It's A Big World =Intro =


step out of the sun
Feb 9, 2023
and they saw trouble in my eyes ✧°.☀ ———————————— The young tom pulled his paws out from under himself, and with a yawn composed himself. He could see a thin streak of light through the bush above him and his eyes squinted in response. There was still a little day left but Wolfkit didn't feel like using it up. There would be plenty of time to use time effectively. But, maybe that was just the grogginess feeding his thoughts. That must be it! He was just still sleepy, what a silly thought, to waste the day. The kit sat himself up right and arched his back in a stretch. Time to get to something.

Wolfkit slowly crawled from under the nursery and his ears flicked at the noises of the swampy forest. He had decided he wasn't a fan of the snow and he didn't appreciate the mix of it and the mud, it was too cold for his paws. His serious eyes dozily swept over the camp as his mouth tightened. If he could tug on his chin he would have as he tried to think of something productive to do.

[penned by user - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ they were quick to recognize the devil in me
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Magpiekit liked his sleep but he liked being able to see the world more, it felt like in slumber he was missing out on time ever gradually rolling forward and the idea of not being able to participate in it was enough to get him active the moment both blue-violet eyes opened up. He was bobbing about the camp, swaying from side to side as he explored the slick and mucky surface that their little hovel had become as the snow begun to melt; his paws were filthy but strangely he had managed to remain upright this entire time and not trip into a puddle-until he spotted Wolfkit out of the corner of his wide eyes. The black and white kit had intended to go see Starlingheart and say hello before going to say hello to Pitchstar but he was quickly distracted by his fellow kitten coming to join him outside the nursery and his path redirected with a pivot that sent him face first into the mud.
Not one to be slowed by things like gravity, Magpiekit's head went up and he pushed himself back to his paws to wobble his way over without even taking a moment to clean his face. Through dripping mud the other kitten chirped out a greeting, "Hi Wolfkit, did you want to go on patrol with me?"
Patrols were important and while he did not know what they entailed he knew cats often did them in groups so having a companion meant his would be more official. Of course, he intended to just visit the other dens in the camp starting with his favorites.

When Ratshadow was a kit she remembered playing similar games with her siblings. She had been a power hungry young cat. Play fighting with her siblings and taking pride when she could pin them down. Cherry and Briar had been rather healthy till a sickness took them. The warrior liked to see that Wolfkit and Magpiekit played games. Pretending to go on patrol could be good practice for them. Since it would probably only be a few short moons before they both were doing the real thing.

She settles on her paws, laying down on the cool ground of camp. Her brown eyes watching the pair. A soft spot for kits had grown in her over the moons. Ratshadow wondered if she could pretend to be an enemy and attack their pretend patrol. She would wait to see what Wolfkit had to say about the matter. Even if they didn’t play patrol she was content in the brief moment of peace. ""
and they saw trouble in my eyes ✧°.☀ ———————————— As his eyes scanned he caught sight of the tippy kitten trying to approach. Wolfkit felt inclined to step back as Magpiekit approached for fear he was going to fall straight into himself, but he held his spot just hoping he would only get his paws muddy today. As the other kitten inquired about a patrol Wolfkit did his best to keep looking into the kit's eyes.
A patrol... those were important, Wolfkit knew that.
His grey eyes squinted as he replied "That would be fine, yes." his tail twirled in the air as he thought of what the next thing to do would be. "How do you patrol?" he asked sheepishly. Even though he was small and being weak was about the only thing he was, he felt especially vulnerable asking for the clarification.
[penned by user - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ they were quick to recognize the devil in me

