IT'S A FULL MOON = [ beetleburn ]


Mar 14, 2024

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  • Before you stands a warrior stricken by grief too early in his moons. Beetleburn, once an apprentice who toiled for his warrior name, suffers the legacy of his deceased father's name, and tries to carry that weight on his shoulders successful to his parent's memory.

    Quote about CHARACTER here

    Who on CHARACTER as something happens.

    BEETLEBURN is a LH black smoke with green eyes and no white, carrying cinnamon/point, 25% ragdoll.

    BEETLEBURN is a WARRIOR of THUNDERCLAN . He is, at first sight, stoic and guarded, but with good reason. He stands at a mostly average height, built wide and stocky. Not the quickest, but definitely one of the hardest to literally push over in Thunderclan. Mostly unmarred by scars, Beetleburn has gorgeous and thick fur which protects him well in the winter but nearly suffocates him in the summer. The only scars to his name are three, dotted across his muzzle, given to him by his cousin, MOTTLEDMOON.

    He's said to take after his grandmother, LITTLE WOLF, in appearance, given the dark fur and stark green eyes. Beetleburn's stature comes from his late father, BURNSTORM, as does his legacy-name. While he no longer carries the legacy suffix, he carries his father's name both for his firey tongue during apprenticeship, and his loyalty to Thunderclan.

    1. Detailed Description
    1.1 Scars
    1.2 Body Language
    1.3 Inventory​
    2. Personality
    2.1 Faith
    2.2 Quirks​
    3. Interaction
    3.1 Skills
    3.2 Combat​
    4. Relationships
    4.1 Kin
    4.2 Other Cats​
    5. History
    5.1 Backwritten
    5.2 Played​
    6. Trivia
    6.1 Playlist
    6.2 Theme Weeks​
    7. Gallery
  • Main Article: BEETLEBURN/Toyhouse


    Beetleburn is his full height of 'average, but with a stocky build', except now it has filled out. Muscle lines his form, whipped well into shape by his late father and mentor. He uses this stance to his advantage- an unmoving stone in a storm, he's a heavy hitter with strong defenses, but lacks in speed. His paws are large, and his fur is thick, making him an ample defensive fighter.

    His pelt is starkly similar to Burnstorm's still, dark pelt dipped wth the ink of night- yet smoked with just the lightest grays along his muzzle, chest, and stomach. A bit of this tone appears along his tail tip, but does not travel the length. A darker tone saturates the fur that covers his eyes, 'top' of his mane, and goes down his back to his tail.

    His eyes are a clear and sharp green, making him appear like the stark recreation of the late cat Little Wolf- however, given the recent chapter in his life, the appear darker, as if a storm has clouded over them.

    Technically: Genetic description here.

    Scars gained:
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Talk more about it if you want.
    • Given SCAR DESCRIPTION during EVENT. Talk more about it if you want.
    Body Language

    Describe your character's posture / demeanor / body language. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.​

    • Item 1
    • Item 2
  • CHARACTER is trait, trait, and trait. They love traiting all over the place. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.


    Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.​

    • Trait 1
    • Trait 2
  • CHARACTER is SEXUALITY and MONO/POLY. Talk about their love interest(s) here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut.
    • How easily do they trust / make friends?
    • Other things if you want
    Open to healing and peaceful powerplay, interaction, etc, etc. Closed to severe injury, death, etc, etc.

    Sounds like Voice description, be as detailed as you want! What does their laugh sound like, what are their voice quirks? Voice Claim is VOICE CLAIM

    Smells of description of scent.

    speech is white Thoughts are italicized. Physical Interactions are underlined.

    • Poor skill. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Excels in skills, Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

    Combat difficulty is easy/medium/hard/etc?. Talk about it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec gravida dictum neque, sed auctor quam vestibulum ut.

    PREFIX SUFFIX will/will not start fights. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not flee. PREFIXSUFFIX will/will not show mercy. Be as descriptive about these as you'd like! Aliquam ut auctor odio. Nunc in auctor felis. In eget nisl at velit semper molestie. Suspendisse augue magna, placerat sed cursus at, mollis interdum velit. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent hendrerit euismod diam ac interdum. Quisque maximus ligula sed est ultricies rutrum et sit amet neque. Donec tempus ultrices leo, eget cursus neque sollicitudin sed.​
  • Main Article: CHARACTER/Heartchart

    PARENT x PARENT • Generation ? • Mated to Character
    ⤷ Sibling to who, who, and who?
    ⤷ If raised by someone other than bio parents, put them here
    ⤷ Other family specifics if you want!

