Cloudypaw padded into camp, a pink flower clutched between her jaws. While out on patrol she had spotted it and she just couldn't resist grabbing it. It had felt kinda of silly to be picking flowers while patroling, but she had seen Sunnyday bring tons of flowers back to camp. Surely she was allowed to take home just one.

On the way back though, she had a better idea than keeping it.

Her gaze swept camp until she spotted Patchpaw. Then she took a deep breath, and headed towards the other apprentice. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. It was a familiar feeling, one that often came with her nerves, but this time it was different. There was a warmth to it too. The kind she had come to associate with her thoughts of Patchpaw. She had an idea what that meant, even if she wasn't ready to accept it. Right now, she was just giving a gift to the molly who had saved her life, Cloudypaw told herself. Nothing more.

"Um, Pashpaw?" Cloudypaw tried to say through the flower in her jaws, her ears folded back in embarrassment as she heard how she sounded. she dropped the flower between her paws. "Patchpaw, I saw this while out on patrol and um. I wanted to give it to you." She stated awkwardly, pushing the flower toward the other apprentice.

//wait for @Patchpaw

For most of the day, Patchpaw had been busying herself with something very peculiar—or at least, peculiar to most people. She had just pulled a flimsy, wound-together sheet of moss off of a crevice in a rock, exposing many different feathers she's collected from each bird she's caught. Most of them were brown, but they had a shiny glimmer to their tiny quills that Patchpaw adored greatly.
It was then, though, as she was sorting through her little pile of collected feathers that she hears a muffled voice call a name, and although she isn't sure if it was supposed to be her name—for she didn't know anyone named 'Pashpaw'—she quickly stuffs the feathers back into their proper crevice for safe-keeping and sits up.

Cloudypaw stood a few mouse-lengths behind her, watching her with a bashful look in her amber eyes, and Patchpaw gasps at the flower she drops. A gorgeous, newly-bloomed pink flower rests at her paws, pushed closer to her by Cloudypaw—and it was for her! With an excited squeak, she quickly drops down into a crouch to peer at the flower closer, pupils as wide as moons. Its petals were such a pleasantly cute pink, bloomed out in its full, pristine and untouched glory, with a long wonderfully green stem, a clear-cut difference from a ravaged, charred forest.
She was completely infatuated with it, for there was something about the flower that she couldn't quite place. Whether it was the idea of such a gorgeous little thing grew out of a disaster or Cloudypaw's sheepishness towards gifting the flower to her, it undeniably warmed her heart.

"This is beautiful, Cloudypaw! I'm—oh gosh, I don't even know what to say!" Patchpaw squeals with a bright laugh as she ever so gingerly picks up the flower, careful as to not damage the tiny fragile petals, and tucks the stem behind her right ear. A perfect addition, and it fit comfortably!
"Thank you so much!" She beams, and as if her smile couldn't get any bigger, it stretches from ear to ear.

It seems as though Cloudypaw's idea had gone right over her head and into the sky without Patchpaw taking a single notice.