private It's all in my head but I want non fiction / Sfogliatella


time to rumble!
Jul 13, 2024
ᯓ⚘ Oakrumble has felt something stirring within herself, a loneliness she has not felt in ages it seems. There's something twinging within herself-- a yearning for a deeper companionship that is not found in the posse of felines she protects fiercely. This despondence keeps her awake at night, frightfully aware that of the fact that at fifty-six moons, Oakrumble has still not settled. In fact, the brutish she-cat seems to push away all advancements. Almost thirty moons ago... Oakrumble had been betrayed, her heart casted aside by Sonia... No, Oakrumble has erased all memories of her, overwritten them with the dedication she has shown Skyclan since her first breath inside this camp. This yearning she feels pulls at her frail heart like a puppeteer, urging her to make those connections Oakrumble has denied herself of for all these moons.

A champagne flash, that was Sfogliatella's first impression on Oakrumble. She was a complete opposite of Oakrumble... pretty, well-spoken... Sfogliatella! That name! So odd... but it echoed in Oakrumble's ears like morning birdsong. The torbie wanted to know so much about Sfogliatella, where she came from and why of all places she came to live with the wild cats. But for the first time in her life, Oakrumble is dumbfounded by somebody and nervousness has prevented her from approaching the gorgeous molly. For why would Sfogliatella want to be spoken to by such a flippant, harsh voice?

It is not as if Oakrumble woke up with a plan set in stone to speak to Sfogliatella, but her attempts at hopscotching around them for the past 5 odd moons have been proven to be exhausting and frankly embarrassing for Oakrumble. The orange hued feline is kneading feathers into her nest-- her fourth this moon as she battles insomnia-- when there, in the the corner of her vision, the champagne flash. Oakrumble pauses immediately and raises her lofty head, her deep amber eyes flitting to catch sight of Sfogliatella. Sfogliatella! She smiles subduedly and her feathery tail swishes in the moss beneath it. "Sfogliatella," she drawls softly (well, the best soft voice she can manage) in an attempt to grab the femme's attention. "An odd name. But I can't help but admire the way it sounds." Oakrumble means well, saying their name is odd-- frankly, it is not the oddest in this clan, Oakrumble would reckon. It was odd, in an endearing sense. "Hey, you look like you'd be good at making nests. I have been uh, not sleeping well. Care to help? You could... tell me about yourself while I do this? You also seem like good company."


A rugged yet softened drawl pulled Sfogliatella out of her stupor, as though still waters had lie unborn within Oakrumble's body, as though the woman's body had not told a story of peace nor lush life. Brilliant azure gaze settled upon the tabby warrior, donning the stripes and the scars of the tiger, a made and crafted beast. Still did Oak's tail swish about, belying any sort of monstrous contortion that her body could have relayed, and Sfogliatella seized such an opportunity to break through. At the molly's compliment of her rather exuberant name, the kittypet chuckled as she raised one paw to a bashful velvet-laced face, like downy coat rivuleted in pastels and roses. For all her ironbound and steeled sinews, there was still some charm beneath the rubble and grit. Sfogliatella had always been inclined towards the stronger and the more imposing, anyhow. She would take her chances any time that she caught upon them. "Grazie mille, tesoro mio! Oakrumble is quite a name as well, if I do say so myself. How'd you get a name like that? Yours must have an incredible story behind it..." Sfogliatella purred as she batted her eyes to the tabby, like she were the pulp of a tender peach, saccharine and inviting all the while. Deep ambers did not burn into her flesh, rather lilting upon the purls and the curls, careful not to damage the pilose pelt with even a stray glare.

"I can try, amore mio. My housefolk usually make my nests for me! But I'm sure your bed of... leaves and green things is comfortable, too. Nevermind about the modest living conditions. I'm Sfogliatella, though you may call me whatever you wish. I hail from the Twolegplace, and I came to Skyclan seeking family that I had heard lived around the neighborhood. I did manage to find my sister, but oh, mio Dio, it seemed too easy! So, I've decided to tag along with Skyclan and see how my sister and her friends run the place. You've met her, vero? Florabreeze's her name now. Looks sort of like me except with darker stripes and fur and all that sort. Same long fur, though. Props to our heritage." She attemped to weave the gathered feathers into a pre-made nest, though it was quite obvious that a housecat did not have the dexterity necessary for such a task. Still, she tried, and she was nothing if not stubbornly stupid at times.
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-ˋˏ Oakrumble knew of Sfogliatella's accent, but to hear the unfamiliar phrases and odd lilt spoken towards herself is new and ivorgorating. Her harsh, scarred features soften immensely as Sfogliatella lifts a paw to her pastel face, which conceals the molly's chuckle. This gesture causes Oakrumble's throat to rumble with the beginnings of a purr, the sweet mannerisms of this molly are hypnotic to watch. A gentle bat of Sfogliatella's eyes and Oakrumble freely admits, "My names origins are not very grand, oak seemed fitting for my strength-" Oakrumble rolls her broad shoulders back, straightening her posture and casting a demure half-smile at Sfogliatella. "-rumble is for my... well I don't remember, by the stars... How embarrassing!" Her tattered eartips begin to warm as she cannot recall the reason for her cherished name, ah, perhaps Oakrumble is much too nervous around the soft demeanor of Sfogliatella.

Admittedly, Oakrumble had not expected Sfogliatella's pampered paws- yet to be hardened by the forest and harshness of the warrior lifestyle- to be much assistance in the assembling of her nest. Besides, Oakrumble is no amateur in nest weaving due to the quickness in which she must remake nests after restless nights. I can try... "You can watch, perhaps one day you would make your own nest and should know how to do it." Her broad waves weave excellently, padding her nest with feathers for extra comfort.

"Ah, yes. Florabreeze! And you are shadowing her, hmm? That's good." Oakrumble's eyes are casted upwards as she speaks to Sfogliatella but her paws move like it is second nature and so she does not realize when her paw accidentally covers Sfogliatella's, applying gentle pressure upon hers. The she cat quickly removes her paw and sets it down, swiping her tail around her forepaws. She apologizes, "My apologies..." She adverts her eyes away from Sfogliatella- it is obvious from the comment she had made about their nests that she may not be well-adjusted to this life so far, and so Oakrumble doubts she would appreciate being touched by rough paw-pads, tinged with dirt and as large as the rest of herself.

Oakrumble regards the nest and nods. "This'll do," she hoarsely murmurs, nodding approvingly. The feathers that Sfogliatella weaved were not as uniform as those Oakrumble's paws had touched, but Oakrumble doesn't mind uniqueness, strange qualities. Hell, Sfogliatella's uniqueness is what drew herself to the molly. It was not often a soft kittypet joined Skyclan which such... eye-catching features. "So tell me, Sfogliatella... would you ever consider becoming a fulltimer? Leave your 'housefolk'?" Oakrumble is genuinely curious, and oh, she really does wish to hear this cat's strange way of speaking more...

  • OAKRUMBLE she/her, warrior of skyclan, 56 moons.
    lh chocolate torbie, stout and muscular she-cat with an overbite.
    important relations blah blah idk
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking

    penned by @ken_Unot, feel free to dm for plots on disc!