    Close to Character
    Admires Character
    Friends with Character
    Likes Character
    Dislikes Character
    Loathes Character

    Kin ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Other Cats ✎

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​

    Character ✎

    Character is PREFIXSUFFIX'S RELATIONSHIP. Put characters here that you simply need to yap about! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque bibendum porttitor accumsan. Duis sodales, massa quis lobortis pellentesque, ligula nibh sagittis metus, a pellentesque eros lacus eget justo. Aliquam tincidunt cursus diam, et elementum dui faucibus rutrum. Etiam convallis mi eu leo porttitor fringilla. Curabitur gravida molestie dapibus. Suspendisse mauris lacus, ultricies ut purus laoreet, euismod lacinia dolor. Aenean tincidunt magna nec egestas accumsan. Nam vulputate dolor suscipit venenatis hendrerit.​
  • Backwritten

    History here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.​


    History here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum eu finibus est. Pellentesque feugiat egestas nibh, ornare convallis sem eleifend in. Phasellus nec nulla massa. Nunc sollicitudin et libero eu mollis. Nam ultricies dui a aliquet auctor. Aenean iaculis feugiat risus, nec convallis sapien feugiat et. Integer pharetra turpis sit amet nisl efficitur eleifend.

    Nulla porttitor metus a quam porttitor luctus vitae quis eros. Vestibulum nec suscipit tortor. Nulla sit amet risus sed massa sodales convallis sed commodo urna. Phasellus risus nibh, sollicitudin sed mi vel, auctor suscipit turpis. Etiam elementum tempor velit, at sagittis nisl venenatis et. Vestibulum vel ex quis elit euismod mattis. Curabitur at commodo augue. Suspendisse blandit molestie diam non viverra. Nullam ac imperdiet metus. Pellentesque sit amet elementum lectus. Vivamus id enim dignissim, semper ipsum sed, lobortis tellus. Nullam ac vehicula nibh, ut semper nunc.
    • Silly fun facts! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.

    ▶ SONG NAME - ARTIST Talk about how this song applies to them. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam tortor felis, maximus in pulvinar eu, pharetra nec velit. Aliquam sit amet enim eu nisl aliquet vulputate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed vel dolor sem.
    Theme Weeks

    Theme: Content ( Source )
    Theme: Content ( Source )
    Theme: Content ( Source )​
  • code goes in here
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He / Him
Biographical Information
Ages Every
Starting Age

13 Moons
X Moons
Preceded by
Succeeded by
Roleplay Information
Penned by
Last Update

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ALT ;; CREEK-KIT,, MINTKIT ; open to surprise names!

Beetlekit will grow into an average height stocky tom with serious eyes but a joyful nature. At birth, his pelt is starkly similar to Roeflame's, the silver undertones and ticked tabby pattern. However, as he grows older, his pelt will darken into that chocolate pelt. Blue eyes are settled against a darkened masked face. Soft tabby markings start and stop at the top of his legs, true to the ticked tabby pattern.

Beetlekit would have been named after the 'shell' upon his back (the ticked tabby marking), alongside after the former Deputy, Flycatcher. Beetlekit will grow into every inch of his name, becoming stocky and strong, akin to a shield. Speed will not be his friend, but his incredibly defense will be shocking to enemies and plentiful in need in the coming moons.

KIT - LOVING, BOLD, ABRASIVE. Not much thought in his head before 3 moons- but as he grows closer and closer to his apprentice age, he'll become quite impatient. It's likely in his idle state that Beetlekit would begin his rivalry with someone. Picking fights will be something akin to second nature for Beetlekit, likely to butt heads with the mass of kits sure to grace Thunderclan soon.

APPRENTICE - LOVING, BOLD, ABRASIVE, SHORT-TEMPERED, CURIOUS. During his apprenticeship, alongside the driving rivalry, Beetlekit will grow more sour in nature. He'll likely stick to one or two close friends, and want to resist training as much as possible. He wants to explore the territory and protect his family and siblings, but will have a tough time actually putting thought and energy into learning and becoming a strong warrior- he thinks he may be able to just charge through it all without learning. (Refer to two plots below: Rivalry and Training)

Towards the end of his apprenticeship, he'll realize that him not learning will be a big issue. He's not necessarily wise, but perhaps something big happens that kickstarts him into realizing he actually needs to listen to his mentor.