Seasons had passed since Ferndance had been classified as a kitten, but time had not wounded her desire to play and wreak havoc in a way that only a cat could. Large ears tilted in contrasting directions as she spotted Wolfkit emerge from the nursery, with a wobbly little fortune teller quick to approach him to offer a chance at a game. Thin pupils quickly shifted to Ratshadow and then back to the kittens, who seemed to be organising the logistics of their 'patrol'. The ticked tabby rose to her paws and approached, more than happy to play the role of the 'cool adult' who would let them get into all sorts of chaos. They would reach an age where alleged coolness would become uncool, for now, Ferndance would enjoy the perception the little ones had of her. "I will go on patrol with you, oh great Magpiestar." She dipped her head in faux reverence, a smile creeping upon her narrow maw as she tilted her muzzle upwards once more. Her cranium was angled to one side, portraying innocence through fluttering blinks. "As long as I can be Deputy... you can be Deputy too Wolfkit." Ferndance craned her neck, and called out, "And you Ratshadow! Come be a Deputy with the rest of us!"

In the midst of all of the sorrow and uncertainty that has been plaguing ShadowClan as of late, at least there is the innocence of kits to brighten spirits around here. They have very little understanding, if any, of the world's hardships and instead occupy their time with play until the time comes for apprenticeship. If only they could remain young and sweet forever.

"Three deputies? Which one of you will receive nine lives, then? Or will that be all of you?" Roosterstrut purrs in amusement, making his way over near Ferndance. Three leaders with a combined twenty-seven lives would be... chaotic, indeed. Thankfully, it seemed that StarClan's will ( thus far ) was to only recognize a single leader at once.

Deciding to get involved, the orange tabby tom shrugs and supposes, "I guess that makes me a warrior, then. A clan needs its warriors." It would be quite a power struggle if everyone was a deputy, after all.

He turned his attention toward Wolfkit, whose inquiry he answered, "On patrol, you check the clan's borders and make sure there aren't any trespassers. Why don't you lead the way, Magpiestar?" Roosterstrut isn't entirely sure if Magpiekit will know what to do, but he's curious to see what course of action he takes next. He is always willing to play along with the young ones; he remembers how fun and exciting it was to have the older cats join in on games as a kit.

    —— amab, uses he/him pronouns. seventeen moons old. warrior of shadowclan.
    —— laid-back young adult who utilizes humor and fun in order to distract from serious matters. he is a decent warrior, though he hesitates to take risks.
    —— link to tags. @ on discord for plots.

    roosterstrut is a vibrant orange tabby tom with pale green eyes. he stands at a height ever so slightly above the average. his fur is long and whispy and his tail is especially reminiscent of a rooster's. he sports a signature, goofy smirk and a mischievous glint in his eye.

  • —— led a failed hunting patrol on thunderclan territory, resulting in a skirmish


So I walk alone down the darkest roads

Ravenwatcher wasn't much of a fan of kits, especially Magpiekit, he was an oddball the way he believed that birds were his kin. Her blue eyes sweeping across the group as some of the older warriors joined in on the make pretend "patrol" which made her hum slightly, what a waste of time in her eyes. Her tail swished slightly as she approached the others, apathy in those dark blue eyes while she looked over the group. "I guess I'll come along too" she stated calmly, her gaze drifting down to the two kits, wondering what it would be like to naive and so cheerful.

Ravenwatcher didn't really concern herself of anything, however, Magpiekit's strange way of thinking could lead him to be swoop up by a hawk with his lack of "danger senses." "Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you guys, you know, can't have our precious deputies dying on us" she stated in a monotone voice, gaze drifting down to the other kit, she hardly had seen them around but she did silently find it amusing to watch the look of disgust on his face due to the mud that decides to taint the ground. Truth be told, the warrior's white mittens have been tainted so much that they were no longer a bright starking white, and perhaps in the time of green-leaf that would change.

More than one deputy was too much. But these were kits playing so there was no point in arguing their little game. Ratshadow stood from her spot and padded on over. Giving a firm nod. She didn’t care if she was labeled deputy or warrior. The warrior would play her part in this game. Wondering what they would do on this patrol. Probably go den to den, she guessed. Her brown hues landed on Magpiekit who was named leader. Waiting for their next move. ""