He doesn't really . . . primp, as a rule. Now and then the younger apprentices or kits manage to wear down his willpower enough that he'll permit them to decorate him outside of his vigilantly - maintained moth wings, the dusty green sets of eyes that sprawl out from behind his ears, but for the most part, he looks rather . . . unkempt. Since he was small, he's trusted the river water to keep his pelt at least non - offensive, and so he bears messy curls hanging in his eyes instead of a soft mane. The scent of newly fallen rain and smoke hangs over him instead of the soft perfume of flowers.

Today, though, he seems to make an exception. Maybe it had been the jolting sight of Dogteeth's own silken curls, so analogous to his own half - tangled mess of a pelt; maybe it had been the prodding efforts of Mothpaw and other not - friends not - strangers; maybe it had been . . . something else . . . He dashes the thought as one would porcelain against a wall. I'm just washing my fur. It's a totally normal thing to do. Yes, it is a totally normal thing to do for . . . literally anyone else. Those close to Cicadaflight have probably seen him with neat fur maybe twice in his life, and never of his own volition.

This is stupid, he thinks as he drags a paw over his ear, really stupid. The rest of his pelt ( relatively ) polished, or as close to it as it would ever be, he grabs a bent tail between both tufted paws to secure it and works at the thick mess of curls that form his distinctively inherited bottlebrush. Stupid, stupid, stupid . . . even as he tugs his claws gingerly through the worse tangles. He sighs, ears flicking irritably as the sun washes over him and warms their backs, illuminating shiny black - and - white fur.

For once in his life, he looks . . . put - together, fur neatly ruffled and combed through to evict it of its usual dull tangles . . . and for those who knew them, he looks more like his fathers than ever. It's Cicadastar's black - and - white masking his face and blue gleaming out of one eye, but it's Smokestar's scattered freckles that crown the bulkier build he'd inherited somewhere along the way. When someone wanders near with a questioning eye, he mutters more than a little self - consciously, " What? "

" speech ( theme week edition ) "


”You look pretty.” Twinklekit responds to Cicadaflight’s prompt. Her voice unwavering, shedding the shyness she had exhibited for much of her time as a kitten.

She likes the way his fur neatly curls and the way he wears the insect wings. He looked like a proper, decorated RiverClan cat, and even Twinklekit had noticed Cicadaflight’s appearance was typically on the messier side. She had always wondered why Smokestar never fixed his messy fur when he was still here. Hazecloud would never let her walk around with fur like that, not that she could imagine.
  • » Twinklekit
    » RiverClan Kit
    » She/her . AFAB
    » A pretty blue lynx sepia with blue eyes
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A meager kitten, defeating her is no boastful feat.
    » Excels in hiding, running from danger.
    » Fights defensively to survive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Cloudpaw had been made from a young age to take care of her pelt rigorously, because of how high-maintenance her thick locks were. Cicadaflight probably suffered from the same annoyances with his own fur. But her mother had instilled in her a need to appear prim and proper since kithood, constantly bothering her with overly-long baths and berating her whenever she had even a speck of mud staining her ivory fur. It was a habit she carried with her into her apprenticehood, still feeling she might receive a swift cuff to the ear anytime she left a single tuft out of place. Often the chimera molly wondered how much easier it would be to just let her fur do what it wanted, and not care so much about how she presented herself.

Cicadaflight was not someone she would have pictured having similar insecurities, however. In his quiet demeanor, the young warrior always seemed very... confident. An inner strength never felt herself; but she reminded herself that it was hard to see yourself in the same light that everyone else did. Maybe he didn't realize that he had such an inspiring presence. "She's right, you look lovely," the apprentice purred warmly as she approached the pair, having overheard the interaction on her way out of her den. Cloudpaw skipped closer, admiration glowing in her seafoam gaze as she smiled up at the ebony tomcat. "The light makes your fur shine handsomely! Don't you think, Twinklekit?" She nudged her former denmate playfully, amused at how openly she had complimented Cicadaflight after being caught staring.

  • qeHceaM.jpeg
  • CLOUDPAW she / her, apprentice of riverclan, 7 moons
    long-hair white and cinnamon chimera with pale green eyes. petite and lithe.
    npc x npc // younger sister to moonbeam and rowan // littermate to crawfishpaw
    single, potentially open to relationships // mentored by no one // mentor to no one
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted // underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by limerence@limericks. on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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જ➶ Middy finds that she had never really thought of her own appearance. Not the way she looks nor how she sounds and behaves in front of others. Her personality is just what it is. Her own. Changing because someone doesn't like how she says something or how she feels is not on her agenda and she doubts it ever will be. She doesn't want to change herself. She would rather be free or at least have someone who understands her for herself. Though that is few and far between. Perhaps the walls she has created for herself have done more harm than good. Thinking so hard on herself makes her feel weird so she stops doing that as she shifts and rolls onto her back. Her tail taps against the ground as she looks up at the sky, watching the white clouds that slowly move. A rough sigh leaves her before she realizes that there is something happening nearby. A distraction from her own thoughts is nice and with a heave of muscles and fur she moves, arching her back as she goes before the girl blinks her amber orbs.

For a moment she stares, eyes widening incrementally as she focuses in on the tom. Her eyes trail scross the curls of black and white before pulling towards his face. What? Her mind seems befuddled for a moment and she tilts her head as she keeps her stare going. Tracing along the form before her own ears seem to start burning. "Wha....?" Her tone is slow to form before she begins to realize just who she is staring at. Cicadaflight. Her maw seems to drop open before snapping shut and she looks away sharply. Her mind struggling to hide what she is thinking. 'He does look pretty... what am I even thinking right now!' Shaking her head she backsteps and then retreats back to where she had been previously, ducking her head underneath her paw. Perhaps she can feign taking a nap.
"Good eye, Twinklekit." Hummed the queen as she approached. Twinklekit would believe right that the appearances Beefang and Cicadaflight had made of themselves since kithood would hardly be acceptable for her own.

The mottled tom before them, with impossible curls and feathering plumes would have learned to make time wherever possible to keep them untangled and soft. Beefang would flick every stray twig and weed from between the depths of curly fur and not be so... dust-ridden as she was now. If she were to have her way, they would have all taken after Cricketchirp's habits the most.

"The next gathering isn't for quite some time, have anything special you're planning for?" The question, innocently as she asked, held weight in its answer. Did the tom finally have an eye for someone to pad after?


  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.