it started with a whisper | sunning



જ➶ The place she has found is no Sunning Rocks by any stretch of the imagination. But it will do for the purpose that she has for it. As she slips her way up from the waters, paws gripping the stone the woman shakes her body before she lays down in the afternoon heat. The rock that lays in the middle of the river is well warmed by the sun and it is soothing to her thin frame. As she lays her head down she enjoys the time she has right now. The peace. She has no issues to think about, at least she tries not to think about them. It'll do her no good to continuously think about the things that have happened. She does wonder what Windclan is doing. No one can ever be sure of what those rogues are up to. She hopes they can at least try to keep their claws to themselves. Her tail dips into the water, back and forth with a twitch as she casually hums to herself. Time away from the camp is certainly what she needs and she doesn't find herself wanting to be too close to anyone right now. Save for a couple she feels she can talk to. Molten hues flick over to the water and she watches as fish swim around the rock, back and forth. Her claws extend but no other movement as she watches the prey that lingers underneath the surface of the waters.

She has already done her hunting for today anyway. So a bit of rest she hopes is not too hard to ask for.

The loss of Sunningrocks had been one felt keenly by many in the clan. Lilybloom was bitter about the loss on a number of fronts. Sunningrocks was a dear place to her, and Lilybloom prided herself in being the cat who had discovered them. She had fought hard for those rocks and had been devastated to lose the battle. Not only did it cause her emotional pain but she had suffered a physical loss that day too - she had lost an eye, forever marked by the kin of her very own mate.

She does not mean to intrude on what appears to Boneripple's place of solitude. She is swimming nearby when she sees the dark-furred she-cat resting upon the rock. "Hello," She mews cordially as she swims on past, a green eye looking directly at Boneripple. A few of the fish scatter in her wake. "Looks warm on there. Is there room for one more?" Lilybloom asks. There is room for another cat on there but Lilybloom does not want to intrude.

Cupped by the fingers of reeds, Fernpaw sat not far from where Boneripple had settled, part of a fishing patrol and determined to regain what fishing ability he had lost in the severing of his left eye's sight. A single silver catch lat at his paws, caught long before- and in a scooping motion, at last he grasped his second prize of the day. Judging the distance between his paw and the river's surface, an ability diminished in his blinding, was becoming easier and easier. Re-learning thesis abilities was the first time Fernpaw had felt as if he was truly noticing progress.

Hearing his sister's voice nearby, Fernpaw poked his head out from the reeds to notice the two warriors a little downstream, his most recent catch held in the curve of his smile. His silken tail flicked in silent acknowledgement, before his face soon disappeared again, a small, sunset-striped form weaving out in the open to get closer to them.

"Hey, you want anything to eat?" he asked, voice lilted with his smile and vision flickering between the two. Most people liked to relax with a meal, didn't they?
penned by pin

One of the things that Dovepaw found quite uncomplicated contentment (other than swimming) in was sunning. Perhaps that was one of the many reasons that the loss of the rocks had impacted his psyche in such a negative way. It meant that soaking up warmth in such a way was now considerably less easy and enjoyable. Regardless, just Boneripple is doing now, Dovepaw always attempts to find better places to sun-bask by the day. The rock that Boneripple is laying on now—he has not tried that one yet. He's almost jealous of her.

Dovepaw decides not to ask if he may join, pleased to watch from his position of swimming. He very nearly runs into Lilybloom as he gazes up at the rock, letting out an undignified squeak (in a voice that was certainly getting a bit too low to still be a paw) as he remaneuvers himself in the water.

"A-Apologies," he mumbles.


Clovernose was settling down after a day of border patrols, happy to have the free time on his paws to lay his golden body on the rocks of the riverbank. He found quite a nice spot to relax, a contented smile gracing his maw as he laid his fluffy form over the rock. "I sure am, Fernpaw," He purred, lazily opening his green eyes to take a gander at the scene before him. It was rather beautiful, at least in his rosy view.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly
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જ➶ Truthfully she is surprised to find herself surrounded by clanmates. Though it does pull a small and gentle purr from her throat as she focuses in on Lilybloom. If she has to be honest she doesn't mind sharing the rock that she has found herself upon. There is room for others to come up if they so wish it. "Of course there is. Come on up." Even through her expression is vaguely warm her voice tells how she feels. She would like the company. As she lays her head back down onto the rock, she stretches out her back lets before her molten hues find Fernpaw. She hopes he is feeling better after everything that has happened. Sablepaw has been by his side and she hopes she has been lifting his spirits. "Oh, well, um, I think I can take something small if you have the time, Fernpaw." She doesn't eat as much really and when she gets full she barely eats at all.

The sudden voice of an apology makes her eyes look down towards the water. Dovepaw. He keeps swimming and she tilts her head. A slight movement of paw and she taps the rock, an invitation to him as well. He can join if he so pleased and she waves a tail towards another. "How are you, Clovernose?"

The fluffy orange tom squinted up at Boneripple through slitted eyes. "I'm good, how are you?" He asks, pointing the question back at the molly with a relaxed twitch of his ears. His tail flicked back and forth, lazily flipping back and forth as the others swam and conversed. Sometimes relaxing was all the medicine one needed to better ones day.
walk "talk." thought
penned by helly