sensitive topics IT WILL RAIN. mink

caution to anyone reading this! this does contain some mentions of / acts of attempted kidnapping, violence, blood, murderous thoughts ( though no actual murder ). please be careful if you are sensitive to these topics!

chilledgaze beyond fucking pissed. their blood was boiling, like a pot left unwatched. the lid had fallen off long ago, and it was only a matter of time before something that set them off completely. this was probably the worst thing they could have thought of. the one fucking time they decided to let minkpaw go off on a patrol that they weren't on, something like this happened. they didn't even know how the fuck those cats allowed it, but every last one of them would pay for it. if a single fur on minkpaw's pelt was misplaced, everyone would know just how unchill chilledgaze could get.

their paws beat against the ragged swamp, cold and tired but they dared not stop. minkpaw's scent had to be one that they could find in a crowd of 100 cats, and dogs combined. his scent was recognizable, and it was comforting. but not now. now, his scent only got them more upset with each heartbeat ringing in their ear. please be okay.

as they slowed to a halt, their nose twitched against the iced air, gaze lowering into slits, teeth baring back. he was somewhere. that fucker was somewhere with their brother. the one cat they told him never to touch. the one cat that they warned him what would happen if he caught him around him. their father had so said that he was still both of their fathers, but chilledgaze would never let him get that chance again. immediately, upon catching his scent, a hiss left their tongue.

"you good for fucking nothing waste of space! where is minkpaw!? where is my damn brother!?"

they watch for a moment before they quickly move him back, away from their father, and stood protectively in front of him. their claws gripped at the ground, lip pulled back in a snarl. their fur was raised, and the look in their eyes had long since lost its ice. they were on fire. they were mad as hell.

"are you alright, little brother?"

theyre trying not to lash out at him. its not his fault. their words are rough but its not even towards minkpaw. they were pissed at the tom in front of them.

"you. you fucking manipulative fox-brained badgerhearted bastard! I should kill you where you fucking stand! didn't i tell you last time to stay away and now you try to fucking take him from me!?"

"you can't take care of him! look at how fucking skinny he is! he is better off with me! lets go, mink!"

their father reaches for him, and immediately chilledgaze smacks his paw away. they pin it to the ground, claws digging into his paw.

"over my dead fucking body will you touch him again."

//the fight will be in the next post !! then i will post an open of them returning afterwards !!

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minkpaw's never been on a patrol without chilledgaze. it's an unwelcome change, when his older sibling tells him he's supposed to go with a bunch of assholes he doesn't know. you're supposed to come with me, his brain screams as he's dragged away by the patrol's leader. had he done something wrong? he hasn't been put on tick duty for the past quarter-moon! he hasn't even called anyone a name meaner than dumbass for the past few days! so why? why is chilledgaze sending him out with them?

he's powerless to stop the world from spinning backwards. so he follows, with paws kicking up mud and snow along the way. he knows it's stupid in the middle of a famine, but if he has to come on this dumb patrol without chilledgaze, he'd make sure no one caught a nose nor tail of prey! empty stomach be damned, minkpaw's running on spite alone now.

he'd lost count on how many times he'd been scolded before the patrol leader snaps at him to go back to camp and pick ticks off of the elders. which completely ruins minkpaw's streak. fine, he'd had spat back. fine! he didn't want to be on this lousy patrol, anyways. at least back in the camp, he'd be with chilledgaze. even if he has to fumble with mouse bile and listen to the elders complain about how he accidentally nips at skin instead of fleas when his head jerks against his will. at least he'll be with chilledgaze.

minkpaw stomps off, hoping that he kicks up snow into the patrol leader's stupid face when he twirls on his paws.

