it will be easy, they said | hunting


Nov 11, 2022

Just a bit of midday hunting with his patrol. He has been trying to find something nice at the Rockpile. Normallu there are a lot of mice here taking shelter within the many crevices. But it seems he is in a bit of a predicament. Dirt is churned up around him and the deep ginger tom is laying on his side. Currently his head is stuck in a hole at the base of the rockpile and he has no one else to blame but himself. But he doesn't want to let go of the wiggling and squirming vole he has managed to clamp his jaws around. But it also makes his head too big to pull back out of the hole. He squirms and shifts, trying his best to keep the prey and also free himself but alas it seems something has to give and it doesn't look like fate is with him this day. With a huff that puffs up dust he releases the vole and it continues to squeak and move deeper into the hole. The droopy earred warrior pulls his head from the hole only to sneeze and shake his head. "Ça m'énerve." He mutters to himself as he backs away from the hole.

Perhaps the others are having better luck than he is. The always tired looking warrior shifts himself then to try for a different spot since the squeaking vole has potentially ruined that one. There are other mice here that he can potentially grab one way or the other. Besidss it's a beautiful day and he can't let one escape get him down. Oh no, that won't do.
skyclan ~~ scent ~~ visual ~~ by mothmeat

Songbird is the opposite to Foxgecker, in this moment, all chip and chatter and cheer as he canters over to the cursing cat. He'd no catch to himself, no, but that fact hadn't seemed to get the feline down at all. In truth, Song was more interested in talking toms than pouncing prey. He twitched his long tail and came right up alongside the male, grin audible as he spoke.
"Trouble with your catch? They do love to scurry into their holes." He took a trot ahead of the other now, voice lowering but grin getting wider. "For most, that's just how it is with moles. To me, a rat's no match."

He slowed, scanning through nooks and crannies. After a moment, his ear twitched, and he pivoted mid-step, bright eyes fixed on a rustle in grass. He offered a final grin to Fox as he began to pad forward, approaching the thing at an angle. "You'll see. With just this little patch," As he approached his quarry, the tom lowered himself towards the ground, but still his tail was visible through the grass. "I'll get a whole batch!"
The cat's chase crescendoed in the final stretch, charging for a chipmunk that'd already heard his calls and was skittering down a crevice. Song clawed at the ground, snorted, and began to laugh at himself, glancing to see if Fox would join. "Ah, pee."

♫ got my two step ~~ winning grin ~~ my finger guns are ready to shoot ♫​

"Just a little bit." The tom speaks with just a little bit of humor in his voice. His eyes follow the other with a bit of intrigue before he slips his way around a rock as the other starts to make his way to some shivering grass. Tilting his head he kept quiet as he watches the other's hunting form and how he goes after the prey that hears him before he gets there. The chipmunk is soon gone, fleeing off into the brush and the older warrior lets out a humored laughter as he comes to stand beside Songbird. Of course he is not laughing at his failure but both of their's and he seems to be laughing too. It seems today is going to be a harder hunt then he wishes it to be but that is okay. Things happen and he is sure he can make up for it. "Well, looks like we both are having a hard time with getting our meals for the clan."

Shifting he turns slightly to sniff the air and check around some more of the rocks. That is when he hears something odd. A hissing sound and he narrows his tired eyes as he peeks over a rock. It's laying there, stretched out and probably trying to get sun. "Ah, un serpent. Got to be careful of this one." But a good meal it could be.
"Si tu te fais mordre, je vais rire." Comes the ginger tom's sordid reply, though his whiskers twitch in amusement at the mere thought of a snake. He is a little ways away from the creature being in his line of sight, burying his own measly mouse, but still... Snakes intrigued him, he liked their manner of movement and their iridescent bodies. Beautiful things.

"Is it black or barred?" The ginger king called to his friend. I wouldn't mess with a tabby-looking one, they're usually vipers." Filled with venom, the type that could kill in a single strike. Gorgeous.... but still deadly.
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