally able to shine through after a few days of being covered and the small progeny of Gin's group made sure to take advantage of it. Settled down in a divet perfect for her size, the edges of sleep started to pull at her mind until....

The scream and immediate shuffle of movement rattled the tunneled to her core, head snapping upward and fur on end as she quickly unfured herself from her tight circle. Claws dug into the soft earth of the camp before another cry unlocked memories from deep within her subconscious. Memories of little orbs of fluff covered in red slime and crying out. Memories of two caring parents licking them clean and looking at them with a twinkle of what she could only imagine at the time was true parental adoration.

She had to blink in order cease the memories from flowing before they took a darker turn. That cry had been all to familiar and when she noticed the bodies crowding the nursery, her ears were pinned to her head and she let out a hiss as she got to her paws. Closing the distance in a few strides, the scent from within and the hushed words of the others nearby were all she needed to confirm her suspicions. Spiderbloom was giving birth... for the second time in the young ones life.

And it seemed no one knew what they were doing. The small chimera came over with a loud hiss, fur standing on end as she stepped into the entrance between the larger moor-runners that were present. ❝ GIVE HER SOME SPACE, YOU HARE-BRAINED MOOR-RUNNERS!! If you don't know what to do, you should go back to whatever dreams you were having!! ❞ Yellow gaze danced between the intruders before she turned to Spiderbloom.

The gasping and heaving form made her chest tighten but she swallowed and moved closer. Stepping over and carefully loafing against her far side that was away from the entrance, Redrumble looked at her and hesitantly gave her an awkward smile. ❝ Come on, Spider. I've seen you deal with this before. In a disheveled heap that was barely a den back then!! Who needs a stupid tom when you have an entire clan available at your beck and call!! ❞ She looked over the queen's shoulder, narrowing her eyes at the rigid form of Vulturemask standing in the entrance before sighing with a lash of her tail. ❝ That is, if they can stomach helping.... ❞ Some medicine cat he sure was....

⊱ ♞ ⊰
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Others come to see her, as she expected. She did just cry out in agony for all to hear. She knew at this moment that she wasn't alone like she constantly told herself. Cats were here for her. Even Redrumble was here, she remembered when she was young. She knew her first kits. Now she was all grown up and cheering her on….

No one had ever done that for her before. Other than Jasper, but he was gone.

….Any other circumstance she’d dwell on this feeling, this realization that she had been her own worst enemy nearly her whole life.

She was the one who built a near impenetrable fortress around her heart and soul, and now that it had been shattered, she was free. She was free to feel, be happy. Love and be loved.

It wasn’t fair that Juniperfrost wasn’t here for the birth of his kits. She wondered if he was watching from Starclan. She could almost picture him standing there, probably preparing some insensitive remark like “Stop screaming and just push them out.” or something.

Which to be fair, is how she felt too. Less screaming, more pushing.

She didn’t let out any more terribly loud cries, most were through clenched jaws and held in as the excruciating process went on. She could feel the kits leaving her, but she was focused. She could handle pain from combat just fine, this was a whole different thing.

She was going to DELIVER THESE KITS.

Time passed, she didn’t know how long it had been, but she was finally almost done….

"The joys of childbirth, everyone……." Her voice was weak from the ordeal, but she still held a bit of humor.

Two kits were at her belly now. A black ticked tabby, and one with a striking resemblance to their father…..She looked at them with tears in her eyes. She reached over to clean the two off and nuzzle them. She knew the perfect names for them.

@SCORPIONKIT ….” She licked his head. “.........And @Juniperkit ” She said, giving Juniperkit a lick as well.

But she wasn’t done yet! A pain hit her and she winced, laying her head back down. She could see Vulturemask had arrived and she smiled apologetically at him when she saw how disturbed he was.

There are many myths about the so-called miracle of birth. What many don't realize until they undergo it themselves is that it is truly a bloody, painful thing. It was a battle many strong queens fought and won with cherished results, Though, sometimes, even the strongest lose. A mother could do everything right—the best diet, the most comfortable nest, ample preparation—and terrible things still happened. That was nature. Sometimes kits were called to Starclan before they ever took their first breath.

Juniperkit entered the world in silence.

Spiderbloom's tongue rasped quickly over his damp grey fur yet the kit lay there in utter stillness. Already his sister was gasping her first gulps of life while he remained stuck in a strange, suspended state. There was no fear. No sadness. No anxiety or reluctance. A tiny heart was slowly beating in his motionless body, unaware that it was running out of time. No awareness at all. Juniperkit simply was. Or maybe he wasn't.​
( 𓆩⟡𓆪 ) The first two kits born to Spiderbloom are opposites in all but their ticked tabby pelts. Juniperkit, large and oh, so very silent. Still as death, his sluggish heart the only sign of life, no air escaping his closed maw. His sister could not be any more different.

Scorpionkit explodes into the world with a petulant cry of protest, wriggling and gasping, as though drowned, for air. She is a tiny thing, runty and fragile, dwarfed by the unmoving shadow of her brother. Her tiny paws brush his pelt with no awareness that she touches another cat -- not thoughts to realize she is alive, to understand what is happening. She moves on pure instinct, twisting and wailing, alive and declaring such with a fervent abandon. Her face is contorted in a strange sort of anger, her paws reaching out towards anything she can.