it's on his way back that minkpaw runs into his father, a cat that he'd been convinced he would never see again. his nose scrunches up, his brows pinching close together. a particularly nasty cuss word is sitting on the tip of his tongue, when his father speaks. tells him that he's leaving with chilledgaze, and minkpaw would never see them again if he didn't come, too. the second part makes him swallow the nasty cuss word and the suspicion that urges him to get away. chilledgaze is leaving with our dad? wait... chilledgaze is leaving? no, that couldn't happen. they couldn't leave without him!

he hates his father, but he loves chilledgaze more. if he has to follow this bastard to be with chilledgaze, fine, he would. and he does. minkpaw trails after his father with a venomous glare, but he doesn't speak. he has nothing he wants to say to his father, aside from nearly every curse in the books, but that might leave him alone in shadowclan without an older sibling. the fear helps him to keep quiet.

they're getting closer and closer to the edge of shadowclan's territory, with no sign of chilledgaze. minkpaw's beginning to grow antsy, his gut knotting with the wrongness of this all. he asks his father where chilledgaze is, but he's given an unsatisfactory reply. he asks, again, agitation tightening around his neck and making words harder to speak. this time, he's answered not by his father, but by his sibling's furious yowl. suddenly, minkpaw's being shoved behind chilledgaze, and he nearly wants to weep at the sight of them. "ch-chilled- he, he, he-" speaking is getting harder as his heart throbs in his throat. "-tuh-t-told me, you're lea-lea-leaving, with huh-him! i, i, i... huh-had tuh-to go, go with huh-him!" he's shaking, now. why is he shaking? chilledgaze is right here, they'd protect him-

his father snaps at chilledgaze, telling them that they couldn't take care of him. minkpaw wants to scream at him, say that no, he's wrong! everyone in shadowclan is skinny, and it's not chilledgaze's fault! but he couldn't force the words out, now. when his father orders him to follow, all that he could do is shake his head until his head reels with the frantic motion. no, no, no! he wants to say no! why wouldn't his stupid words work?!

a paw reaches towards him, to drag him away, and minkpaw scrambles back. no, his mind yowls, but his mouth does not supply any sound aside from a whimper. chilledgaze smacks the offending paw away, pinning it to the ground, and minkpaw takes the chance to retreat farther away from the cat he calls a father.
they turned their head to look at their brother, gaze softening as they took in a deep breath. their paw hadn't moved but their attention did. if only for a moment.

"its okay, mini. you're gonna be okay."

the nickname slid off their tongue so softly, calmly, only for venom to return in tenfold, as their gaze narrowed to their so called father, lifting their paw from his before taking a single step backwards. they were watching him, so intently, waiting for him to make a move. they weren't stupid. they knew they would be attacked. but they weren't going down without a fight, and minkpaw was not going to have a single fur outta place.

"jagged, you have two choices. leave, and don't back. or attack me. because you're not taking him."

he is all i got. if you fucking try again, i swear to the stars you will meet them. the thought bitterly burns through them, and they only watched the tom who hissed.

"are you that much of an idiot!? look at yourself! look at him! you can't care for him! he is coming with me and that's final. no matter what I have to do."

he snarled and suddenly, without even waiting anymore, chilledgaze rushed forward and knocked the brute over, slamming him to the ground with a snarl in his face. the low warning rumbled in their throat, claws attaching to anything they could.

"me? an idiot? may i remind you how you left me!? over and over again because i wasn't good enough for you!? i could never be the daughter you wanted because all along you just- ugh! fuck this! I'm done talking! get the fuck off my territory!"

poison falls off their tongue and suddenly they are scruffling. yowls and hisses tumbled around within balls and blurred images of black fur. they felt claws both ripping through them, and ripping his skin too. with a final grunt, they pushed their father off, leaving him tumbling across the border, standing up. superficial wounds. thats all there was. nothing fatal. maybe one or two wounds that likely needed treatment, but they wouldn't even bother. a few cobwebs would be fine.

"cross over, and my clan will make sure you join the stars early."

they turned away, looking back at minkpaw.

"mini, are you okay? he didn't hurt you, did he?"