oneshot It started out as a whisper || Redpath


I'll catch your tears, quench your fears with joy
Sep 18, 2022

Willow trees were her favorite tree. They were so different from the other trees, and that made them beautiful to her. Sometimes the branches formed a little hiding spot around the trunk if they were plentiful enough. She was under one such tree today, having pushed past the curtain to rest against the trunk.

She had yet to go hunting, but her mind begged her for a moment of peace. It wouldn't take long, she would eventually get the urge to move and then get to her duties.

But for now, peace.

A few minutes of solitude passed before she heard pawsteps, and the rustling of the curtain of willow branches as the parted.

"I found Redpath slackiiing~"

The voice that teased her was smooth and soft, and it belonged to a tom she knew as Riverwhisker. He was a lanky cat, an excellent fisher and most notably, had a beautiful coat. His rosettes were faded, almost like they were lightly toasted. They were a light brown, but darker around the extremities. His eyes were an icy blue, and his eyelashes were white.

He was almost as silly as she was, but less bubbly about it. He could deliver a bad joke like it was nothing, whereas Redpath had to stop herself from laughing.

"I'm not slacking...." She said. "I'm just enjoying the quiet!"

"Fair enough! Hunt with me afterwards and I won't tell anyone." He said, padding over to sit by her.


She didn't mind his company. It was nice, she had to admit. Relaxing with someone she trusted was a comforting feeling. Riverwhisker eventually settled beside her, using her as a pillow. It made her fur prickle a little. She hadn't been used as a pillow before.

They laid there together peacefully, and Redpath found her mental state healing. She almost didn't want to get up, but she knew she would have to soon. She just didn't want to be the one to ruin the moment.



Riverwhisker was quiet for a moment, and Redpath lifted her head to look at him. Was there something wrong? It didn't look like it, he was looking at her with a nervous look though.

He took a breath and started speaking again. "I wanted to ask.....If you'd like to..... Go out...? Maybe.... Come back here tonight?" He asked nervously.

Her eyes widened, and her jaw almost dropped. Did he ask her out on a date???

"I just like spending time with you. On patrols, in camp... I just enjoy your company, even if I'm not involved in what you're doing." He continued. He started to fidget in the form of gently kneading his paws on the ground.

"I had no idea..." Redpath said. She felt her ears grow warm. He wasn't a bad cat... He was friendly and appreciated her sense of humor.... He was even coming to her first. She never expected that.

"Yeah... We can hang out here." She finally answered his question. She could give him a chance.

He gave a relieved smile, the weight of his anxiety having been lifted off his heart. " Glad to hear..!"

"We should get to hunting, though. I've spent enough time here already." Redpath said with a smile.


"Yeah! I want you to come with me!"
