The day has been soot - stained gray, and dusk descends through a hazy smog of clouds, their bellies rain - swollen, that blurs the dying red - pink of the sun into mystifying ripples of veiled color. Blue, then purple, red, orange, finally a night - dark navy that stains the sky a deep indigo that nears black as Silverpelt sprawls out lazily across the velvet horizon, barely visible through the clouds. The clouds quiver with promise, then burst open, sending down a rain as bleak as the temperament of the lone warrior caught in it.

Much of SkyClan's best are sprawled under the sureness of the canopy, sharing tongues and prey, or already curled up cozily in their nests. A bluejay sits nearly untouched, pawed over to one of the returning dusk patrol members, and then Doeblaze fully breaks from the pack and heads for the camp's fern - lined mouth, its fangs twines of bramble. Darkness is nearly full in its descent, though the rising moon paints the landscape a reassuring silver that bathes it in an ivory glow, bringing the light level to a more passable dimness.

Still, it is not a time when any cat should be heading out alone, especially not as of recent events.

Still, she goes. If she cannot be someone she is proud of, she can at least be someone who is useful—if she cannot be a good cat, then let her be a good mother; if she cannot be a good mother, then let her be a good soldier. The perpetual mourner, she brings death prematurely, and the return of Orangestar had meant the sudden absence of some stress—and the iron - bound weight of guilt to replace it and pull her muzzle earthwards, head hunched against the insistent coolness of the rain that makes her fur cling to her skinny frame. She will go, and hunt, and perhaps visit the graveyard, and bring two birds home like penance.

Moonlight casts her in bleak shadow as she takes her first steps through the exit.

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Hiding from the sun like a vampire bat, Silversmoke found himself in the second-darkest place within camp; a particular spot where tree branches overlapped and crisscrossing leaves smothered the light had become his favourite place in the hot greenleaf months. It felt like a miracle to experience it again, and despite the level which he held his talents, the spotted tabby had to admit that for all of it to have gone off flawlessly was a sign from StarClan that he could never leave SkyClan. There was no greater love than that of his home, something that, despite his confession to Johnny, he hoped the chimera had long since accepted about the tom.

Silversmoke had given himself permission for one night's rest since his return. Now, it was time to be a warrior again. Even from his hiding place, he watched the clan as a sentry, halfway between relaxing and alert. The stalwart statue gave owllike turns of his head upon occasion and, on one such survey, he spotted a lilac tabby heading towards the exit. He blinked fervently until familiar spots and spine fur like a Twoleg coat entered his blurred vision. It was not affection that caused him to stand for the other, rather, instinct drove him forwards, the desire to protect refusing to budge even after a half-moon away.

He followed Doeblaze's steps out of camp, then, with a quickened gait, found himself at her side. Sharp eyes scanned the horizon - the tall pines that stretched to StarClan, and the foliage so sparse it left little room to hide. The spotted tabby huffed and shook his head, turning his attention to his peer. "If you don't want to talk, we won't talk," he promised bluntly, voice stiff from memories of his return. It had been a joyous moment, so happy he almost didn't feel embarrassed, but then he was promptly reminded of the other's reaction and wanted to learn how to curl into a ball like a hedgehog.

Silversmoke knew there was a reason for keeping his spikes... such open affection felt awkward, too personal and vulnerable. Time and bonds had eroded some of his sharp edges but never would it remove all of them. He thought about his words, how to use them now that he did not have the authority to make them stick, and then, just as plainly as before, he mewed. "But you can't leave the camp alone, not with all these rogues. I can shadow you."