WARRIOR - LOVING, BOLD, ABRASIVE, CURIOUS, HARD-WORKING. He'll have struggled and just passed his way into warrior-ship. This being said, Beetle will at this point become serious about his role in the clan. He's not going to take hand-outs and work to becoming someone that his parents, his siblings, and his clan can all be proud of. He'll still have much to learn, especially in the social department where he's still friends with only one or two cats, but he's willing to make up for it.

NOTE // I may change his personality up while I roleplay. I tend to find grooves for characters, and find it more enjoyable to roleplay them in a certain manner. This is loose, but I will be following it to a point.

  • FEAR // Losing family. He fears this like any other kit or loved family member would.
  • FEAR // Funnily enough, he'll fear some bugs earlier in his life. Maybe an incident/run in with a biting fly or something as a young kit.
  • FEAR // Snakes. He'll have a deep-seated fear, for unknown reason- of Sunningrocks and the snakes there.
  • INSPRIATION // His parents. Lead warriors in their own respect, both with a mantle. He feels as if he had big paws to follow up in, and while unsure about it, wants to reach the same level as them.
  • INSPRIATION // Other clan's and their attacks. He's not spooked or afraid of them, he's infact of the opinion he could body them and bury them in their own soil to follow it up. He'll have to learn to 'stick to a plan' otherwise it goes badly for him.
  • INSPRIATION // Those who wear scars. He'll want to hear their stories, no matter how stupid or how silly it may seem, all the way to the ones who wear theirs with pride.
  • GREENS // Will be sticking to green colors for much of his early childhood and looking forward! Going to have a 'spring' feel to them: a period of ever-lasting growth and development.
  • FULL MOON - RARE AMERICANS // I don't wanna die, I don't wanna die, I don't wanna be alone tonight, It's a full moon
  • DEAN WINCHESTER - SUPERNATURAL // This is a complicated one. The bold, brave, kind of stupid forefront, but deeply emotionally complicated, cold, and punch first ask questions second headspace is kind of what I'm going for. Mixed with, of course, what I have written in the stepped ages section of this application.
  • RIVALRY // I'm looking forward to a LONG and deep-seated, deeply burning rivalry. It could end either way- rivalry to lovers, rivalry to enemies. I don't know yet. I am sure, at the least, the competitiveness of this rivalry will eventually lead to injuries, wasted energy, and possible damage to something in camp. A couple of fights, spats, what have you.
  • TRAINING // Because of both Rivalry and how he feels overall, he may be held back in his training or even lack in areas he should really be strong in.
  • BUG FEAR // Bro's afraid of bugs. It's gonna last throughout his entire life. I can't help you there.

  • qhxfHlm.png

    BEETLEBURN named for the stocky figure and dark pelt ; suffix given by FLAMESTAR in honor of his father's legacy, and his loyalty.
    — warrior of thunderclan
    — amab, he/him; sexuality and romantic preferences to be added later
    — created 03.14.23 / 13 moons / ages every 16th
    ↳ penned by @dallas
  • qhxfHlm.png

    LH black smoke, green eyes, no white. ; carrying (cinnamon, point) ; 25% ragdoll / reference
    Now that Beetlekit is Beetlepaw, he's near his full height of 'average, but with a stocky build slowly beginning to fill out. His pelt is starkly similar to Burnstorm's still, dark pelt dipped wth the ink of night- yet smoked with just the lightest grays in some spots. His eyes are a clear and sharp green, still making him appear like the stark recreation of the late cat Little Wolf. He's growing into his name- stocky and strong, akin to a shield, muscles filling out and leaping and battle power growing slowly. Speed will not be his friend, but his incredibly defense will be shocking to enemies and plentiful in need in the coming moods.
    ↳ GEN 4​
  • qhxfHlm.png

    alightment, mbti, whatever
    Intelligence ●●●●○○○○○○
    Confidence ●●●●●●●●○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●●○○○
    Creativity ●●●○○○○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●●●●○
    Humor ●●●●●●●○○○

    LOVING, BOLD, ABRASIVE, SHORT-TEMPERED, CURIOUS. During his apprenticeship, alongside the driving rivalry, Beetlepaw will grow more sour in nature. He'll likely stick to one or two close friends, and want to resist training as much as possible. He wants to explore the territory and protect his family and siblings, but will have a tough time actually putting thought and energy into learning and becoming a strong warrior- he thinks he may be able to just charge through it all without learning.