There is something soft scraping across the top of her head, but it is gone before she can even comprehend it. She does not soften at its touch, but rather wails all the more in its absence, a first taste of loss for a child soon to learn of more. She wriggles closer, closer, towards Spiderbloom, only quieting her cries to a soft mewling once she feels the warmth of her mother's body against her own. She nestles herself firmly against it, face still scrunched and body still ever-moving, unaware of her motionless brother still lying where he was born.
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She could sense something was wrong as soon as she realized Juniperkit wasn't crying out. Her heart began to race and her gut twisted in fear.

"Oh no….."

She leaned back over to check on Juniperkit and as she suspected, he wasn't moving. She began to panic. She started to groom and nudge him more roughly.

"Please… Please don't die on me…"

That would be how it goes, wouldn't it. Luck was never on her side.

Pain wracked her body again and she forced herself to stay focused on Juniperkit. Another kit was born, a little black one. She was just about done now, just a little longer….

She just needed Juniperkit to move…..

As more time passed, she gave one final push and the pain was over. With Juniperkit hopefully wiggling and squeaking at her side, Spiderbloom took to cleaning the other two kits.

"....Hollykit." She said, looking down at her daughter. Spiky little thing. Holly was the perfect name.

Then, looking to the last one….. She went to clean him. As she did, she accidentally knocked him over, rolling him onto his back. She needed to clean his underside anyways. He was poofier than the others, and she had the perfect name for him too!

"And Puffkit!"

@HOLLYKIT @Puffkit
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much akin to her sister, the kitten of spiked ebony fur cried as she entered the world. muffled sounds made their way into folded ears, tiny jaws parted in a pitiful response. the newborn felt cold. spiderbloom's focus remained on her sons, one that she was giving life, another she was trying to coax back into it. but none of that mattered to her, blissfully unaware of her surroundings as well as her circumstance. the infant just wailed, either from fear of this newfound loneliness or just instinct.

at the first feeling of something pulling against her bristled fur, hollykit quiets. wails reduced to soft and infrequent mewls, she inches towards the source, writhing around to get as close as she could. amongst finding a suitable spot, wedged between her littermates, hollykit would grow still despite the rapid motions of her heart.
Certainly Badgermoon had no more experience with the process of birthing kittens than any of the other tomcats here, Weaselclaw notwithstanding. Disoriented after being ripped out of his sleep, the deputy staggered over on stiff legs, his squinting eyes transforming into perfect yellow circles as he realized what was happening. Spiderbloom - her kits were coming! And Juniperfrost's not here to see it. he thought with a fresh twist of sorrow. He had not liked the icy tomcat, not by a long shot, but he had been a loyal WindClanner and he deserved to be here and see his kittens brought into the world. I hope he can watch from StarClan, to see his sons and daughters born, to see his mate's strength.

"They're simply beautiful, Spiderbloom." Badgermoon mewed in a soft voice, lingering at the very edges of the group of cats clustered around the queen. The firstborn had entered the world in silence, and for a moment he feared it was a stillborn - but no, no. The little tom-kit was alive, and he had three perfect siblings to accompany him - with strong voices, to boot. Feeling quite overwhelmed, the bicolor tom stepped away under the pretense of fetching a rabbit for the new mother. His throat was tight with emotion and he said nothing more as he deposited the prey in front of Spiderbloom, stepping back quickly for fear of crowding her.
Strange, how all it takes to jumpstart a kit into life is a little extra attention. Spiderbloom's rasping tongue was like a bolt of lightning, the heat and the pressure sparking life into the child's motionless body. Juniperkit's first breath was more of a startled gasp, his slow heart now racing in his chest. At this stage in life, there was no true thought, only instinctual hunger which guided his advance toward his mother's belly. The squirming of his siblings around him was more comforting than it was irritating--the press of bodies was familiar and warm. Like a fly to honey, he followed the sound of Spiderbloom's thundering heartbeat in search of food. It was almost funny how, only a moment before, Juniperkit nearly suffered an untimely death, and now he was squealing just like the others.​

Aha yes, Redrumble was making sense!. It was best not to crowd Spiderbloom right now and since he clearly didn't know what to do he could leave too, yes?. Vulturemask was tempted to leave while he still had a chance not thinking his presense was needed. He had showed his face that should be enough surely!. The medicine cat took a step back but it was already too late. It was nothing but a tragedy for him anyhow. In horror he realised it had already begin and starclan his poor eyes!...his innocent eyes that day got ruined for life. No going back now for what he was about to see. Wide-eyed he watched the biggest horror take place he ever had seen in his entire life. The birth of kits.

Vulturemask had no real clue how kitting actually went down never having been present to wittness a such vulgar thing until today. He had tried to avoid it at all cost...thinking his eyes could have been spared but no such mercy had not been given to him!. Just the bare sight of how he saw how life come into this world made him feel sick, and the dizziness increased. His face for sure was pale like a ghost underneath and everything started to blur. He did not felt well. This was far worse then he ever had dared imagine!.

He took a step back looking with horrified disbelief, mouth partly opend as the second kit pooped out and starclan - everything suddenly went black in front of his eyes. Vulturemask fell to the ground. The poor medicine cat had just fainted as he had met his maker. The truth about how life come to be in this life was too much for what such innocent eyes could take. He had meet his superior in this life. This was simply a battle he couldn't win. He had lost to birth.

If only he could unseen what he just had seen...if only.

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