development IT'S A CRUEL SUMMER — realization™

Stars, Slate felt as if his chest was wound so tightly that it would burst.

His thoughts were swimming, drowning even, trying to cling to so much as a singular shred of clarity. Yet, the more he thinks, the worse he feels. Any words from his clanmates are met with an automated, surface-level response, as if his brain had been taken over by some sort of parasite. He is not himself—can not be himself—unless he finally confronts this.

He walks a thin line ( literally ) between the riverbank and the coursing waters themselves, pacing back and forth like a nervous wreck as he attempts to sort through everything on his own. Showcasing his anxiety in such an outward manner is not something typical of the gruff tom, who much rather preferred to internalize any emotional vulnerabilities. That was the main reason why he opted to visit the riverside; if he was going to exert nervous energy somewhere, it would not be in camp for his clanmates to witness.

Slate never should have gone on the journey, he keeps telling himself. SkyClan was recovering and had him to thank for it, yes, but now he had a new problem on his paws. No amount of brawn he possessed could be used to fight it. He had himself fooled for so long, but that night under the stars... He would be nothing but a mousebrain to deny it any further — he still had feelings for Orangeblossom.

Once upon a time, they had been two young adults who rendezvoused under only the moon's watchful gaze. They had come from two entirely different worlds; knowing this, Slate had decided to put an end to their time together before they grew more complicated. Never would he have anticipated joining SkyClan and seeing the she-cat again, this time sporting the authoritative rank of deputy and a new name.

He shakes his head, defeated, furious with himself and the feelings that he couldn't control. She deserved better, worlds better than Slate. He would never be good in the eyes of most, he knows — even after all the seasons of living in SkyClan, he was still seen as nothing more than a brute. A rogue.

Now, more than ever, he wishes she and Ashenclaw would have worked out. They had looked so happy together at one point, and despite his conflicted feelings, Slate had been happy for them too. It had been much easier to stamp out any lingering feelings and attempt to move on from Orangeblossom with her new mate in the picture. Now, her admitted separation from Ashenclaw only conflicted him more. Never had he felt so torn up about what to do... if he should do anything at all.

Uncertainty plagues his tone as words utter from his lips, barely heard over the roaring current, "Listen, I... There's somethin' you should know..." Slate stops himself then and there. How does one even do this? Should he? This is all hypothetical, he tells himself. There's no way he actually would. "No, no, no, that's stupid—" A large paw slips on the muddied edge of the river, knocking his bulky form off balance and nearly sending him into the water. Slate catches himself at the last moment, luckily, limbs clinging for dear life to the bank. His tail and hind legs, however, are not spared from turning into a sopping wet mess. "... Shit." The Maine Coon grumbled, glancing over his shoulder at his soaked pelt as he pulled himself onto dry land. Well, that was one way to interrupt his embarrassing behavior.

  • idk if this is important to add but this is retro to the gathering :3
  • 65130298_NehVJpKdIdopdn5.png
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
❪ TAGS ❫.Cloverjaw chuckled, tail brushing against the underbrush.
The moon was high above, and in it's light he saw his brother. If the other cat's mutterings were to be trusted, Slate had a little secret. The maine coon's chest buzzed with excitment at the oppurtunity to tease his brother. Slate, who was usually so up tight and serious, was pacing and muttering. Less would make the Cloverjaw giddy.
The silver tom snickered at his sibling's antics. In a moment of comedy genius Slate might not apprecaite, Cloverjaw moved backwards through the undergrowth. He then drew himself up as big as he could get and swung his tail wide while walking forward through the shrubs.
"Halt!" He called in a voice much to deep to be considered serious, "This is the Secret Clan patrol! You must tell me all secrets at once or you will be pushed into the river!"
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
It wasn’t far-fetched to see the smokey warrior wandering the forest at night, optin’ to sleep in that old rickety nest of his than stayin’ in camp. Nothin’ but his thoughts to keep the bulky warrior company which seemed to do more harm than good, but Duskpool wasn’t out here complaining.

It wasn’t hard to hear the splash of water, findin’ himself not too far behind Cloverjaw, watchin’ the water-logged warrior with a raised brow. “Takin’ a dip in the river, are we?” He rumbled, coming to a stop, not before letting out a quiet snort of amusement, molten gaze filtering over Cloverjaw who wasn’t far off, turning to the obsidian-furred warrior. “Got somethin’ on yer mind? Don’t think ya would be swimmin’ in that water there willingly.” He rumbled, brow raised.
thought speech
Still flustered by his near-slip into the river, as well as coming to the realization of his own feelings, Slate was taken off-guard by the sudden appearance of... who was that? Fur bristling ever so slightly, orange eyes blazing, the lead warrior faced the cat who was addressing him — oh. It was only Cloverjaw. Was his littermate trying to play some sort of joke on him? "What're you talkin' about, fuzzbrain?" Slate snorted, his voice lacking the serious edge it usually carried. If he could lower his hackles around anyone, it was Cloverjaw... and another certain someone, of course.

Then, the hulking form of Duskpool appears, pressing Slate for insight into his current state of mind in a more straightforward manner. Had it really been that obvious that his mind was running wild? Obviously abashed, the lead warrior flicked a torn ear in a typical show of awkwardness before answering simply, "I slipped, that's all." If it wasn't obvious enough. Perhaps it wasn't characteristic of the thick-furred Maine Coon to be pacing that close to the water's edge in the first place, but hey, it was the truth. He didn't have to go into more detail than that.

  • ugh late but wanted to get a reply in
    —— he/him; lead warrior of skyclan; former rogue
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— hulking, scarred charcoal-black colored maine coon with amber eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles