IT'S ALL JUST FOOD Y'KNOW - stir crazy

The worst mistake Cloudypaw had ever made had been to join Thunderclan. Her mother had been wrong to send her here. While her siblings had managed to find their place here, she felt more lost than ever with every passing day. Even before the cold had set in, she had barely been able to catch a thing, now she was completely helpless. If it wasn't for the rest of the clan, she would have starved by now. The guilt of that tore at her every time she took prey from the freshkill pile.

When she had arrived, she thought that she would at least be safe here. Even if she didn't fit in. It was worth at least giving it a chance. Her mother would never send her into danger, she reassured herself. With a whole clan of capable cats around her, her uncle among them, nothing could hurt her.

That was before Morningpaw died and Howling Wind lay bloodied in the medicine den.

If she could, she might have taken the risk of running all the way back to twolegplace on her own. Bearing the wilderness to make it back to her mother and beg her, with all her heart, to be allowed to stay with there. Her change of heart had come too late though, now the snow had trapped them all in camp and there was nowhere she could go.

Cloudypaw lay near motionless in her nest, curling in on herself for warm as she tried to keep her breathing steady. This was all just so much. The only that had kept her from crying at all the past tragedies was that she had been too scared and shell-shocked to manage it. Now that she was trapped in this den that she didn't belong in with the threat of starvation or worse hanging over her, it was all setting in.

She curled herself a little tighter.

She just wanted to go home.​

It had been some time since Moth had sent her children to ThunderClan, believing they would be safer with their uncle after she had lost one of her elder children. Flycatcher had tried his best to help them settle and adjust, but he was aware he had been lacking on that front as of late, caught up with his duties as a lead warrior and that of an impending father.

He hadn't popped his head into the apprentice's den for Cloudypaw - he had actually been looking for Roepaw - but when he sees his niece, curled up tightly and looking quite lonesome his heart aches a bit. "Cloudypaw?" He calls out to her softly. "Are you alright?"

Going out that morning had been a mistake on his part. The snow had been heavy and now he was covered in the white stuff with only his fluffy pelt protecting him from the worst of the chill. Shiningpaw stepped into the apprentice's den with a beaming grin however as he eyed those who happened to be present near the entrance. "Hey! Look at me! I'm a snow monster!" He called out cheerily, his only warning before he shook out his pelt and sprayed snow in all directions. It earned a chorus of groans and complaints from a few, not that he minded.

Shiningpaw carefully picked his way towards his nest so he could have a bath, and that's when he noticed Cloudypaw looking quite small in her nest. "Hey, feeling rough? Actually are you still awake? Oh jeez! I'm probably disturbing you right now, sorry if I am. But you know me, I could chatter the ears off a badger if given half a chance, haha! Oh! Hi Flycatcher! How's you?"


She did not know Cloudypaw or she might not have roughly assumed her dejected state was anything other than the clan's recent events. She did not understand homesickness, while she had kept a paw in both ThunderClan and SkyClan she had never truly felt at home in SkyClan the way the pine forest spoke to her here; there had been no hesitation when she insisted on staying in her mother's clan on that fated day they had to make a choice with hearts already broken. Part of Moonpaw is bothered by any cat she sees moping around camp now and she knows it is not right of her to be, but she feels her hurt drives deeper in that anything anyone else felt and if she was forced to overcome then they had no excuses. Of course, logically she knew everyone healed differently, everyone moved on at their own pace, but she couldn't let it go. So she did not go to see the other apprentice so morosely strewn in her nest when she spotted her passing by, not immediately.
She wanted to be selfish and guard her own feelings instead and besides she had Flycatcher now, the pale tom making his way over with a concerned tone and sympathy in his olive gaze. It was only when Shiningpaw stepped in did she take the chance to enter herself with the distraction, hoping he would hide her as she slipped around him to her own but the sudden flurry of snow going in every direction caused her to utter a shrill squeak of alarm.
Any subtly she had was gone, she was very obviously present and the sigh that escaped her was a great plume of a cloud; moon drowned blue eyes turning to the golden tom with a pout on her maw that was only partially cause of the snow shower.
"You've made everyone's nest cold and wet, if she was not upset before she was now." No. Don't sympathize-don't do it. "Cloudypaw would you like to come with me to get new nesting?"
She hated herself for it. Why couldn't she just turn her empathy off.