IT WAS NICE TO MEET YA - thunder dawn patrol

Little Wolf trudges down the familiar pathways, trails made through the forest trampled down by many paws coming and going. The marshes were a familiar place for the ebony she cat. She had grown up in them, after all. To only be able to gaze upon it from the oak forest was a strange feeling, but one she was slowly getting used to. ThunderClan was her home. It is where she had birthed her kits, where she had fallen in love and where she had lost said love. It was where her daughter was buried. She knows these paths through the forest like the back of her paw and, with her patrol in tow she makes her way through it, talking to whoever was next to her. "Oh you should’ve seen him! He looked like a kit who had just been told he couldn’t have a second mouse before bedtime!" she was of course talking about the moment she had told her son, Burnpaw, that he would have to start making his own nests. She is about to continue on, to launch into another story about something funny her children had done as kits but something strange causes her to stop in her tracks. "Do you smell that?" she asks quietly, her voice hushed. It had hit her nose with such suddenness, overpowering everything else with its putrid scent. "What is that?" it doesn’t smell like dog, or anything else she had ever smelled for that matter. It’s a disgusting smell, almost like damp leaves rotting away in leaf fall. She has to keep herself from gagging when it hits her nostrils.

The small black molly motions for her patrol to follow her "I think it’s going this way, keep your eyes peeled for anything strange" she says, then follows the scent until they reach the strip of pavement that marks the border between ShadowClan and ThunderClan where it just… stops. Gone without a trace"The trail ends here. Perhaps if we see a ShadowClanner we could ask…" or perhaps one of her other patrol members could pick up the scent? She looks to them to see if they’ve got anything at all, her mind racing to try and puzzle out what this thing could possibly be. An animal of some sort, that she knows, but what?

// the scent is unfamiliar, stinky, and smells slightly damp. it leads to the border but does not cross it. ShadowClan won’t be able to smell anything on their side and ThunderClan cats won’t be able to pick up the trail again, though they are welcome to try and welcome to discuss with ShadowClan!

Patrol member tags : @Dewfang @OSPREYTALON @RAGWORTPAW @skypaw @Falconpaw @B A S I L P A W
// apprentice tag @orchidpaw

“Look, Orchidpaw, across the thunderpath. Tell me, do the ThunderClanners look as mouse-brained as they sound?” The patched she-cat jeers as she appears from the shadows, blind eyes narrowed with amusement. From the sounds of it, they’ve lost scent of something. Can she blame them? Not every cat can have a nose like hers. Still, she won’t miss an opportunity to poke fun at their neighbors. “Aren’t you guys supposed to be good at hunting in all that undergrowth? How do you lose a trail so easily?” She haughtily grins in their direction, fluffy chest puffed out confidently and tail swaying over her back. Of course, being unable to smell the trail herself, she doesn’t realize the oddness of the situation on the other side of the border.

Change your mind

Her ears perked upwards as she trotted to stand next to Orchidpaw and Forestshade while his gaze darted to land on the patrol before them while copper eyes examined the thunderclanners, wondering what they had lost in the first place. The warrior did not take long to throw a haughty insult at the others and the apprentice let a soft 'ha' out. "Might have taken a wrong turn" the apprentice stated calmly while his eyes examined the patrol calmly. What exactly were they following in the first place? Even Crowpaw could not pick up anything, but he was still learning to hone in his senses would seem even the warriors could not pick up on anything either, and...well their little friends over the border stood there with the look of confusion on their faces. So what exactly had they been following in the first place...?
i've got boulders on my shoulders,
collarbones begin to crack!

Timbersnap follows behind his patrol, listening to Forestshade insult the ThunderClanners with what seems to be a joke to her. Always one to mind his own business, he marks the borders and keeps walking, only until the small dark molly began to speak again. He shakes out his pelt, turning to the patrol to listen to the going-ons with a neutral expression on his face. What's wrong with eavesdropping a little? He thinks to himself.

· TIMBERSNAP , cismale — he / him
╰ ‣ shadowclan. warrior.
╰ ‣ raised in the marshes. previously named timber.
╰ ‣ 14 moons old. ages monthly on the 8th.
· SH SPOTTED CINNAMON TABBY W/ HIGH WHITE , smells like mudwater , status — 100%
╰ ‣ [reference] sporting long limbs and a lanky body, timbersnap is a rather large cat with not enough meat on his bones to fill out most of his body. beneath his fluffy, short-haired coat, you can slightly see muscles that stretch with every movement. he isn't the most impressive looking tom, but he certainly keeps himself neat and tidy as much as possible. his eyes are a swampy green, slanted and oval-shaped.
╰ ‣ no accessories.
╰ ‣ no scars/injuries.
· NPC x NPC , siblings tbd
╰ ‣ demisexual heteroromantic. single.
╰ ‣ no children.
╰ ‣ mentally and physically ?? . medium . medium .
╰ ‣ attack in underline . penned by saeyoung .
geckoscreech makes an appearance after a minute or so has passed, drawn in by the insults thrown by forestshade who looks rather lofty in such a puffed out stance whilst facing the direction of the opposing thunderclan patrol led by a familiar ebony molly who's name escapes her at this very moment. encroaching closer to the border, the rosette tabby realizes that their neighbors are sharing the same perplexed expression whilst looking over at them and to be honest it feels a little off-putting. geckoscreech takes in a quick inhale of the scents around but nothing comes up out of the ordinary, even with a quick glance around does she notice anything out of place so it only futher fuels the puzzlement that flickers within her chest.

she doesn't say anything yet, choosing to wait and see if any of the thunderclanners pipe up again or if forestshade is right and their noses are broken.
Look, Orchidpaw, and they do, turning tired eyes upon the confused Thunderclan patrol. Confused faces alike stand tall in line on the other side of the thunderpath and she looks away, unable to meet any of them in the eyes as she draws in a shuddering breath. ....Thunderclanners look... sound? she frowns. She only caught half of what Forestshade said, so she swallows hard, squeezes her eyes shut and nods. "..Yes." she squeezes in an audible squeak, shame burning at her cheeks. What if she had just said something utterly stupid?

Crowpaw is suddenly besides them, and while they don't have any qualms with the boy, she finds herself inching closer to Forestshades side. Too many cats, now, and too many watchful eyes even if they're not on them. I want to go home. They find themselves not caring about the lost scent trail at all.



👾 👾 👾 👾 👾
Took the wrong turn? No way! ”Nuh-uh…” Ragwortpaw meows politely to the ShadowClan cats across the border, her maw open as she tries to taste the air again. Nothing. But the scent certainly had led here, right? They had followed it so perfectly and then… poof! Gone! ”Don’t you guys smell that? Know what it is?” Ragwortpaw recognizes the damp scent, it almost seems like something that could’ve came over from ShadowClan’s side of the border… Or… well- maybe not. Ragwortpaw’s been wrong before, a concerning amount of times.
siltcloud | 12 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #905d5d
Green gaze stares listlessly across the border, head tipping slowly. Unlike the rest of the patrol, she sees no real need to be hostile - the thunderclan patrol seem genuinely spooked by something and really, if something strange has crossed the thunderpath perhaps they should be wary. But all she can taste is the acrid asphalt itself, and so she simply shakes her head. "Theres nothing over here, for us to smell" she says instead, returning to the task at paw. Not their problem anymore.