IT'S 5 AM — intro ; dawn patrol




White paws could easily be spotted outside the warriors' den as Barkthroat stretched, allowing the quiet morning to settle within his mind. This morning, he had been selected to lead a dawn patrol and take a group of cats of his choosing with him. While having spent a fair portion of his life within Thunderclan now, he didn't consider himself to be someone who was close with others. Hopefully, going forward, things would change. For now, he'd allow himself the opportunity to get to know others based on their actions on the dawn patrol. A quick glance around the camp would provide him with enough information to gather that a few of the warriors were beginning to emerge from the den, some of them having apprentices eagerly bouncing over.

"I'm looking for some volunteers to accompany me on the dawn patrol this morning. If you have apprentices, this would be a welcome opportunity for them as well." Allowing his voice to be heard across the camp, he would motion with his tail for anyone interested to join him. Once a sizeable group had gathered, he would lead the patrol outside of camp. His initial goal would be to remark sunning rocks, followed by hunting near the great sycamore if time allowed.

  • ooc : — ​

  • — ic opinions
    — open to minor/healing powerplay
    — barkthroat / thunderclan warrior / masculine pronouns / biography

make peace with your broken pieces .
He gravitated towards the call, golden hue crinkling in mirth as he gestured for Chickadeepaw to follow. “I shall accompany you.” He rumbled in offering, helm tilted in the smallest sign of greeting to the warrior. Tiredness weighed heavily on healing wounds but did not deter him in the slightest, used to the dull ache of muscle and subtle burn of healing flesh. Whitelion added more scars to the palette, and decorated his fur like a fleshly new canvas.

“If I may, how did you sleep?” He rumbled, making light conversation, following alongside the warrior as they slipped past the entrance and into the defense forest that made up ThunderClan’s home. He smiled, soft and wistful, golden gaze crinkling with a calm breath slipping past his lips.
thought speech
His head pokes out of the warrior's den, it takes a moment to even rouse himself because he had to fight Rabbitnose off him to even bother getting up at all and to be greeted with cats shouting was already making this a poor morning.
"Didn't Flycatcher already assign dawn patrol?" Had he missed it, had he slept in and this was like...a second dawn patrol being assigned? " noisy.." He mutters to himself, shaking out his pelt.
The red tabby's expression was the definition of exhaustion, being back in the warrior's den was well and good until you realized you didn't have as much space and especially not with his mate being so clingy now that he was back sharing a nest with him. A pink tongue lolled out, yawn curling around his maw and stretching his mouth open wide as he lumbered forward out into the open and began to stretch. One long red striped leg after the other, a paw lifted to push the stump of his missing foreleg up enough he could give it a proper stretch too where rolling his shoulders didn't quite get the job done.
Sometimes he missed the nursery, getting back onto a normal sleep schedule was turning out to be a trial and a half but he never had to care about it when he was with the kits.
"I'll catch the next hunting patrol...have fun."


  • 57579394_y5Qft2znjLniwSo.png
    —⊰⋅ Lead Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Large red tabby tom w/green eyes and no left foreleg.