it's all fun and games &. geckoscreech

the camp had finally settled– well as much as they could given the recent events– and chilledgaze seemed a bit restless. they tried their best to seem like they had it more together than they did upon finding pitchstar but they could only do so much. sighing heavily, they watched the dark sky, ears twitching at the stars before they just breathed out a sigh.

"this is kind of fucked up."

no, it wasn't just kind of fucked up. it was extremely fucked up but it wasn't as if they could change that, could they? with a scoff, they stood up, making their way near geckoscreech. seems she couldn't sleep either but given what had just happened... who could blame her? the newly– and rather abruptly– appointed leader seemed to hesitate a moment before they nudged against her. they pushed their ears back with embarrassment, only to sit next to her.

"quite a night, huh?"

they still weren't good at small talk. they still couldn't even talk to her without feeling like an idiot as soon as their words came from their mouth. they lifted their paw to face-palm, with a deep sigh.

"you know... i could die. on the way to moonstone. before i even get there. or even on the way back– nine different times. you really should... I don't know... uh... spar with me... one last time. y'know... just in case I die."

real smooth, chilledgaze. you've always had such a way with words when it came to mollies. they snorted internally. they just loved to make themself seem like a mouse brain, didn't they?

misfortune has found a place among the marshlands, never to be seen by the naked eye but always lurking through the bog watching its inhabitants go on about their day unknowing that a spectre is biding its time to pick out a victim so that it may beckon them into death's waiting hands while they remain none the wiser. its led leaping toad, briarstar, twilightfall, flickerfire and now pitchstar down a path where they weren't given option to turn back but to continue forward while the ground beneath their paws began to crumble and grow unstable.

geckoscreech got lucky, she managed to recover just in time for new-leaf to show up and replenish their swamps with much needed vegitation and prey but there was hardly anytime to rejoice. a quiet sigh is pushed out from her lungs, shadowclan is in desperate need for a break.

"quite a night, huh?"

chilledgaze makes a sudden appearance after gently nudging against her before taking a seat leaving them to bask underneath the gentle glow of the moon. the ivory she-cat would only hum in agreement to the words spoken, ears twitching slightly in their direction to show she was listening but chilled's next statement was recieved with a turn of her head and an expression of bemusement. " please, we do not need history repeating a third time." its mewed with tiresome inflection but she continues. "if you wanted to spend time with me you can just say so upfront. no need to come up with some morbid reason." geckoscreech flicks her tail against their flank, a brow quirking upwards slightly.

okay, chilledgaze had to admit– maybe it would have just been easier to just ask geckoscreech to hang around them for a little while but where was the fun in that? they only laughed quietly, breathing out a heavy sigh that they didn't even know they were holding in. they only watched geckoscreech for a moment before just shaking their head.

"i just didn't want to sound so... sappy. not really my thing."

they lowered their head on their paws, tail flicking back and forth and back again.

"i'd be lying if i said i wasn't worried about going, however. that rogue is out there... stars only know if he's continuing his killing spree. i can fight, and i can fight dirty, but i don't think i have the strength to survive something like that. not after a horrid leafbare."

they only rolled their eyes but they couldn't help but chew on the inside of the cheek with an anxiousness. they held their breath for a moment before just turning to the molly beside them, brows raising upwards with a small smile.

"in any case if i do die, you'd be a lovely leader. shadowclan could use a pretty leader every once in a while."
imagining chilledgaze with a moony personality seems to bring forth a huff of mild amusement from the molly, it's both an entertaining and strange thought to picture a feline like them pulling out all the stops in attempts to woo a potential lover. it's hard to picture anyone in shadowclan doing anything grand impress someone else. geckoscreech personally thinks most of them lack any sort of class or manners maybe aside from halfshade but that's a whole 'nother thing on it's own considering the torbie had fallen head over heels for a tom she considers no more interesting than a brick.

something about beauty is in the eye of the beholder?

