other it will come back; open/intro

vulture's cry

local wanderer
Oct 23, 2022
( ) crunch... crunch... crunch...
he went out of his way to step on the crispiest leaves he could see; the opposite of what any normal cat would do, but he was full, and the thought of other cats rarely crossed his mind until he happened upon them. such as earlier, he'd been minding his own business looking for a comfortable tree to nap where instead he found two cats fighting over a freshly killed rabbit, something along the lines of "i was chasing it first, how could you not-" and "obviously you weren't chasing it well enough if i caught i first", but luckily for him noone had been watching the rabbit. probably assuming it wouldn't move because it was dead. well they were mistaken!
he'd made off with his hot and ready lunch into a nearby abandoned badger hole and promptly stuffed himself. reminiscing on his free meal made his mouth water once more, though he knew he couldn't bear another bite right now. the mottled chimera tom had been lost in thought when he was abruptly interrupted by the scent of another cat.
he was a cautious creature, always prepared to flee in the event of a fight, but this time he found himself much like a freshly fed snake. if he tried to get anywhere fast he was going to vomit, and then his meal would've been wasted. so instead he put on a smile, speaking with an inviting tone "oh, hello? i'm not sure if we've met, stranger, my name is vulture."
no matter what they say ; you'll never meet another me

Silver had went out that day to search for food for him and Talon. Just when he had thought he had tracked down something his trails brought him right outside an abandoned badger burrow. Huh?. Silver blinked his eyes and as he took a step closer to investigate his stop when he heared a voice from inside. So it was what he had thought. Silver had run into another cat it seemed like. " Oh, hello there!. My name's Silver. Sorry for disturbing you. I came out here searching for food and it looks like my trails brought me to you!. Do not worry though. I'm not here to steal your meal." he tried to ensure them as he stood a bit away on the outside, not showing any signs that he had any intentions to come any closer. A cat who was hidden and trapped could become violent and dangerous, and Silver had no desire for this to turn into a blood show. Talon was already injured, and so he needed to make sure to keep away from fights so he could take care of both of them.