it takes strength | chilled




Being alone with another Shadowclanner is daunting. She doesn't know many of them well and they all seem to look down their noses at her. For what she is not sure but she can guess that it has something to do with her origins, though she had abandoned that long before coming to this group. Still she holds her ground and will take their blunt words with ease. Truly she has heard worse from the show cats she used to compete with. Stepping lightly around muk ans grim she allows her pale colored eyes to survey the area, often glancing up along the pine trees for anything that might be on the trunk. Though she hasn't seen a lizard yet and she supposes in due time they will happen upon them. Her partner today is Chilledgaze and she knows less about them but surely they were not with her for nothing. So maybe the woman needs to start up some friendly coversation with them. "Aw, I'm so happy to feel the warmth of the sun's rays again. When I was living in a hole in the ground it was always so bitterly cold. Like the claws of leafbare were grabbing at my spine." She mutters with a soft smile upon her muzzle. Her eyes shift to look at them before she glances the thunderpath as they call it. Of course she veers away from it quickly to take the chance to head into the bush.

At least that is what she had been trying to do when the thinly branches begin to shake. The newly budding leaves tremble and the molly backs up almost bumping into Chilled before a creature's head pops out. It scopes the area out and hasn't noticed them which is good but the woman is perplexed. She has never seenba weasel before. "W-what is that?" Though she is also curious on if they can kill it for food.