the older warrior pushes that thought aside for another time and fixes her focus back onto chilledgaze, listening as they express worry over the rogue that might still be around. "it's reasonable to feel concerned about it especially if you consider everything that's happened to us so far but it's good that you decided to bring smogmaw along for the journey. no rogue is stupid enough to try and take on a fight when they're at a disadvantage." geckoscreech scoffs.

there is a subtle warmness that travels to the tips of her ears when they make their next remark and is unsure why it renders her unable to speak for a few seconds, perhaps it's just rare to hear such a compliment these days so it threw her off guard. the rosette queen is quick to clear her throat and flit her gaze elsewhere. "you aren't going to die. i refuse to let the one cat i tolerate in these swamps to leave me behind to tend to these goons." she quietly huffs out, settling down onto her stomach now.

chilledgaze only watched geckoscreech talk. it was a sound that they could certainly get used to. they could fall asleep, not because they'd be bored but because geckoscreech's voice seemed to be a gentle wave that the new leader had gotten used to. when she had first been appointed as a lead warrior, right up there with their promotion to deputy, chilledgaze didn't have much of an opinion on her. they only had hoped that she was ready to fight for her clan, as they had been.

she was. but she hated pitchstar. why she stayed loyal, chilledgaze didn't know, but they'd kept their promise before they'd started to spar together more often. they didn't tell a soul about how geckoscreech felt. they still wouldn't, even now that pitchstar is dead. thus was the beginning of a beautiful friendship. they sparred all the time, and got closer with each pin. it was a very nice thing to look forward too.

"oh, are you saying you care about me? that you like me? that you love me, even? say it again. i wanna relive the moment over and over again."

a rare purr rumbles in their chest as they nudge the lead warrior with a cheesy grin. it only lasts for several heartbeats before they blink, losing their expression. what... the fuck was that? they rubbed their face with their paw, turning away with a nervous and rather embarrassed flick of their ear. you cannot be serious right now. be still my beating heart. they have a feeling that geckoscreech could probably hear their heart thumping against their ribcage. any louder and the entire forest would hear it.
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it's certainly rare to see chilledgaze grow rather bold now with their saccharine coated words and tacky grin that spreads along their lips as if they managed to unearth some sort of special secret the lead warrior had been keeping from them. geckoscreech lets out an incredulous scoff that seems to hold no real annoyance but instead light-heartedness before she retaliates with a gentle swat to their shoulder, the corners of her eyes crinkling with subtle mirth. "don't be so full of yourself. maybe i should've just said nothing at all and left you guessing for the rest of time."

geckoscreech doesn't admit it outright yet but having this small moment to just chat and relax was a welcomed change of pace from the constant hardships shadowclan often faced. it reminded her of much simpler times, a time where she hadn't closed herself off from the rest of the world like so many have done already.

a shame that their banter is short-lived though as her companion's expression shifts into something more akin to embarrassment as they hide themselves away behind a paw which causes brows to quirk upwards in puzzlement. "don't tell me you've gotten all shy on me now, chilledgaze. was that gutsy act just for show?" geckoscreech teases, curling her tail closer to her frame.

well, shit. now geckoscreech had begun to tease them back, even accusing them of having put on a show. it was a hell of a lot more easy to be a teasing flirt when one wasn't consciously aware of it. they turned their head back to geckoscreech, snorting playfully as they flexed their claws.

"you'd like that, wouldn't you? for me to be shy around you, like a silly kitten? that's where you're wrong, darling."

they rolled their shoulders forward, taking in a deep breath before inching closer to the lead warrior. they move their tail to gently flick gecko's chin, lids lowering, lip curling upward as they gently flashed their ivories.

"and i like to think i have every reason to be a little pompous. i mean, look at me. i'm certainly to die for... don't you think?"

they could be a nervous wreck later. this moment would haunt them in their dreams, but for right now they had something to prove. it was only in their nature to feel as if they needed to prove others wrong. and right now, geckoscreech needed to know that she wasn't right– even though she truly might have been.