    Towards the end of his apprenticeship, he'll realize that him not learning will be a big issue. He's not necessarily wise, but perhaps something big happens that kickstarts him into realizing he actually needs to listen to his mentor.
    ↳ mannerisms
    — fearful of losing family, bugs, and snakes
    — highly competitive. a troublemaker.
  • qhxfHlm.png

    BURNSTORM x ROEFLAME littermates to dovepaw (rabbs), littlepaw (noor) | mentoring no one, mentored by tba
    Mate to n/a | Parent to n/a | Other kin
    — Admires n/a
    — Close friends with n/a
    — Friends with n/a
    — Likes n/a
    — Dislikes n/a
    — Loathes n/a
  • qhxfHlm.png

    strength ●●●●●●●○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●●●●○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●○○○○
    swimming ●○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●○○○○○○○○
    grace ●●●○○○○○○○
    relationship status; sexuality, monogamous/polyamrous / crushing on who, [not] looking
    trusts easy earlier in life, but will grow suspicious and untrusting of some cats/clans
    — physical health [ 100% ] | mental health [ 100% ]
    — (will) start fights | (will) flee | (will) show mercy
    excels at climbing, strong defense
    poor at swimming, running, hunting
    sounds like fuckin uhh / voice claim if applicable
    smells like
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is #ADFCF9
  • qhxfHlm.png

    if you want >:)
  • qhxfHlm.png

    Backstory / simplified history
    blah blah blah
  • qhxfHlm.png

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
    Litter Thread the litter adopt thread
    Birth Thread (3/17/24) first IC thread, birthed
    Thread Name brief description.
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  • "speech"
  • BEETLEPAW he/him, kit of thunderclan, eleven moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. is growing into a very broad and built tom-cat of average height, mirroring his father's build. has a nick in his right ear and a new scar on his muzzle.
    not mentored yet / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovekit and littlekit, adoptive sibling to hopekit and coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

[/subquote][TABS][slide=‎‎ ‎  ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎ ‎  ‎‎   ‎  ‎‎    ‎‎ ┌── TELL ME DOCTOR WHATS THE CURE] [color=#90BC36][b]"speech"[/b][/color]
[slide= FOR THE WICKED MANS BLUES ──┐‎][size=5][url=][color=#90BC36][b][font=book antiqua]BEETLEPAW[/font][/b][/color][/url] [/size][color=#90BC36][i] he/him, kit of thunderclan, eleven moons.[/i][/color]
[color=#121C01]⭃[/color] LH black smoke with bright green eyes. is growing into a very broad and built tom-cat of average height, mirroring his father's build. has a nick in his right ear and a new scar on his muzzle.
[color=#121C01]⭃[/color] mentored by [abbr=jay]BURNSTORM[/abbr]/ / mentoring no one
[color=#121C01]⭃[/color] no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovepaw and littlepaw, adoptive sibling to hopepaw and coalpaw
[color=#121C01]⭃[/color] peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / [u]underline[/u] and tag when attacking
[color=#121C01]⭃[/color] penned by dallas ↛  dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots. 
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Ooc notes go here.

[box=65%; text-align:justify; color:#c4c4c4;][box=100%; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-weight:bold; font-size:36px; margin-bottom:-30px; color:#eeeeee][color=#B2B047]B[/color]EETLEBURN[/box]
[box=100%; text-align:justify; font-size:14px; margin-bottom:-10px; font-style:italic][fas=quote-left][/fas] THE WILL OF FIRE WILL BURN [fas=quote-right][/fas][/box]
[box=100%; border:1px solid #515966; padding:20px 30px; text-align:justify; background:#3B414B; <---------------- BODY TEXT ----------------->]text

[box=100%; margin-top:-10px; <------------------------------------------------------ OOC ----------------------------------------------------->][fleft][box=100%; font-weight:bold; background:#B2B047; color:#eeeeee; padding:1px 5px; border-radius:10px]ooc[/box][/fleft][box=93%;
text-align:justify; padding:1px 5px;]Ooc notes go here.

he / him ⋆ 13 moons old ⋆ lh black smoke ⋆ information
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